港铁大埔墟站 A1 出口, 步行约7分钟 继续阅读
11:30 - 22:00
11:00 - 22:00
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食记 (33)
等级2 2017-06-01
750 浏览
昨天生日,就同呀仔試下呢間啦,晚上七點去到,可能平日,只得一枱客,我同呀仔點咗個二人套餐,價錢$338+10%,都算抵食。首先係暖的餐包同粟米忌廉湯,粟米爽脆,幾好飲。跟住香辣芝士蝦丸,好脆但好咸,都幾彈牙。主菜揀了西班牙黑豚豬扒同龍蝦汁海鮮意大利飯,呢個豚扒好香炭燒味,淋淋地我鐘意,另外意大利飯我無試過,不過貌相好好,呀仔亦都食曬。之後兩杯凍檸茶,正常味道,最後甜品味道OK,整體感覺是以呢個價錢食到中上餐廳級數係非常抵食,環境清靜,不過好多蚊,我會再幫襯! 继续阅读
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等级4 2017-04-14
731 浏览
今天lunch team gathering. 再来backyard. Quality 同 service 都keep 到,好味!烤雞胸set跟tuna salad 前菜,Salad 好新鮮,tuna 好味,可惜得二小片…主菜烤雞胸,出其地 唔老!肉質有彈性及軟軟地,好味又唔肥!French fries 鮮炸,好香囗,亦可以跟飯或意粉可惜番茄他他sauce 就一般,太辣,好多洋葱😑,未必人人鐘意!Coffee都可以,大埔區有質素西餐唔多,Backyard 算有質素及扺食! 继续阅读
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等级1 2017-03-28
629 浏览
I am a matured man and laugh about people taking pictures of their food to post in Facebook or Instagram. I don't care much about writing reviews of restaurants either. However, I think I am obliged to write this.Ever since moving to Taipo 3 years ago, I have had some very disappointing dine out experiences. Nothing had prepared me for what I had last night. It was my young brother-in-law's birthday. I persuaded my wife to celebrate it with him with a dinner. I proposed a local Chinese restaurant where I have been quite pleasantly surprised at the food quality. She preferred a Western style one and picked this one. I checked with Open Rice and found some very promising reviews and nice food pictures so we went.The young man and I ordered charbroiled Australian ribeye. My wife panfried fish which name I've forgot now. We had their daily soup that was a pumpkin purée.The bread that came with the soup was far from anything represented in the pictures we saw in the other reviews. It was actually those cheapest rolls dyed artificially with yellow colour that you'd call 餐包仔. Two were squished. None was fresh, not to mention cold and wet. The main courses came when we were halfway into our soup but knowing the bad manners of Hong Kong local Western style restaurants, I forgave them. I was totally unprepared for the steak. It was cold. I don't mean not hot enough kind of cold but cold cold. I calmed myself to maintain the atmosphere. My brother-in-law was so enthusiastically telling us his new job that I did not want to spoil the party. He was still doing his soup so I waited to see, slicing slowly into the tasteless beef-lookalike material. If it were not for my wife's timid temperament and the even more sensitive character, I would have summoned the chef and given him a lecture. To my surprise my young relative continued his supper while still talking happily about his colleagues and the new routines he was so excited about. Hong Kong people really have spoiled the restaurant owners here.The nature of my own business has related me closely with fine dining so I have had the privilege of eating some of the nicest restaurants in town and to exchange with the chefs. Before I spent a good part of my life abroad I grew up here in HK in a grassroot family. So i have a pretty good picture of the spectrum of food places here. For the price, I would have either go to any of the local fast food chains for their cheap 鉄板燒 of steak with added tenderiser and save at least 30% of the price for a beer in a neighbourhood bar. Or I would have go to some of the Cantonese 酒家 for a great value seafood dinner.Please don't spoil the restaurant owners on Taipo anymore and start to demand the quality you would expect for what you pay. Don't post all happy reviews here in Open Rice even you have had a poor meal. All these are making Open Rice unreliable, and encouraging bad service and poor food in Hong Kong. 继续阅读
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等级1 2017-02-28
636 浏览
食物尚算可以,唔可以話好好味!價錢都可以接受倒,一分錢一分貨。地點比較偏僻一點,如果唔係住大埔既話層難揾架!我食之前係openricea個app訂枱,跟著去到個侍應話冇訂,原来去前要打去confirm!如果食最好打電話直接訂枱。 继续阅读
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等级1 2017-01-16
1123 浏览
本身openrice 搵西餐食,見到呢間就揸車黎試下。佢個位有d 難搵,但入到佢都好靚員工態度好好,盡量幫我地安排個好座d 既位,調左兩次。叫左個肉眼排同魚,個湯好濃好入味,個包又熱,沙律都好好個排一般,但魚幾好味,好有驚喜,會再黎 继续阅读
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