給客人最大自主度的漢堡包店,先選漢堡用料,再選用哪種芝士、醬汁、配菜及麵包,當然亦有現成的漢堡包款式供應。 继续阅读
推介: Jimmy the Greek
12:00 - 02:00
Visa Master 现金 银联
Bangkok Bang Double Truffle Happy Cow Jimmy the Greek Morning Glory
食记 (54)
等级4 2013-05-27
1213 浏览
The burger is the star here, if you love quality you've gotta check out this restaurant... the quality was obvious. Fresh ingredients and the burger didn't leave you with that 'heavy, greasy feeling'. I washed it down with a beer, which was a perfect combo. I find it interesting that some peeps (previous comments) thought it was too pricy. It was as advertised. All I needed was the burger (believe me they are a meal on their own). Lets face it - the reality is with good food.... You get what you pay for. This cool joint is definitely worth the drive.Burger meat is quality tasting. The burger was juicy and flavorful. I love the fact that sesame seed buns were used. The onion ring was crispy and the ratio of toppings to burger to bun was spot on. Fresh buns, healthy sized beef patty, no soggy lettuce, accompanied by crispy onion ring. Everything you want in a burger, a meal in itself. No drips of grease as you eat, just that succulent burger taste you long for. Overall an 8/10The place was small and rather quiet comparing to other restaurants in the same area. There were 2 or 3 other customers while we were there. Perfect little hang out place with a couple of friends for a quick bite. This is the huge meun right beside the entrance, basically you can 'make' by that i mean combine your own favorite ingredients into one by following the steps listed there. However, my friend and i found it rather complicated, you have to pick the patty, sauce, pickle etc etc. We had it figured out half way down the list then we realised there was some signature burgers listed on the right lol. We then of course gave up choosing one by one and decided what to get in no time. Just one complain we have, a bottle of beer cost us $55 and a can of coke cost us $30. i mean no offense but this is clearly not a 5 star hotel restaurant. From the look and the size of it, it is more like one of those 'eat and go'. who would charge this much on drinks? It cost you no time but fridge and ice to store it, way more easier than making a burger. anyways, i do hope the work out the balance some time. (7-11 is right across!!!) 继续阅读
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等级4 2013-04-21
535 浏览
12月25日, 聖誕日正日夜晚有party, 喺未去個party之前就去醫一醫個肚先, 免得個party太夜開始先有野食~ 想試呢度嘅burger好耐, 感覺佢d burger有幾多選擇, 但係就因為冇睇價錢而中招…::: Kick Ass Burger ::: $58叫咗個佢地嘅signature burger, 其實即係一個好classic好正常嘅漢堡, 有安格斯漢堡扒、芝士、蕃茄、生菜咁, 仲有佢地嘅signature GBU sauce~ 漢堡扒係即叫即煎嘅, 所以都要等一陣先上枱, 切開個漢堡包, 料唔算好豐富, 主菜嘅漢堡扒唔係好厚, 雖然望落幾粉紅唔係全熟, 但係肉汁亦唔太見到… 其他材料好似生菜蕃茄都擠到好扁, 所謂嘅GBU sauce都同沙律醬差唔多咁… 麵包都係鬆脆嘅, 可惜已經係成個漢堡唯一可取之處, 材料唔足夠, 加上漢堡扒太乾唔juicy, 只屬於M記足三兩嘅質素…::: French Fries With Cheddar ::: $30呢個薯條份量都多, 有成兜嘅薯條, 只不過芝士唔太夠, 食到底會冇晒芝士, 份量真係要再儉討下. 粗薯條本身有肉, 炸得都唔會好燶, 配上濃郁嘅芝士食味道好豐富, 仲可以任落茄汁同芥末, 更加添薯條嘅美味~::: Sprite ::: $30真係離晒大譜!!! 竟然一罐汽水要成$30! 仲狼過搶喎, 係咪飲咗會識飛?! 雖然我自己冇睇清楚都有d唔啱, 但係都唔駛咁樣掛! 如果你話幫你倒埋, 送杯冰, 整少少色水野都話順d, 而家係自己攞, 杯都冇隻, 仲要唔夠凍! 如果知道咁貴寧願飲smoothies好過啦! 離譜!本身漢堡同薯條都唔係話咁差, 只係俾個汽水搞到一肚氣, 散叫預咗貴, 但都唔需要咁盡丫… 唔怪之得睇勻咁多張枱都冇人飲野, 店方係咪可以咁忍心睇住食客乾啃漢堡包, 如果係咁不如唔好賣汽水啦. 继续阅读
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等级4 2012-11-01
298 浏览
叫左個southern swine ($68)同potato wedge($28), 用張 coupon唔加錢Southern swine: 塊牛肉細過足3兩, 煎到個底硬左, 再加埋塊乾硬化煙肉, 真係好梗牙好難食! 最好係果幾條火箭菜同芝士potato wedge: 唔熱, 無調味...唉!真係比M記更差 继续阅读
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Weekend行完山成3點鐘先搵野食, 求其黎左呢度. 一入去, 嘩~ 好大個餐牌. 好多種burger揀. Burger價錢唔算好貴. 但野飲就好貴, 一罐汽水30蚊, 仲要係自己響雪櫃羅. 即係逼我齋食唔飲者! Traditional hot dog: 條腸好長! 幾好味, 唔會太乾或太油, 汁的份量亦關剛好, 有d酸菜嚮面幾夾. 麵包亦幾好, 唔會界口或太硬.Italian job burger: 呢度burger標榜d牛係grass-fed. 食落鞋口, 一d都唔juicy. 好在汁同菜都夠. 冇乜服務可言. 是日廁所亦壞左. 衛生情況好似有d問題, d檯有d污衊. 有烏蠅飛. 總結: Hot dog幾好. Burger唔會返黎食. 要響中環食burger, Shake'em Buns 好味好多. 野飲好貴. 計埋價錢, 應該唔會返黎. 继续阅读
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等级4 2012-06-13
114 浏览
雖然自已極愛甜, 但純以甜品當正餐的次數實不多, 上週六就再有機會感受一下。 連續兩場甜戰後, 自然想吃些咸食中和一下, 大家竟然同時間提出想吃炸薯條, 還差點要在the lounge點上一客呢! 朋友及時阻止, 提出就近美味又經濟的選擇多的是, 於是馬上轉場到GBU。 漢堡包看來同樣吸引, 只是這次一心想吃薯條, 唯有留待下次再試吧! 在座有部份不是辣怪, 所以點選一份不辣的french fries with cheddar cheese($30)。 新鮮即炸, 即使等上十分鐘也是甘願的。 成品用上紙兜裝著, 細看每條都胖胖的, 很飽滿的樣子, 微微金黃, 不會過火。 也許太心急的關係, 大家都沒有你推我讓, 畢竟都想快點解甜。 拿上手都感覺到那股熱力, 但冒著燙口的危機也要馬上放進口中。 外層脆脆, 內裡軟糯, 薯味突出, 鹽不得不多, 較淡口但吃得出薯仔的甜香。 半溶芝士份量很少, 基本上就像單吃一樣, 沒有太多能掛在薯條上。 凝固速度快, 加上所選用的品種不太夠奶香, 未能與薯條擦出太多的火花, 不過單吃薯條也不失色。飲品方面, 當然要奶昔才算是襯。朱古力奶昔($48)由兩位朋友共享, 據知味道挺好的, 濃濃的又順滑, 下次再來真的要獨享一杯才稱得上痛快。這天甜得過份卻甜得高興, 甜魔指數又再上升, 希望快點又可以相聚一起再大吃特吃吧! 继续阅读
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