港铁西营盘站 B2 出口, 步行约4分钟 继续阅读
08:00 - 16:00
08:00 - 16:00
08:00 - 16:00
09:00 - 18:00
09:00 - 18:00
食记 (88)
等级2 2024-05-15
839 浏览
来咗呢度几次,喺西营盘地铁站出来,行一阵就到,位置都算方便~咖啡拉花靓,每次都有新图案 用来打卡几好;而dirty系用咗特别嘅杯,一啖可以同时饮到热咖啡同冻嘅牛奶,口感丰富~Egg benedict 整得好有心思,附上比较特别嘅沙律酱,而且蛋嘅生熟度岩岩好,配上牛油果,煎肠 三文鱼,味道好夹;本身我唔太喜欢食面包,但都觉得个English muffin整得几好食 ,加上沙律菜感觉几清新。店员几友善,整体感觉不错,回头率高。 继续阅读
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等级4 2024-04-29
895 浏览
Indulge in the mesmerizing world of #CoffeeArt, where coffee transcends its role and becomes a canvas for artistic expression. In Hong Kong, you'll find the most stunning latte creations featuring intricate lion and butterfly designs. Witness the transformation of coffee into a true work of art, as talented baristas turn their craft into award-winning masterpieces. Despite their small size, these cafes are definitely worth a visit! 🦁🦋Immerse yourself in the beauty of #CoffeeArt as you explore the vibrant coffee scene in Hong Kong. These cafes are renowned for their exceptional latte art, where baristas skillfully pour and sculpt the foam to create stunning designs. From majestic lion motifs to delicate butterfly patterns, each cup of coffee becomes a masterpiece that delights both the eyes and the taste buds. ☕️🎨The dedication and talent of these baristas have garnered them numerous awards and recognition in the world of latte art. Their passion for their craft is evident in every pour, resulting in meticulously crafted latte creations that leave a lasting impression. Prepare to be amazed as you witness the skill and precision that goes into each cup. 🏆❤️Despite their small size, these cafes exude a cozy and inviting atmosphere. Step into these artistic havens and be captivated by the attention to detail in every aspect, from the carefully selected coffee beans to the delightful pastries that complement the coffee experience. Don't miss the opportunity to savor both visual and gastronomic delights in these extraordinary coffee destinations. ✨🌟Embark on a journey of sensory delights as you embrace the fusion of coffee and art at these remarkable #CoffeeArt cafes. Indulge in the beauty of latte masterpieces and elevate your coffee experience to new heights! 🦁🦋☕️🎨 继续阅读
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之前已经嚟过几次~每次都好多人好满座~不过好彩嘅系通常好快就有位唔驶话等好耐😆今次2个都选择唔叫All Day叫Bagel🥯烟三文鱼系必选😋叫多个牛油果🥑mix埋变烟三文鱼牛油果Bagel好好食🤣至于咖啡拉花真系好出色🥹拉咗系龙🐉同松鼠🐿️当然2杯嘢都系好好饮的☕️ 继续阅读
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等级3 2024-02-13
704 浏览
Flat White 喜欢Nutty的我觉得不错喔🤍咖啡味超浓(⁎⁍̴̛ᴗ⁍̴̛⁎)好怕饮到啲好似咖啡味牛奶嘅咖啡 呢道饮嘅感觉系有牛奶嘅咖啡☕️好饮好饮~(唔知有冇人明我讲咩🤣)拉花唔洗讲 超特别🥲好欣赏cafe有咁靓嘅拉花 而且每一杯都唔同!唔怕同一齐食嘅朋友撞款打卡唔靓🤣🐒.Hashtag crab special 当日嚟系下午茶时段 所以谂住一份两个人share😆啲crab劲足料🙊🐷同沙律夹埋好正好juicy~个包系仲脆嘅牛角包 咁juicy嘅馅加个咁脆嘅包一齐食 真系几夹🙊觉得济嘅/蟹有腥味 好细心准备咗柠檬☺️落咗之后酸酸地咁 同个蟹又出奇地夹👏🏻.呢道唔算太多人 环境亦好chill🐒有机会会嚟多啲希望可以见到更多唔同款嘅拉花😆 继续阅读
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等级1 2024-01-06
699 浏览
2024年第一次探馆。 虽然距离车站有一段斜路,但馆内满满的人已是信心的保证。 前台的crepe很是吸引。 点了hojicha crepe, 甜度适中。 好食过lady x 🤭 点了Flatwhite 及 Mocha. Latte Art 果然如江湖传闻,杯杯都有惊喜。 见到咖啡师还有很多特别出品。 然后如果有点 车仔饱再叫甜品又有折。 下次要再来试吖! 继续阅读
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