港铁湾仔站 A3 出口, 步行约7分钟 继续阅读
所有分店 (5)
12:00 - 23:30
12:00 - 23:30
食记 (87)
等级2 2025-01-10
63 浏览
係唔同分店都食過但今次係真實感受到店員態度非常惡劣人客已經冇乜個洗碗阿嬸抹枱個時叫我地自己行去攞糖水呢個唔係問題我預左冇咩服務可言講真啲糖水已經唔係好食嗌一碗熱合桃糊同一碗熱合桃糊燉奶兩碗都唔熱兩碗都冇合桃味可能係開粉都唔奇食食下另一個阿嬸走出嚟話另一枱兩個大陸遊客叫佢地快啲食啦個兩個遊客一個黑曬面另一個話行啦我們在這裏休息一下個阿嬸就話休息你地想坐幾耐?(仲講左好多野)我地聽到就快快手食完快啲閃我唔知個兩個大陸遊客坐左幾耐但我聽到都覺得唔舒服我岩岩食完擺低隻匙羹個洗碗阿嬸即時走過嚟問俾錢未?真係冇下次我咁大個人都未試過一食野野放低餐具就俾人問俾錢未祝呢間野早日光榮結業 继续阅读
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等级1 2025-01-04
95 浏览
The desserts are reasonably priced, indicating that this is a shop that has been doing neighborhood business for many years. However, in terms of service, it is definitely lacking. The attitude is not extremely poor, but it is far from being good. Initially, I just chose this dessert shop for its convenience, as it was the only one near my hotel. I entered the shop, sat down, and looked at the menu, but no one came to take my order for a long time. Besides the boss, there was only an elderly lady in the shop. So, I went to the area where food is prepared to place my order. I mentioned that I wanted to eat in, and at that time, I had a one-hundred-yuan bill in my hand. The boss implied that I should sit and order, so I ordered the cashew nuts with lotus seeds, which were only available on weekends. Then, I sat and waited. After a while, she had forgotten that I had requested to add lotus seeds, and I was asked to go and pickup them by myself. After finishing my meal, as there were not many people in the shop, I sat and checked on my phone for a while. Then, the elderly lady came and asked if I had paid with an attitude. I noticed that other customers usually threw their money on the table before leaving. She seemed to want to rush me out. The way she looked at me as like I was trying to escape without paying for the twenty-s even yuan. I was really annoyed and decided to go pay and leave. The food was not particularly delicious, and it really ruined my mood. 继续阅读
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因為喺附近工作關係,我間唔中都會嚟呢度食甜品。因為公司附近冇乜甜品舖,都會貪方便去翠苑度食。每次見到廚房嘅一位女士,都會見到佢黑晒面,態度惡劣,對客人極度唔友善。琴日8號風球落波,我趕返公司做嘢,放工後又貪方便去翠苑食。又見到黑面神,加上發現食物質素每況愈下,我決定以後唔會再幫襯。 继续阅读
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等级3 2024-11-06
194 浏览
今日同同事食完飯就嚟咗呢度食甜品,門口望落去都似係傳統糖水舖,我自己對於傳統糖水都幾鍾意👍🏻今次揀咗芝麻糊食,佢係一個好濃郁嘅芝麻糊,未試過好似接近啫喱咁口感😂感覺都幾特別,味道都不錯😋 继续阅读
(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
等级4 2024-10-04
325 浏览
已經好多年冇食翠苑,估唔到咁多年都冇進步過。我想食芝麻糊,又想加粒湯丸,點知得芝麻湯丸,我就只係加一粒試味算。點知呀姐叫我加兩粒,我就估到湯丸一定係伏啦。殊不知芝麻糊同粒湯丸都好普通,我是但食完就起身走人,不帶走半點雲彩。我都好聲好氣問店員有冇得比八達通,點知呀姐話「都話咗只收現金落!」我心諗,幾時有講?加上佢講野口音太勁,好難聽得清楚呀!我諗黎緊日子都唔會再去翠苑任何一間分店啦,都唔明點解架店仲生存到! 继续阅读
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