港铁上环站 A2 出口, 步行约5分钟 继续阅读
18:30 - 00:00
Visa Master 现金 美国运通 银联
食记 (19)
等级4 2020-03-11
1831 浏览
First time here and was quite impressed! A casual fine-dining French restaurant that uses the best seasonal ingredients and does very well in terms of execution, with sides and sauces that put each dish perfectly together. The tasting menu starts with a few snacks, which included potato chips and dip, chicken skin and mushroom tart - all very light and delightful. First course was heirloom tomatoes, a nice refreshing appetiser. Then next was the supplemental Hokkaido scallop with city's and bread crumbs. It required a supplement of $150, but was totally worth it! The scallop was very fresh, and the creamy yet tangy emulsion nicely complemented the sweetness of the scallop. After that was their "Beet's Bread & Butter". Unlike most restaurants, they actually serve their bread as a course on its own, and quite rightly so. Their sourdough was freshly baked, super warm, dense and soft inside, with a hint of tartness which I very much liked. The crust was crunchy but not too hard, as it sometimes can be at some places. The other type of bread, some kind of bun, was relatively ordinary, but nice and soft nonetheless. Their "caviar butter" was also very nicely flavoured, and very soft and easy to spread. Moving on to the mains, my favourite was the fish course. There were monkfish and threadfin, and both were very flavourful and fresh. The threadfin also had that perfectly crispy skin. A superb dish! For the meat course there was a choice of chicken or beef, and I opted for the latter (supplement of $230). The portion of Japanese A4 Kagoshima wagyu was quite generous, and it had beautiful marbling. The meat was super tender, fatty in a good way, but I was hoping for more intense beefy flavour. The accompanying braised onion and garlic chips were on point, making it a very good dish still. Finally the dessert was roasted koji ice cream. Now, I'm not usually too excited about ice cream desserts, but this was exceptional! The koji ice cream had the simple elegant taste of spice, while the brown sugar tuiles, which melted in my mouth, gave more complexity of flavour and added an extra element of sweet indulgence without being too heavy. The dinner ended with some petit fours and decaffeinated tea, providing a nice small conclusion. The overall dining experience was enjoyable and I was quite pleasantly surprised with the quality of the dishes. It's pretty good value too, at just $895 for the tasting menu, and $1275 including all the supplements (the Hokkaido scallop and the wagyu). There aren't super fancy ingredients like truffles, caviar, sea urchin etc. but they do use top quality seasonal produce and make the best of it. Would highly recommend this place to anyone who want a nice dining experience with really good food, but without the exorbitant costs or formality that usually come with fine-dining. 继续阅读
