港铁尖沙咀/尖東站 B1 出口, 步行约6分钟 继续阅读
餐厅环境宽敞,设有桌球台、酒吧游戏台,十分适合聚会。除各式酒精饮品,亦提供多国菜,如德国咸猪手、札幌叉烧拉面等。 继续阅读
16:00 - 04:30
16:00 - 04:30
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食记 (517)
等级4 2024-06-22
1608 浏览
🍷 After work, my friend and I came to this bar to have a good time. As soon as I stepped into the bar, I could feel that the decor had a lot of style - neon lights and a cherry blossom theme, which gives it a really cool vibe. There's also pool and beer pong, which is great. We ordered:🍡 日本燒丸子 Japanese Dango $15The Japanese Dango has a delightful and subtly sweet taste that perfectly complements its soft, chewy texture.🍖 雞軟骨 Chicken Cartilage $15The Chicken Cartilage has a delectable savory flavor and a satisfying, crunchy bite that makes it a delightful dining experience.🍢 串燒組合 Grilled Skewer Combo $178The Grilled Skewer Combo offers a delectable selection of expertly-prepared meats and seafood, each with its own unique and mouthwatering flavor profile.🐚 燒刺身帶子(一粒) Grilled Scallop SashimiThe Grilled Scallop Sashimi has a sweet, delicate flavor that is perfectly complemented by its tender, juicy texture.🐑 羊肋串 Lamb Ribs SkewerThe Lamb Ribs Skewer boasts a rich, succulent flavor that is sure to delight the senses.🐖 日本黑豚腩肉 Kuro Buta Pork SkewerThe Kuro Buta Pork Skewer has a delightful, melt-in-your-mouth quality and a robust, savory taste that is sure to satisfy.🐓 雞中翼 Chicken WingsThe Chicken Wings have a delectable, crispy exterior and a juicy, flavorful interior that make them a true delight to savor.🐃 牛舌芯 Salt-Grilled Beef TongueThe Salt-Grilled Beef Tongue has a unique and delectable flavor that is perfectly complemented by its tender, succulent texture.🍣 海鮮組合 Seafood Combo $188The Seafood Combo offers a delectable array of fresh, expertly-prepared seafood that is sure to tantalize the taste buds.🐚 燒刺身帶子(兩粒) Grilled Scallop SashimiThe Grilled Scallop Sashimi has a sweet, delicate flavor that is perfectly complemented by its tender, juicy texture.🦪 日本蠔肉 Japanese OysterThe Japanese Oyster has a briny, umami-rich flavor that is sure to delight seafood enthusiasts.🐻 白鱔 Grilled Japanese EelThe Grilled Japanese Eel has a rich, savory flavor and a delightfully tender, flaky texture.🦞 虎蝦 Salt-Grilled Tiger PrawnThe Salt-Grilled Tiger Prawn has a sweet, succulent flavor that is perfectly complemented by its firm, juicy texture.🍝 卡邦尼意粉Carbonara Pasta $108The Carbonara Pasta has a delightfully creamy and indulgent flavor that is sure to satisfy any pasta lover. 🍕 巴馬火腿火箭菜薄餅 Prosciutto di Parma Rocket Pizza $148The Prosciutto di Parma Rocket Pizza boasts a delectable balance of savory and peppery flavors, making it a true delight for the senses.Mocktail🍎 APPLE TREEGiffard mango syrup/apple juice /citrus/ soda🍊 GULU GULU PORCHEOrange juice/pineapple juice/lemon juice/ grenadine💰 Total: $717 for 2 (including 10% service charge). 继续阅读
