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巨無霸 至尊漢堡 麥旋風 麥樂雞 薯條 雙層芝士漢堡
食记 (59)
麥當勞又有新產品, 限定蕃茄蛋厚切炸豬扒包, 念新鮮的我, 第一時間黎試試, 蕃茄蛋豬扒飽夾著一塊無骨厚豬扒, 芝士‚煎蛋及洋葱絲, 配上大量茄醬!件猪扒唔乾, 有肉汁, 一口咬落去感覺很不錯, 越食卻滿口麥記蕃茄醬的感覺……拈薯條那包蕃茄醬,  若然個汁比啲誠意會更好!! 继续阅读
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To be honest I skip breakfast especially when you have to dine there because I don't have time or ANY time at all to grab breakfast for takeaway too.The main task is finishing breakfast and leaving ASAP and not about enjoying it.I do remember trying this breakfast ages ago and it was TASTELESS and reminded me of breakfasts on flights.Anyway, McDonald's did a really cool event and served breakfast all day on 1/1/2014.Admittedly I had this for dinner and one was not enough so I had TWO~!I found GRAPE JAM to go with the muffins.This is probably a regional thing because in the UK it would be damn weird having jam with muffins.I also thought it was odd that the jam was grape jam when the norm is Strawberry but then it is probably a regional thing again.Mango is the norm in Asia but elsewhere it would probably be other fruits.The breakfast was served with Soy milk which was fair enough because it is the Far East.Surprisingly, the breakfast tasted good because I had time to really TASTE it and enjoy it.I had all the time in the world to put ketchup on the muffin, then adding pieces of scrambled egg on top then sprinkling black pepper and salt which enhanced the flavour.Previously the egg was tasteless because I had no time to put salt and pepper on the egg.I also tried some grape jam with the muffin which tasted ok but I still prefer egg with muffins and I think the grape jam would probably go better with their sweet pancakes. 继续阅读
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等级3 2013-04-03
81 浏览
出發到長洲前跟同學到IFC吃早餐。本來以為是去喝早茶,但卻來了麥當勞。因為早在家裡喝了杯牛奶,而且向來對麥當勞沒有好感,所以只叫了包餐來吃。煙肉蛋漢堡是鬆餅包面,微暖,但邊位烤得有點焦。包餡的蛋厚厚的,但卻無蛋味;煙肉片味道較像火腿片;芝士的部份是整個餡料最好的一環,因為味道很正常。餐點還送上一杯熱豆奶,可太甜了,甜得像我在韓國一家中菜館喝過的豆奶一樣,大家都是加了很多糖水的豆汁,喝了一半已經不敢再喝。本來都已經不想吃這間快餐店,所以結果也算是意料之內吧。 继续阅读
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等级4 2013-01-22
51 浏览
百物騰貴,當吃一個豬仔包也要$4的時候,這個有2塊漢堡牛肉,加上芝士、醬瓜等材料的漢堡包也只須$8,實在是抵得無話說。漢堡包鬆軟,牛肉雖不是什麼特別級數,但入口也肉汁豐富。加上酸酸甜甜的配菜,中和牛肉的羶味。雖然份量不多,吃一個未必飽,但是以這價錢來說,抵得無話可說。 继续阅读
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等级4 2012-11-18
65 浏览
十一月十六日(星期五)昨晚的大閘蟹宴實在太豐富太美味,令六時多起床的架架妹回到公司還未回魂,也未有胃口吃早餐一直工作到十時,肚子又開始打鼓了!發出警號後,就飛奔到附近的麥當勞買個早餐正值上班時間,不好意思走太遠,所以麥記又快又近,是好選擇!急步到麥記,人龍短,還以為很快會等到外賣早餐可是店員似是剛起床的一樣,還未甦醒的樣子落單又聽得不太清楚,食物速度也來得非常慢明明見到走醬的包已經放了出來,但她們又沒有立即去包裝而且腳步緩慢,完全不感到身處中環的生活節奏最後足足等了十五分鐘才拿到外賣,真有點動氣事實上,不止我一個有這樣的感覺,就連同事們也投訢店員的速度吃了受人歡迎的麥芝蛋包芝士加蛋,十分香滑惹味熱辣辣吃,最好!吃麥記,對食物質素也沒多大要求,只想速度加快好了! 继续阅读
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