Had the worst goose meat ever, dry and chewy. Sneaky business practice. Told them we wanted to buy takeout to bring onboard. They took a long time to chop up the half goose so we would not have time to open the box to check if ok cos we needed to rush to board the plane. Opened the box on the plane and was so disappointed and disgusted with the ugly sparse pieces of dry sorry looking duck that looked like left overs more than anything we had have at the restaurant in Central at all.
Yung Kee is a Hong Kong institution famous for its roast goose. With a history spanning over 70 years, this restaurant has mastered the art of roasting geese to perfection. The roast goose at Yung Kee is a culinary masterpiece. The skin is incredibly crispy, while the meat remains tender and succulent. Each bite is a harmonious blend of flavors that will leave you craving for more. For a complete dining experience, pair the roast goose with their fragrant fried rice or sautéed vegetables. The restaurant's nostalgic ambiance adds to the charm, taking you back in time. The service at Yung Kee is professional and attentive, ensuring a memorable dining experience.
半年前曾因公司宴會光顧,真心覺得好味,今次家慈生日,決定和人一齊食鏞記正宗粵菜。是晚點咗:佛山汾酒滷燻蹄:酒香濃不嗆,味道唔會膩,做前菜開胃啱啱好蜜汁吊燒鵝掌紮:道菜考手工,鵝掌去骨包埋叉燒粒、鵝肝腸同鵝肝,用鮮鵝腸紮住塗蜜汁炭爐燒香,唔單賣相吸引,味道都極富口感香煎家鄉蓮藕餅:呢道菜比較家常,味道不錯但未算十分出色脆皮燒腩仔:燒腩仔皮薄兼脆, 脂肪唔多,腩肉嫰滑白灼薑蔥豬心蒂: 入口非常爽脆陳皮紅豆沙:陳皮味濃,完美結束晚餐全家上下一致表示滿意,應會再回頭,下次食點心。
就快離開香港,要趁宜家食多幾餐粵菜。個人而言,鏞記嘅粵菜水準超高,雖然價錢偏貴,但真心唔錯! 招牌乳豬一攞出嚟已經好香,夠曬大件,食落口皮脆肉嫩,肥瘦比例剛好,一啲肥膏感都無!另外Xo醬鬼馬炒帶子都好jeng,xo醬汁辣辣地、甜甜地,加埋帶子一齊炒,鑊氣十足。
今日專程去鏞記食特色菜 — 薑葱加拿大麵包蟹。麵包蟹切件非常仔細,食落一啲碎殼和異味都無。師傅用古法烹製,將切件上左蛋白和生粉再炸,完美鎖住肉汁和營養,令到蟹肉好滑嫩、鮮甜無比,加埋半凝固狀的蟹膏,口感濕潤濃稠,很值得大家親臨嘗試。