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等级1 2019-12-25
1164 浏览
I booked Christmas eve dinner at 8:45pm which was the only time available via online booking. The day before, they called to confirm the booking and asked if I preferred an earlier time, and I said yes, and changed the booking to 8:00pm. The person then asked if we had any allergies, a nice touch that made us feel they cared.This is my second visit to Beets. I had a very good dinner the first time, opting for the vegetarian tasting menu whilst my friend chose the normal tasting menu. This time, I opted for the normal tasting menu whilst my friend chose the vegetarian tasting menu. There were several rounds of snacks, several rounds of starters, a couple of rounds of main courses, and three courses of desserts. Which is to stay that there was plenty of food and a good variety of flavors and ingredients.  The waygu beef ($230 additional) has a melt-in-your-mouth consistency and came with mulberries, an interesting pairing that worked. The surprise was the house-made bread - sliced sourdough bread and spiced fennel/caraway seed buns, both of which were quite exceptional.I would say I liked the vegetarian tasting and the normal tasting menu equally, and would have been happy with either. It looked like they changed the ingredients and flavor combinations for many of the courses since my first visit 2-3 months ago, which is a good incentive for patrons to come back every now and then.With the waygu beef supplement, the bill came out to be HK$2,000 for two without drinks, which is good value for money for the quality and amount of food served, compared to many other restaurants with tasting menus.Aside from the food, the ambience is very cosy and comfortable (ceiling was quite high), with service that feels like you're in a neighborhood restaurant.  All the servers were all very nice and friendly, and knowledgeable about the food they served.  One of young chefs even came out and opened the door for us and bid us Merry Christmas.  Well done Beets! Definitely worth a visit! I'll be back soon. 继续阅读
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這天剛好有機會吃到這間多國菜,餐廳的位置還蠻僻靜的,我們大概在下班後六點多來到這裡。這時餐廳裡一個客人也沒有,但是裡面已經點起了蠟燭,感覺還蠻浪漫的🙃記得這間餐廳是需要訂位的喔,可以提前來留下信用卡等資料booking。這天的晚餐menu裡,有素食跟肉食的套餐。大概每位是港幣六百多七百多上下🤐肉食的部份只需要選新界雞🐥或牛🐄就好了,頭盤跟甜點也是一樣的。另外我們還加點了一個course 帶子。這天晚飯在吃吃喝喝中很快就過了3個多小時,因為沒有拍到menu,加上每道菜介紹的女服務生有比較重的口音,所以就憑印象大概記錄一下吃了什麼😝餐廳內放了很多潰物,可能就是根莖的材料吧!每個套餐也可選每道菜配一杯果汁或是配一杯酒。我選了普通單點的cocktail,名字很難唸,所以我就選了一個平常會喝,以gin酒作基調酒的cocktail。第一個上桌的是麵包🥐沒有拍到照片,吃下去時是內軟外脆的,暖暖的麵包很好吃。接著上桌的是starter,脆脆的馬鈴薯絲鋪上沙拉醬蠻開胃的下面是我點的cocktail🍸,gin酒味適中再來一個starter, 上面有玉米,下面是脆脆的toast, 清爽好吃來到這道醬汁很特別,口味也蠻複雜的菜。酸酸的醋配上像是在吃乳酪般的豆腐,上面鋪上一塊塊青色的(也不知道是什麼)口感清新又特別接下來也是酸酸甜的optopus,跟上一道的豆腐有點像,也蠻清爽開胃的,這是其中一道我很喜歡的菜式這是額外加的帶子,醬汁上還有脆脆的東西,配在一起很棒,這道便是我的最愛啦接下來的這道是魚,魚皮🐟煎得很脆,肉也很嫩,醬汁份量配得剛剛好終於要來到主菜啦,牛🐄的份量比想像中有點少,肉也比較肥。牛的表面煎得有點略帶煙燻的味道。牛是3分熟的狀態,搭上旁邊黑黑的醬跟脆脆的配料,加在一起吃蠻好吃的啊甜點時間來了,奶泡加上荔枝,可以解去牛的油膩感冰淇淋🍦配上焦糖跟威化,甜甜的很滿足沒想到最後還每人有一個迷你的焦糖馬芬蛋糕🍰,附上一杯茶🍵跟幾顆有點草本味,看似用草莓造的小方糖🤖吃完了真的會大滿足!😋😋😋 继续阅读
