港铁土瓜湾站B出口, 步行约7分钟 继续阅读
07:00 - 22:00
现金 八达通
食记 (6)
等级1 2023-10-09
436 浏览
講起土瓜灣嘅中菜 應該冇乜人聽過呢間本身今晚諗住試另一間好出名嘅同區中菜,可惜太多人食唔到於是就行吓附近睇吓有咩食見到呢間嘢都係食小菜所以就行咗入去估唔到十分有驚喜呢個椒鹽鮮魷一上台已經俾個份量嚇親😍,印象中好似唔使$100,已經包咗嘢飲同埋一個白飯,一入口勁香炸蒜頭嘅味道,炸鮮魷嘅粉漿唔會太厚,魷魚炸嘅時間亦都啱啱好,唔會太韌,不過就略嫌唔夠多魷魚鬚,記得問店員攞喼汁☺️呢個黑椒薯仔牛柳粒同普遍喺街度食嘅有啲唔同,雖然材料都係平時識到嗰啲,但係個薯仔嘅整法就有少少唔一樣,感覺上冇咁炸比較天然,望落去以為唔夠林,不過咬入口個薯仔好棉好好食👍🏻,而牛柳粒份量亦都夠晒多,食落去一啲都唔韌,好好送飯!雖然菜名叫做欖菜炒四季豆,但係食落就唔覺得有乜欖菜味,四季豆嘅味道同出面其他舖頭食嘅差唔多,不過整體感覺就冇平時嗰啲咁油膩,而且份量亦都好足夠,啱晒大食嘅人!整體來講嘢食嘅味道幾好,不過略嫌食物嘅款式唔夠多,同埋樓面地下有少少污糟,不過以茶仔來講,已經算係好好食同埋性價比好高,比起次次都排唔到隊嘅人氣店,我情願下次再嚟呢啲小店好過 继续阅读
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等级1 2023-10-06
334 浏览
入到餐廳叫外賣, 叫咗一個炒意粉同凍奶茶多奶, 咁見沖緊奶茶嗰陣, 提一提對方, 奶茶需要多奶, 點知疑似老闆娘就話: 我一向沖奶茶都係落多奶, 你杯奶茶已經多到瀉. 聽到真係唔係咁高興, 我只係需要多奶, 唔係要求比多d我囉! 返到屋企打開盒意粉, 份量相比起其他餐廳較少, 但味道都幾好, 不過, 服務態度就唔好, 所以, 我都唔會再去! 继续阅读
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等级4 2023-04-23
459 浏览
A weekend walk around the To Kwa Wan area, we ended up at 豪苑小菜館 (no English name) for dinner because we noticed there was a huge crowd of people. It appeared popular so we got ourselves a number to wait for a table. But we didn't have to wait because apparently everyone there was waiting for takeaway. For takeaway, they have an excellent deal where you get an extra main for every order over $180. That's enough to feed a family and then some!Menu is in Chinese only. There is no English. They offer various Chinese dishes. Some are sets that come with a bowl of rice and daily soup or drink. We decided to order two mains where one was from the daily dinner sets and skipped on the soup as it was fairly hot outside and we wanted an ice lemon tea.From the daily dinner set, this is sauteed eggplant with garoupa ($56). I guess we expected it to be served in a claypot so was a bit surprised it came in a plate that was much too small for the portion we received. It was stacked so high, it almost fell over! But it tasted quite good. The fish was not overcooked. The eggplant was super soft and soaked up all the savory sauce. The other main was from the regular menu and was the sweet and sour pork ribs ($88). It was plated very nice especially since ths is a very casual restaurant. The sauce was more sweet than sour but it was still quite good. The only thing was the ribs were a bit on the tough side.The food tasted good. Service was fast as well especially since they were swamped with takeaway orders. Definitely a place that is good for those that live in the area. 继续阅读
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等级4 2022-07-28
577 浏览
閑時很少會午間吃飯,怎麼這幾天會去這間小菜餐廳點個飯餐,就是因為看到窗牌上有西檸雞。須知道,平日小菜或是餐廳要吃西檸雞應該都最少要$70-$80 ,點知見到唔似這個餐牌40多元午餐都有西檸雞,倒可試一試。飯的份量都不算太多,不過西檸雞只是炸雞粒然之後淋上一些有檸檬的汁醬,即是汁不太多,用來伴飯其實都係容易。雞的份量也不太多,大概只有五、六件炸雞粒,不過不算太小的份量,總算是夠飽的,不過只有油菜一條,碟飯還是有點悶悶。奶茶味道算是不差的,茶不澀夠滑香,亦夠濃厚厚身 继续阅读
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話說公司被業主逼遷,今日中午繼續食外賣,專心執野🥲.老公一早到了公司開始收拾,我中午時在附近餐廳買外賣。開頭幾間都不合大爺心水,到了豪苑見有抗疫自取外賣餐,問了侍應跟正常份量一樣的 (態度好好💕),只是外賣特價,見到今日特價餐好吸引,即刻要試啦!!.在公司開餐時,應該隔了10分鐘,魚塊仍然熱熱地、脆脆地,雖然唔係厚魚扒 (大佬呀,$38 你想點呀!?),但個咖哩汁仲有薯仔、紅蘿蔔,仲要個汁濃濃地,唔稀!成個感覺好好,見到 & 食完之後,個人好開心,好滿意!!.老實講,外賣有呢個感覺,我覺得超值!!!食評唔一定淨係俾餐廳、酒店,茶餐廳都值得有好評!!!💕💕 继续阅读
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