今天同男朋友吃完飯。。。行過 Chez Shibata。。。見到D cake 幾靚。。。決定喺度食甜品。揀左 "紅桑莓心形蛋糕" and "香蕉moouse cake" 首先食嘅係 "紅桑莓心形蛋糕"。。。個味道係幾好嘅。。。酸同甜配合得唔唔錯。。。texture 都幾 smooth。。。不過唔知喺唔喺擺得耐。。。個餅底好濕。。。一 pat pat 咁。。。完全誤喺一件 $40 蛋糕 嘅質素!見件cake唔對路...我地咪嗌個侍應過來問吓乜事。。。佢竟然同我講 『我哋呢款心形蛋糕個餅底不lou都係咁。。。喺D糖水嚟㗎。。。個味無變就OK la』我夠知o個D係糖水嚟㗎啦。。。唔通係鏹水咩佢咁講我咪咁聽lor。。。只不過人地美心/東海堂 D cake $10 一件個餅底都唔會咁啦。。。有D失望!
今天同男朋友吃完飯。。。行過 Chez Shibata。。。見到D cake 幾靚。。。決定喺度食甜品。
I've bought 2 coupons at $88 each. We can choose any 3 cakes with one coupon. A pretty good deal. But we have to finish 3 cakes in one time for 2 persons. There seems not much cakes left. As I am afraid those nicer cakes will be taken by people who came after me (also holding coupons), I didn't spend much time in thinking what cakes to choose. So, I order the following: (1) Must order item: Ceur des bois (Red heart-shaped signature cake) $38Only one left. I think I am lucky to get the last one.
I've bought 2 coupons at $88 each. We can choose any 3 cakes with one coupon. A pretty good deal. But we have to finish 3 cakes in one time for 2 persons.
There seems not much cakes left. As I am afraid those nicer cakes will be taken by people who came after me (also holding coupons), I didn't spend much time in thinking what cakes to choose. So, I order the following:
(1) Must order item: Ceur des bois (Red heart-shaped signature cake) $38
Only one left. I think I am lucky to get the last one. Very nice looking. With rasberry filling. Tastes a little bit too sour (or may be I've tried the other sweet cakes). A really soft mousse filling. (I think that's called bavarois?!) This cake seems like the one that I've tried in Petite Amanda. I think their ingredients are pretty much the same. But I think the one of Petite Amanda tastes better. But this one looks better~
(2) Saint Marc (Caramel, vanilla and chocolate mousse) $36
It looks rather typical. But I was attracted by the cream inside the cake (I am a super cream-lover) and the ingredient: caramel.I can say I quite like this~ the cream is a very soft and smooth one (Good!). The caramel is not too sweet and is also balanced by the bitter chocolate mousse. But as a sweet-lover, I don't mind if the chocolate mousse is a sweet one too. But it may turn out to be too sweet to most of the people.
(3) Mont Blanc ( Crispy Almond Meringue coated with 62% Dark Chocolate with chesnut cream on top) $40
This is the most 'complicated' one among the three. It consists of chesnut cream on top, chocolate, almond meringue & some almond crispy thing (sorry, I don't know what exactly it is! ) Chesnut cake should be my all-time least favourite. But as this looks really nice and costs $40, so I don't mind choose it!!! And it turns out to be my favourite among the three. The chesnut cream is really soft, smooth and tastes really good. Mixed up so good with the extra crispy almond thing inside.
I still have one coupon left and I can't wait to try another three cakes.
The girl who serves us seems lack patience. Seems not willing to serve customer and she asks question in a quite impolite manner. (Maybe, too much coupon-customers. But of course, it is not an excuse at all!!!!!! ) And she didn't say 'thank you' when hand in the cakes to us. The one standing next to her seems better.