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食记 (18)
等级3 2023-07-03
382 浏览
層次口感都超豐富嘅cold brew真係入口即刻驚艷☕️老細話係mix左三隻豆加上一大舊冰感覺好chill😄唔知飲咩問老細一定冇錯!佢人超nice話說呢度係咪隱世咖啡大師聚居地附近幾間都感覺好好飲 继续阅读
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等级4 2022-05-28
672 浏览
這天同事請喝咖啡,我在公司看到外頭下著毛毛細雨,不禁擔心我的咖啡會化成雨水。同事兩手空空的回到辦公室,然後在背包取出一盒罐裝咖啡。這兩罐都是冷萃咖啡,綠藍色的是普通版,而橙色的那罐則是有氣的。我的咖啡留著晚上溫習時才品嚐,我覺得開夜車真的非常需要美味的咖啡!這個咖啡整體來說不酸,亦不苦,喝下去亦覺得美味。但說到兩款咖啡味道有什麼分別,我則覺得它們很相似,就是有氣的那款質感比較豐富,喝起來特別爽;而沒有氣的那款則能更好的細味味道! 继续阅读
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做完FACIAL行經銅鑼灣新會道,見到新開咗間coffee shop,紅磚牆裝潢充滿英倫風,店面好靚,岩哂打卡影相~Drink Up除咗咖啡之外,仲有自家製罐裝 Cold Brew、咖啡豆、掛耳包等等,特別一讚女店員好有禮貌又親切~Matcha Latte味道香醇濃郁,淡淡苦澀味夾雜茶香,抹茶味同奶味兩者好平衡,入口香濃順喉!另外再試埋全新自家製罐裝咖啡:Cold Brew Coffee,濃濃咖啡香,清爽得黎帶點fruityCold Brew Tonic,果味重,微微汽泡感好特別罐裝保存期限長,方便隨時隋地飲,而家夏天雪凍飲會更加正添啊~ 继续阅读
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等级4 2022-05-14
834 浏览
The SOLO area of Causeway Bay has become a haven for coffee. There are so many tiny coffee shops all in this small building block. All manned by one person. One of the newest ones is Drink Up. Taking over the place that once served ice cream and smoothies, this place serves up coffee on the go. It's takeaway only. There is no seating available.They also serve cold brew in a can so you can take it away with you.Menu is in English only. As it's takeaway, there is no 10% service charge. They offer various types of espresso based coffee and non coffee as well. They do not provide any food to accompany coffee.They do sell indiviual coffee drip bags and canned cold brew.Boyfriend and I decided to get a morning coffee. He had an ice mocha ($43, on the left) and I had an ice latte ($38, on the right).  The cup was sturdy and I did like the pop up lid that made drinking this very easy. The ice mocha was very sweet and chocolatey. Boyfriend quite liked it. The latte hit the spot. A ratio of milk to espresso. The espresso was strong and went down smoothly.I decided to get two canned cold brews for my coworker during our night shift together. Something to share while we work and it was my turn to buy drinks. The canned cold brew was a perfect idea. Most cold brews are in glass bottles and easy to break. But these were in cans. Much easier to take with me. I got a regular cold brew ($40) and one mixed with tonic ($50).  Popping them into the fridge, the cold temperature was kept longer than glass. The cold brew was smooth with a bit of fizz. The drink was clear with a hint of floral accents. The one with tonic was even better as it had a touch of sweetness. Like a soft drink.A nice little takeaway coffee stand. Especially love the canned coffee concepts as they can be drunk later. And they last longer than bottled without tasting stale. 继续阅读
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等级4 2022-05-12
502 浏览
喺銅鑼灣做完野約左人又未夠鐘就周圍逛下,路過見倒有間小店以英倫風紅磚牆做門面,非常醒目搶眼就埋去八下。原來係一間外賣咖啡店,除左手沖咖啡,佢地都有花茶同其他非咖啡飲品。Iced Chocolate($48/M) - 雖然佢地主打賣咖啡,但朱古力飲品都一樣唔馬虎,店員會問我鍾意咩口味嘅朱古力,甜啲定苦啲咁,最後就出左哩杯啱我口味帶少少苦嘅濃郁朱古力。頂蓋打開蓋咀就飲得,唔飲住都可以閂返埋,方便又衛生。除左即場飲嘅手沖咖啡,原來佢地仲有賣自家製嘅罐裝Cold Brew咖啡,可以單枝買亦有連埋茶包嘅set裝。Cold Brew Coffee($40) & Cold Brew Tonic ($50) - 罐裝真係好方便,以前要飲cold brew真係要去咖啡店先有得飲,喺屋企就只可飲普通罐裝咖啡。而家連cold brew都出埋罐裝,買定兩罐喺屋企看門口,雪凍佢隨時飲都得,又或者帶去郊遊都得。Cold Brew Coffee顏色比其他咖啡淺色同通透,比較似茶,口感比較薄,入口有咖啡香味,但就冇左澀味。而Cold Brew Tonic就多左少少氣,飲落會比Coffee甜少少,同帶少少微酸味。總結,咖啡同其他連鎖咖啡店定價差唔多,但咖啡質素同服務盲拍得住精品咖啡店,罐裝cold brew非常方便隨時都飲得,喺附近做野或行過想叉下電可以試下。 继续阅读
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