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我本是威士忌的初哥,今晚多謝朋友帶我,參加了 The Whisky Library 為尊貴客戶舉辦的 Samaroli 品嚐宴,嚐到多款頂級的威士忌,大開眼界,想不到本來並非重點的餐菜,同樣喜出望外!任何對威士忌有認識的朋友都會聽過 Samaroli 的名字,因為創辦人 Silvano Samaroli 是威士忌界一位舉足輕重的人物,他所創立的 Samaroli 品牌自70年代起推出了無數頂級的威士忌獨立裝瓶,大部份的出品均被公認為最好的威士忌系列,售價自然亦不菲。Samaroli 首創 No Age 原酒威士忌,帶出原酒強度的潮流,什麼叫做原酒這些技術性的詞語就講住咁多先,對於初哥來說,最重要就是知道 Samaroli 所選的原酒質素極之高,即是非常香醇,而且具獨特風格,相比平日熟悉的知名品牌刁鑽,簡單講,就是不一樣的味道!酒宴主題名為:Celebrations of the Perfectly Imperfect品酒的口味因人而異,沒有所謂完美,但就是未能完美方才別有韻味。威士忌向來都是飯後酒,因此酒宴的次序亦與紅白的酒宴不同,並不以食物相配,反而是餐後由 Samaroli 的接班人 Mr. Antonio Bleve 來個分享介紹,名酒逐一而上,清飲醇味。酒宴場地設於中環 Beet 餐廳,想不到本來並非重點的兩款小食及四道菜,簡約風格,喜出望外。 人未齊,餐桌上準備了麵包、牛油及小吃。Snacks: Cucumber, basil, herbs青瓜配上香草汁及食用花,看來漂亮,味道單一,飯前吃口爽脆的青瓜亦未嘗不可。酒宴自然亦有不盡的香檳及紅酒相伴,但我就沒有參詳是什麼牌子的。Chicken liver parfait, pickled grape另一款小吃雞肝芭菲相比實在,略為填肚。Sugar snap peas Soy beans, herb oil晚餐的第一道看來清簡,青豆配香草油、混了少許冰菜,估唔到食落又幾好味,青豆飽滿富豆香,冰菜爽口,冷凍成冰的香草油培增潤澤,清脆俐落的口感,組合有新意,有點北歐的味道。Hokkaido Scallop Roe, leek鮮帶子本身軟綿綿,灑上了大量香炸韮蔥粒及魚子之後,口感增加了酥脆惹味的層次,昇華了不少。Threadfin Cabbage, bamboo shoot這一道道魚,烹調方法幾特別,薄如紙的白菜皮包著幼滑的魚肉,再配合汁豐的白菜、甘荀及忌廉汁,同樣是有層次的佳餚,少吃到的做法。Pigeon Pickled beetroot, mulberries白鴿的處理方法同樣叫好,處理得恰到好處,鴿肉粉嫩,鴿皮煎香微焦,燒汁豐富惹味,幾乎完美的效果。Granny Smith Ice Cream Lovage, hazelnut細心地在軟滑的 Granny Smith 蘋果雪糕上,配上脆粒、食用花及獨活草汁,變得很有層次;成份特別,令人有另眼雙看之感。整體而言,這一頓晚餐,簡潔有新意,在烹調得非常鮮嫩食材上,添加香脆層次令其成功昇華,正是我喜愛的口味,相當不俗。好戲在後頭,品酒會終於開始。今年正是 Samaroli 及 The Whisky Library 各自的五十及五周年紀念,因此特別釀製了一些特別版,幸運的我,今晚大開眼界。看顏色可見年份及成份,配合餐牌排列,次序由從左方開始。Caol Ila HK Edition 11 Year / 2007 / 45% Grassy, salted butter and fresh yeast A private cask exclusively for the Whisky Library $1860Glenlivet 18 Year / 1999 / 45% Fruity tones of banana, apple and apricot $5800Bas-Armagnac 1964 (Heritiers T.) / 1964 / 42.5% To celebrate 50th ann, Delicate floral and fruity scents, red fruits, sultanas and dates $26380Samaroli Diamond 50th Ann / 45% Vatted with 1967 Tomintoul and 1997 Glen Keith. Fruit, floral, honey, vanilla and ripe pears $6300Demerara 29 Year / 1989 / 45% Dried figs, dates, walnuts and hazelnuts  $5150可見第一款顏色清澈透明,11年的酒,今晚來說比較淺,飲落有點草藥的味道,同時亦有草原的氣息,均衡柔順的口感。接下來的飲第二款,即時感到糖分較高,年份久一點,成份有較多果子,怪不得,回甘方才見辛口。而五款當中,第三款的 Bas-Armagnac 1964 即時令我印象最深刻,深顏色及濃厚糖口感的味道似曾熟悉,原來是因為有葡萄成份,對於我這些平日慣飲紅白酒的,份外有親切感。 但講到最喜歡的,反而是排第四的 Samaroli Diamond,因為它流露着濃郁的花香果香。Demerara 給予我的印象不深刻,可能味覺開始有點麻木,要唞一唞。不只如此,原來今晚可以任揀任飲,這些絕不是擺設。 Perfection 50th Ann Highland Park / 1988 $15300再來一支50周年紀念特製的,更配合Baccarat 水晶杯飲,敲一吓清脆的聲音,然後品嚐香醇的烈酒,寫意滿足。 Bas-Armagnac 1925 (Chateau de Gaube.) / 1925 / 45%萬分感動,又再來 Bas-Armagnac,剛飲過1964年,現在是是更年長的 1925,講真,味道方面沒有多大分別,但口感更豐濃。矜貴的威士忌,精彩的一夜! 继续阅读
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等级3 2018-07-10
3845 浏览
係餐廳網頁見到佢個Weekly lunch menu main course係羊腩所以即刻衝嚟。咁整嘅羊腩真係第一次見,羊係新西蘭Te Mana Lamb,去咗骨,外脆內軟,仲有層薄嘅肥,非常有驚喜Rock rice都係第一次試,口感豐富而比較Risotto軟,都幾特別。和牛Tartare用嘅肉頗重油份,但加咗啲好似麵包碎同紅菜頭去中和,效果唔錯。提醒呢間餐廳嘅Sourdough麵包係自家每日新鮮製作,但唔係Complimentary嘅,建議一定要叫。 继续阅读
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