港铁坚尼地城站 C 出口, 步行约2分钟 继续阅读
主打正宗的墨西哥菜,部份调味料特意从墨西哥及洛杉矶运到香港。餐厅源自美国加州,老板曾上过电视节目,被誉为Taco King。 继续阅读
11:00 - 23:00
12:00 - 23:00
11:00 - 23:00
11:00 - 23:00
Visa Master 现金 美国运通
食记 (152)
燈光昏暗,差啲餐牌都睇唔到,基本上只有英文版本+少少文字敘述,比較難想像,落單基本上都係講英文。*G.C.S. $180Guacamole + Crisp tortilla chips + Salsa店員即席將兩個牛油果樁成果蓉,加番茄粒、紅洋蔥、芫荽、墨西哥辣椒、青檸汁,調味後會先俾你試味再上菜。牛油果腍但味道未夠濃,配料比較大粒,好難用墨西哥脆片一齊打撈食😂 Salsa Malcajets辣度十足,番茄味道淡啲。Carnitas $50Confit Pork Shoulder. Cilantro & Onion,餅皮唔係墨西哥玉米餅,係普通麵餅,質地軟腍,麵粉感好重。配料係手撕豬肩肉,紫洋蔥,再加埋綠莎莎醬tomatillo salsa verde,好酸好辣,味道蓋過咗肉味。整個taco口感好腍啤啤,唔推薦。Baja fish $60餅皮一樣,配炸龍脷柳、莎莎醬pico de gallo 、墨西哥辣椒大蒜蛋黃醬aioli,加埋生椰菜絲,脆脆哋,口感好啲但有草腥味,整體都係唔太好食。Churros III Ways $108Churros吉拿棒炸到黃金色,灑上肉桂糖粉,外脆但咬到中間有啲腍。配搭焦糖、爆谷,好甜又有口感,有似美式甜品嘅感覺。加埋雲呢拿雪糕,凍冰冰配熱churros好夾。 继续阅读
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等级2 2024-03-13
658 浏览
必食"LOVER'S BEACH TACO" , 係一款生蠔口味的taco , 係本人和在席朋友食過大部份款項中"最愛"! 生蠔非常香濃 , 外皮炸粉亦係香脆而沒有油膩感!Size 亦不會細小,第二round 同朋友share 多一隻 , 口啖口感十分滿足。 生蠔愛好者必試!當晚試左lamb , beef(當晚不吃辣的朋友handle不住), shrimp , pok ... 如多人聚餐建議每款都可試試。另一個人熱推的:Mar Y Tierra 係一款octopus 下面擺住一d 炸過既seaweed 再配上一些醃製過嘅酸酸的mushroom , 相當開胃。需最後甜品order 左兩份Churrps III WAYS , churros 很鬆脆 , Vanilla ice cream 仍很濃郁。回頭機率:100% 继续阅读
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Indulge in the vibrant flavors of authentic Mexican cuisine at 11 Westside, where each dish is a symphony of tastes that transport you straight to the heart of Mexico.Step into a dimly lit haven where the amalgamation of a lively bar and cozy dining area sets the stage for an unforgettable dining experience. Whether you're sipping drinks at the bar or savoring a meal with friends in the comfortable seating area, 11 Westside creates an unpretentious atmosphere perfect for delightful conversations and culinary exploration.We started our culinary journey with the G. S. C. (Guacamole + Chips and Salsa) Dive into the perfect blend of ripe avocado, lime, red onion, cilantro, and local chili, paired with the signature Chips and Salsa Molcajete for an explosion of flavors.Taco Fiesta 🌮Indulge in the savory delights of the Carne Asada, featuring charred Wagyu skirt, avocado, cilantro, onion, and Salsa Molcajete. For a burst of coastal goodness, the Mango Shrimp taco with butter garlic shrimp, avocado, chipotle aioli, and mango salsa is an absolute must.Yellowtail Ceviche - A Symphony of Freshness 🐟🥑Immerse yourself in the standout dish of the