食记 (11)
等级4 2013-09-03
641 浏览
難得一天假期 爸爸放假了 我們去飲茶吧家的附近有間老茶樓 在牛池灣村那裡如果從彩虹地鐵站出來 三分鐘左右就到啦真的很方便 而且這裡也有好多公公婆婆或是帶寵物的朋友來 因為座位是坐在室外的雖然有風扇 只是夏天會很熱很熱是真的但卻是別有一番風味 懷舊的感覺喔~這裡的點心幾乎是即點即蒸的因為每次出爐款式都不多 賣光就再蒸囉也因為這樣 食物都很新鮮而且超熱的而且每樣價格都只是十元到十幾元而且真的是平民的價格呀!!!《鮮竹卷》是我們現點現蒸的 XD我們等了差不多十幾分鐘才有超熱的又超新鮮的 湯汁好鮮甜喔肉餡和蔬菜又甜 比酒家的好吃多了《牛肉球》的那種鬆肉粉味幾乎沒有還能吃到牛肉的香味 而且香菜下得不多哈哈 我最討厭香菜了 這個好吃!!!還有我喜歡的馬蹄在 是古早的味道喔~《蝦餃》可能是因為新鮮蒸的關係所以沒有蒸太久 餃皮不會爛爛的 蠻Q的蝦肉好多喔 而且好香好彈牙呀!!!《燒賣》的豬肉比例蠻多的 還有冬菇香氣豬肉不會乾柴 好JUICY 還蠻有口感的《蒸排骨》比大酒家的沒那麼油 只是肉汁排骨好滑嫩喔 下面的芋頭也好入味喔《义燒包》的包皮好Q好軟喔 雖然比較厚但我喜歡XD 而且裡面的蜜汁义燒好香呢!!! 继续阅读
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等级2 2013-08-29
265 浏览
You find the best tasting food in some of the most unlikely places.My friend brought me to this small old style restaurant near Choi Hung where the dimsum was just so good!We came for lunch and had hakaw, spare rib rice, siumai and char siew bao.  I also added an order of a type of dimsum wrapped in yuba skin.Everything was just perfect!My usual standard for a really good dimsum place is if the steamed spare rib rice is done well. In this restaurant, the spare rib rice was excellent.  The spare rib bits were tender and very tasty.  I saw other diners putting soy sauce but I felt the taste was just right and didn't need extra seasoning.I don't speak Chinese but the wait staff were attentive and you just go and point out your orders. I just wish the beer choices were better but we had 2 bottles of Skor which was not all that bad.I hope I can come back to this place next time I am in Hongkong -- I just have to make sure I can find my way back! 继续阅读
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等级4 2012-10-22
208 浏览
想一嚐庶民風味的早茶,市面還有很多舊點心店,但數到環境,氣氛,看來要來到牛池灣鄉一帶。門面破落殘舊的龍城酒家,記得差不多四年前,曾與一班開飯朋友來飲早茶,時間過得真快,彷彿,是昨天的事情。今天只是一個人來,坐在半露天位,夏天來的話一定熱到溶,入秋後來吹吹自然風,像最佳損友內的馮粹帆說:(武林高手都無咁好享受!)點心價錢很便宜,蝦餃只是$13,盅頭飯$14,沒有即叫即蒸,全部現成。茶錢$2一位,慣性要濃普餌,但沖得還是不夠濃。鳳爪色水不大深,味道亦不算很濃惹,還夠入味。蝦餃皮偏厚,有彈性,餡料如蝦肉,鮮甜爽口,$13一籠的水準,好過很多現今新潮點心店出品。燒賣是傳統的味道,以豬肉為主,沒有用蟹子作修飾,完全是小時候吃過的味道。菠蘿包沒有菠蘿,魚翅餃當然沒魚翅,這個包得有點不夠實,皮邊露出點點餡料,還好,內裡的菜肉餡,味道香甜。任由香港怎樣急速發展,獅子山下的牛池灣鄉,一於好少理,坐在龍城內一盅兩件,不問世事,擔心有朝一日,牛池灣鄉會被拆卸重建嗎?未來的事,未來先算,最重要的,是捉緊現在的時光,吸一口還算自由的空氣。 继续阅读
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I was half-convinced that a place like this one still exists, despite recent urban development in the surroundings. Tall buildings risen from the ground in matter of days, changing the lives of the city, alongside their eating habits. You can now see fast food joints being setting up in strip malls, while noodle stalls, or old-time eateries gradually forgotten. I was lucky enough to have someone show me the other side of urban development -- a weekend morning of rediscovering the gem of this area, appreciating an old-time paradise within the networks of the urban jungle. A rush of noise greeted us as we went into 龍城. We managed to get a table at the bright corner and squeezed in. The clinking of chopsticks against porcelain bowls and cups, steam arising from the dim sum carts, and overlapping conversations flying across the room and bouncing back...Friends gathering around tightly around the round table, then the onslaught of dimsum descended. The duck leg wrap -- were exactly how I remembered it. Fried webbed feet and a square of taro root loosely wrapped with bean sheets. I realized that the taro was really the star here -- absorbing all the juices from the duck, moist and starchy at the same time. "Chicken wrap" was a similar form, but with more scrumptious fillings including fried fish maws and dried shiitake mushrooms. The fish maws were soft, spongy