港铁兆康站 B2 出口, 步行约15分钟 继续阅读
所有分店 (10)
07:00 - 22:00
07:00 - 22:00
AlipayHK 支付宝 现金 八达通
食记 (19)
等级1 2024-08-16
30 浏览
今日再去翠河用膳,見有蒸飯即管叫個鹹魚蒸肉餅飯,飯是分開碟上的,肉飯熱辣辣都厚身,肉餅有灑上蔥同薑絲,鹹魚都算合理大細,肉餅口感不錯唔似一般茶餐廳「梅梅爛爛」都算有咬口,鹹魚香味十足,啖啖可口,日後會再order 。 继续阅读
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等级3 2024-07-08
25 浏览
喺屏欣苑嗰間分店食過晚餐,覺得都Ok!今日喺屯門出job,試下呢間分店如何。今次係食Lunch: 1️⃣豉椒排骨炒河 $55.00個汁夠我撈曬成碟河粉,排骨都幾腍,河粉爽彈 。2️⃣沙薑雞飯 $55.00初初見佢碟沙薑咁少,心諗夠唔夠我點架,點知原來都夠喎。沙薑夠鹹,同埋有沙嘅感覺。啲雞件都幾嫩幾滑,不過斬得唔係幾好。3️⃣凍奶茶(少甜)$3.00好彩叫咗少甜,因為啱啱好!4️⃣凍鴛鴦(少甜少冰)$3.00比例適中,正常! 继续阅读
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Here's what happened. I ordered a Student Meal set with lemon iced tea(47HKD), and they gave me a regular meal with milk tea(55HKD). I told them that they made a mistake before the meal was given to me, so I was able to change my drink to lemon iced tea. However, they still made me pay for the regular meal price. I told them that I'll not ask for my money back but they should make their waiters listen to the orders more carefully next time. However, the person at the counter (She was around 5 feet 9, and she was around 250 lbs, no glasses, dark haired pony tail) just cut me off while I was making a complaint. Aside from being rude, the business practice of making the customer pay for the waiter's mistake is absolutely fraudulent. I think their problem of not-being able to speak proper English is not a problem at all if they have an honest attitude towards their business. At first, I wanted to leave this review on Google, but their Google location is nowhere to be found so I made the effort to download and subscribe to this app to warn others of this restaurant. The food is just average, so if you want something better, Fairwood is just a few steps away. 继续阅读
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簡簡單單嘅午餐茶記人均$50真心好抵❤️抗疫餐有優惠,另外正餐學生有折有老火湯送沙姜雞飯,推薦度4.2/5🌟雞肉都算嫩滑沙姜汁好夠味44好抵好抵好抵!京蔥牛肉飯,推薦度3.5/5🌟京蔥好捨得比但牛肉稍微韌了一點點味道略淡,調味濃點會更好好抵,附近街坊鄰里&同學仔們簡單食係一個幾好嘅選擇 继续阅读
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等级2 2021-09-11
556 浏览
夜晚差不多9點的富泰商場,除咗m記同kfc, 得返「翠河」有堂食,知道外賣難食,搏下堂食啦!結果服務超差,舉極手都冇人理,唔俾水仲要漏飲品,忍唔住行去水吧位講先有野飲。。。但成杯凍檸都係冰,細吸兩口已冇曬茶(唔記得影😢)。至於碟肥牛炒丁。。。大家睇,62蚊一個餐得4片細塊肥牛,絕對係呃街坊的份量,個一丁炒到濕淋淋,又淋鬼曬,建議大家唔好再幫襯。(PS. 女侍應同黑面收銀態度極差,真係衰到我想粗口鬧人!忍住咗!) 继续阅读
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