evening - the Yellowtail Ceviche. Delicately marinated in citrus, this culinary masterpiece boasts a perfect blend of Yellowtail Hamachi, tomato, red onion, cilantro, avocado, grilled flakes, and red pepper. Each bite is a harmonious dance of freshness and flavor!Adobo Octopus 🐙Crispy-fried arugula and Brussels sprouts providing the perfect textural contrast to tender octopus. Grilled cherry tomatoes burst with flavor, and a hint of charred lemon adds a zesty twist, creating a dish that's as visually appealing as it is delectableFire Roasted Chicken🍗For a hearty finale, indulge in the Fire Roasted Chicken. Picture a whole chicken expertly roasted to perfection, accompanied by fries and drizzled with guajillo vinaigrette. Charred spring onions and jalapeno provide a smoky kick, while queso fresco adds a creamy finish, making it a true feast for the senses.11 Westside not only brings the vibrant and authentic flavors of Mexico to your plate but also creates an inviting atmosphere where every dish tells a story. A culinary haven for Mexican food enthusiasts, 11 Westside is a testament to the artistry of Mexican cuisine in the heart of Hong Kong. 继续阅读
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最近來到了一間在西環隱密度超高的餐廳,位於住宅樓宇浚峰的1樓,卻要從旁走一條小樓梯才能到達,入口並不好找,亦正因如此所以餐廳給人感覺份外神秘~和朋友下班後分別喝了兩杯,不得不說這裡的餐牌很有特色,以籃球雜誌作為主題,我們分別點了Cheizaw、Amnesty That、Negroni和Bees Knees,調酒師也會因應你的口味調整份量,所以口味剛剛好,這裡的Cocktails都很有水準,加上環境較暗讓人很放鬆,值得一試♡ 继续阅读
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等级4 2023-10-05
1817 浏览
聽講堅尼地城有夜繽紛,有夜市$20燒賣,去探訪之前就係附近搵嘢食,OpenRice見到有間食墨西哥菜幾吸引,我一於帶埋B🐷去搵食。呢間野門口唔係地面,要喺爹核士街入去巷仔見到有樓梯上一樓再轉右先搵到餐廳門口,都幾隱蔽😅。5點9去到佢哋都未開門營業,喺門口望望下等左陣,我哋就做咗第一批客人,因為係Walk in嘅客,所以就坐喺中間吧枱。入面燈光昏暗,睇個Menu嘅時候都睇到好辛苦,要有心理準備😌。AL PASTOR 🐖 4.5/5 $50 呢款Taco係由豬梅花肉、莎莎醬、牛油果醬、洋蔥粒、燒菠蘿🍍而成。個taco皮軟硬適中,唔會太硬,又唔會比嗰啲醬汁淋濕😜,加上佢入邊嘅配料新鮮爽甜,豬肉幼嫩,菠蘿嘅鮮甜,成個配搭好夾😍😍。POLLO ASADO 🐓4/5 $50又係類似嘅Taco不過係轉咗做雞肉餡同埋冇咗菠蘿,今次就比較乾身少少,但係雞肉都大粒嘅🥰,佢哋切咗粒狀都係想方便進食,整體嘅味道配搭都好好😊😊。MANGO SHRIMP 🦐 4/5 $60佢哋嘅蝦仁都係切碎咗,但有酸酸甜甜嘅芒果同埋一塊牛油果片,芒果同牛油果嘅軟滑口感,同埋爽口嘅蝦仁配搭都幾好味😙😙。CHICALI TAQUITOS 🌯 3.5/5 $138呢個藍粟米卷拼芝士、莎莎醬、酸忌廉醬,外皮比較煙靭,加上比較酸嘅沾汁對於小編嚟講麻麻哋。地點:位於堅尼地城c出口方向,行5分鐘就見到一棟私樓再搵樓梯上1樓。環境:酒吧格局,入面有高身吧枱,卓球枱,牆身有唔同嘅噴漆,昏暗環境下同b🐷談下心飲下酒輕鬆下好有feel🫶🥰。價錢:50蚊一個taco,但性價比高,可以集中focus taco😍😍,聽講星期二taco night有半價,搵日happy hour再去先🤪🤪。我哋埋單人頭$300,都幾夠飽。服務:需要用英文溝通同點餐,介紹taco時會逐一解釋😍😍,我見另外客人叫Guacamole嗰啲,店員會親自埋枱現場制作,幾有打卡feel🤩🤩。 继续阅读
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