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食记 (3)
由地鐵站出口行入金鐘太古廣場就會見到呢架BUTTER 曲奇車,充滿美式復古情懷,打卡一流,今次試左CHEWY OATMEAL RAISIN(燕麥提子乾軟心曲奇),外脆內軟,有着經典美式曲奇的煙韌口感,有咬口又唔算太甜,size唔細,$25 一塊唔算貴 继续阅读
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等级4 2023-08-22
320 浏览
Butter is one of my favorite American cake shop. It makes cakes if I need a super sweet kick that reminds me of home. Now they have jumped on the cookie bandwagon and created Butter Cookies. A cute pink colored van in Pacific Place.All the cookies they have are on display.Menu is in English only. There is no 10% service charge as it's takeaway only. They offer 7 different cookies for $25 each. Flavored milk is also available.They also have a promotional deal for one cookie and one milk for $30 after 3 PM. This is fairly good deal as one cup of milk costs $15!I decided to get a Lemon Crinkle and a cup of Cinnamon Almond Milk. The cookie was wondeful! Chewy with a bright lemon flavour. A small bit of icing was on top to give it an extra bit of sweetness. It is fairly sweet. The almond milk was wonderful. Strong cinnamon flavour that was not too strong to cover the taste of the nutty almond milk. It was also very cold. Perfect with the cookie.A bit on the sweet side but Butter always has been a bit on the sweet side. A nice promotional deal with the milk.  继续阅读
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等级4 2023-04-22
399 浏览
這間曲奇專門店已經開業一段時間 之前都想試 但發覺媒體已經有報道 所以怕人氣太旺 所以到現在才試 今日來這裡時 發覺都唔係想像中的大「人氣」都係好事其實我一直都見有人不斷到來光顧 但唔會太多 一個一個這樣到來 大家都一塊一塊的買 不過我最想食那幾個味道其實已經無晒這裡最好嘅地方就係可以試食 雖然試食嗰幾款味道係無晒 只係For試食 這個真係好奇怪 不過可以試咗先決定 店家都算大方和有誠意 花生醬味試咗更加想買 唯有等下一次再買 我買咗朱古力粒 口感都係一般美式曲奇🍪沒有太大驚喜 继续阅读
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