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等级3 2024-11-23
0 浏览
一直以為諾士佛台只有一啲地下嘅bar,所以好少黎呢到飲下酒。原來樓上有間靜靜嘅bar,仲可以玩下酒Game而且都幾多野食簡,而酒更加係包羅萬有passion wine$158成件事超打卡,外賣好靚。自己唔太飲得酒,勁少少嘅啤酒都好快醉。但呢個好易入口而且唔會好易醉,最尾仲有少少熱情果味,好岩女仔。Apple tree Mocktail$68用左芒果、蘋果同橙調製而成,由酸去到甜,幾好飲仲好大杯。帶子意式青醬忌廉意粉$128始終係黎飲酒,所以唔算好大碟,但一個女仔食一定夠飽。自己幾鐘意呢道菜,因為個汁幾濃。紅酒面頰肉配薯蓉$188肚餓嘅話一定要叫呢個,超級多肉,有成7大舊仲煮得好入味同好腍。蟹肉波波$78呢個係新品黎,有幸可以一試。即叫即炸起,成舊波都係蟹肉。自己平時真係唔太鐘意去bar,但呢間幾夠私隱又靜,唔錯。 继续阅读
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等级4 2024-11-23
0 浏览
今日同朋友想喺尖沙咀搵間餐廳可以飲嘢又可以食小食嘅餐廳,搵到呢間位於熱鬧地帶諾士佛台嘅樓上餐廳bar,同朋友就決定試一試😊見到餐牌入邊嘅選擇都好豐富,有沙律有pizza有意粉仲有好多串燒嘅選擇等等,而且價錢喺尖沙咀嚟講性價比都好高👍🏼我哋叫咗個卡邦尼意粉,意粉嘅粉質好好味😃另外叫咗個小食豬頸肉,燒得好香,配紅酒一流☺️亦都叫咗個鹹蛋黃雞翼同埋串燒,雞翼既口味真係好特別,唔係咁多地方都食到,串燒嘅火候好好,燒得啱啱好👍🏼最後我哋覺得餐廳嘅環境亦都坐得好舒服,好闊落,氣氛好好,推介大家都過嚟試吓☺️ 继续阅读
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等级4 2024-11-14
0 浏览
今晚同朋友去咗諾士佛台:我同朋友叫左黑松露野菌披薩黑松露的獨特風味。披薩底部薄脆,整體口感非常順滑。野菇的鮮香與松露的土壤香氣形成完美的平衡,有森林嘅氣息。我就好邪惡,咁樣叫咗😈德式香腸拼盤拼盤中包含多種香腸,如法蘭克福香腸和雞肉腸。每種香腸都有自己獨特的風味。香腸表面微微焦脆,內部則保留了多汁的口感。現場仲有人唱歌🎶🎤so relax 我同朋友叫左:Gulu Gulu PorchePineapple, Orange, Grenadine我個杯呢就好甜:Happy EndingPassionfruit, Pineapple, Club Soda兩杯都好好飲, 好似fruit punchHere's the translation of your experience at Norseford tonight:Tonight, I went to Knustfold Terrace with my friends:I ordered the Black Truffle and Mushroom Pizza. The unique flavor of black truffle really stands out. The pizza crust is thin and crispy, and the overall texture is very smooth. The freshness of the wild mushrooms perfectly balances the earthy aroma of the truffle, giving it a forest-like essence.I also indulged a bit and ordered the German Sausage Platter.This platter includes various sausages like Frankfurt and chicken sausage. Each sausage has its own distinct flavor. The surface is slightly crispy while the inside remains juicy. There was also live singing 🎶🎤, which made the atmosphere so relaxing.My friends and I ordered:Gulu Gulu Porcheineapple, Orange, Grenadine. My drink was quite sweet.Happy Endingassionfruit, Pineapple, Club Soda. Both drinks were really good, kind of like fruit punch. 继续阅读
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等级4 2024-11-10
244 浏览
尖沙咀諾士佛臺樓上酒吧 睇波飲酒好去處店內環境以花花霓虹燈牌為主 幾適合打卡整體環境幾chii 夜晚會有駐唱歌手表演 仲可以同朋友篤波.酒吧竟然有日式串燒 價錢對比其他串燒店唔貴最平$10-25 (時段1600-2100)$10車厘茄 大蔥串 日本銀杏 雞髀菇$15 雞皮 翠玉瓜 日本燒丸子 青椒仔 雞軟骨 雞肝 秋葵$20日本厚油揚 羊肋串 煙肉車厘子卷 日本多春魚 雞頸肉 免治雞肉捧$25 山賊牛肋串 日本黑豚腩肉 墨魚香腸 虎蝦 南部雞雞脾肉.最多人鐘意⭐️ 香煎珍寶帶子意式青醬忌廉汁意粉$128😍醬汁濃稠包住每條粉 帶子大粒有煎香⭐️西班牙辣肉腸薄餅$128係薄脆底 表面鋪滿辣肉腸芝士但做唔到芝士拉絲 ok啦👌🏻.#hkfunfoodrecord窮遊香港#hkfunfoodrecord_尖沙咀.#咕嚕咕嚕 (尖沙咀)地址:尖沙咀諾士佛臺10號騰龍閣4樓..#hkfoodie #foodiehk #hkfoodblogger #hkblogger #hkfoodies #hongkongfood #食評 #旺角美食 #旺角必食 #油麻地美食 #油麻地必食 #佐敦必食 #佐敦美食 #尖沙咀必食 #尖沙咀美食 #香港美食 #尖沙咀 #佐敦 #串燒 #酒吧 继续阅读
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