and flavorful. Shrimp Dumplings(Ha Gau) and Chiuchow vegetable dumplings (Fen Guo) were of similar textures. The wrappers were super thick and translucent. You can partly see the filling from inside. The shrimp dumpling was a little fragile to handle, and the filling, despite the lack of bamboo shoots, were satisfactory with a delightful crunch to the shrimp itself. The ChiuChow kin was more complicated with the filling -- finely chopped waterchestnuts provided this immense rush of sweetness accompanied by salted pickles and carrots and a strong punch of coriander leaves to yield the harmony of flavours inside the thick-wrapper dumpling. Shao Mai were ok, if leaner meat could be used instead. Chicken Feet were sticky sweet. As Chinese we never had the problem gnawing on the bones and breaking them into bits before spitting them out. Steamed rice came in small metal bowls. The Chicken one was the most popular, as sweet blend of soy sauce went into the moist white accompanied by strips of chicken tenders and a few good tender mushrooms. Rice with Riblets were good as well -- the riblets were marinated through and not overcooked in any way. Steamed beef meatballs were softer than I anticipated. With this big of a meatball to taste less than meaty was seriously strange to begin with. The chopped up coriander leaves and dried tangerine peel were both so strong it masked the true taste of beef in here. Pea-tendril Dumplings were round and looked very much like shrimp dumplings. The filling was soft but oily. Shrimp-filled rice rolls were on par, as the noodles were too sticky but surprisingly light to the palate. Barbecue Pork Buns were soft and steamy, and the filling was sweet and savoury at the same time, as diced pork's firmness shared a contrast in texture with the soft bun. Radish Cake (蘿蔔糕) was an enlarged square with mashed radishes blended within.The meal came to a satisfying end with the bill of $25 for each person. The dimsums weren't exactly excellent, but realizing that I have just witnessed a local treasure that could've been lost due to recent urban developments, I couldn't hesitate to think that I was in much luck to be a part of this. For the very first time the meal wasn't just about food, it was also about history, and the stories behind every table, chair, and the people who have sat on and before them. 继续阅读
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等级4 2009-01-07
94 浏览
在屋村長大的我,在街市附近定必會有一些「排檔型式」的茶居,當年還是上幼稚園的我,就讀的幼稚園就在屋村內,所以經常跟媽媽到排檔飲個早茶,然後才上學,記憶中這個習慣直到小學才漸漸消失。茶居給我的記憶就是,大多數是十二人大餐桌,每次定必與街坊搭檯,同桌的大多是上了年紀的公公婆婆,當然還有像我這些與媽媽一起來的小孩子。今天來到牛池灣的「龍城茶樓」,上述的感覺頓時湧現出來。到達的時間剛好在茶市及午市之間,雖然未至於空無一人,最起碼可以找一個喜歡的位置坐下。原本想有風味一點而選擇坐在室外,可惜最後敵不過「尼古丁」的攻勢,唯有轉戰室內,雖然牆上已貼了多個「嚴禁吸煙」的標語。室內氣溫稍焗促,還好今天天氣清涼,故影響不大。阿姐的招呼周到,正在用膳也立即放下碗筷來招待我們,開了壺「壽眉」再安頓好後,便到「點心櫃」看看有甚麼可吃。阿姐逐一打開蒸籠給我看,點了「鳳爪排骨飯」($11.00)、「雞札」($8.00)與及阿姐推介的「豆苗餃」($8.00)。問了阿姐有沒有「蝦餃」($15.00),她說可安排廚房蒸出來,不過要等一下,這當然沒有問題。「豆苗餃」雖然一籠只有三隻,不過每隻的份量跟粉果相近。外皮黏性很強,一夾下去便黏著筷子,餡料除了豆苗外,還有蝦肉及豬肉,不過味精頗重。吃「雞札」除了喜歡那舊魚肚外,其次就是外面那塊腐皮,這裡雞札的腐皮十分之長,差不多跟餡料打了四個轉,而這正是兒時吃雞札,為何可將腐皮分給二人食用的秘密。味道方面很有懷舊感覺,魚肚雖不太爽,但夠入味。芋頭夠粉之餘亦吸收了各材料的味道,而雞肉及火腿則沒甚麼特別。蛊頭飯除了「鳳爪排骨飯」之外,還有「滑雞」或「肉餅」等的款式,不過我還是鍾情於「鳳爪排骨」多一點。飯粒軟硬適中,豉油份量亦剛好,排骨夠腍同時帶點肥肉,入口甘香。排骨份量很多,一共有兩層,但鳳爪則稍為乾了一點。在吃過飯打打底後,人也暖了一點。大約等了十分鐘左右,即叫即蒸的「蝦餃」便送到,一看之下,發現皮薄至透明,隱約地看到內裡的餡料。不過同時心想外皮薄至此,怕當筷子夾下去時皮便會穿。但這個憂慮沒有出現,外皮不但沒有被夾穿,就連筷子也沒有黏著,而就算在碗內滾動了數下也沒有出現「甩皮」現象。餡料雖不是甚麼高檔酒樓的「靚筍尖、海中蝦與上等豬肉」,但吃下時彈牙爽口,味道亦夠,一點也不失禮。品嚐過點心之後,已決定下次要一試其炒粉麵飯。因為坐近廚房的關係,看見廚師不停的在「兜呀兜」,炒出來的麵眼見十分香脆可口,實在是吸引非常。這裡確實是一個,可以「幾十蚊、幾個人分」的地方 继续阅读
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