港铁佐敦站 D 出口, 步行约4分钟
Minimum Charge for 2 persons or above: $200 per person
12:00 - 23:00
12:00 - 23:00
12:00 - 23:00
西式美食$100现金券 (堂食/外卖自取)
JUST'er Bar & Restaurant(尖沙咀)📍 尖沙咀山林道13號地下A1-A2號舖門西淋牛豬仁雞 VS 蝦兵蟹將 $490 呢一個堪稱海陸空套餐,份量多而且足料,適合兩個人食。焗多汁豬仔骨 BBQ ribs 一隻BBQ Ribs 比較有甜燒烤汁,烤得恰到好處,好好食。多汁淫蝦 (龍蝦🦞)大大隻龍蝦🦞,多膏多汁,肉質新鮮甜味,打卡一流。慢煮蒜香春雞(半隻)🍗調味唔錯,保留蒜香鎖住咗水份,令到整體感覺唔錯。炸軟殼蟹 🦀口感都幾鬆軟。香脆薯條🍟同一般薯條唔同,係用甜番薯整嘅,所以特別有番薯嘅甜味,又有薯條嘅鹹味。而且炸得好脆好好食。曲奇馬上瘋 $47整體口感都幾滑溜,有Oreo曲奇嘅感覺。菠蘿熱情果沙冰 🍧$45淡淡嘅菠蘿味,再加上熱情果,酸酸甜甜,有少少益力多冰沙嘅感覺。呢度係尖沙咀嚟講,算係比較氣氛放慢嘅地方,有啲香港特色嘅霓虹燈做背景。格調唔錯,座位都幾舒服。適合夜晚同知己好友一齊飲飲食食,再傾吓偈!#尖沙咀美食 #西餐 #龍蝦
今次呢間餐廳主打海鮮菜式,裝潢格調都比較舒適優雅,座位相當寬闊舒適,佈置好有特色和氣氛,全院滿座霓虹燈牌的電影主題很有心思。林西淋牛豬仁雞vs蝦兵蟹將龍蝦的味道鮮美,肉質細膩,帶有淡淡的海洋風味。軟殼蟹大大隻,炸得外脆內軟,肉身都好飽滿,味道夠哂鹹香,口感香脆,鮮美無比,又不會太重口味,一啖咬落去發出脆卜卜的聲音,非常滋味。蒜香春雞份量十足,香噴噴熱辣辣,烤雞表皮均勻鋪滿香草,雞皮薄身烤得香脆,肉質香甜嫩滑,外皮酥脆,內裡保持了多汁的口感。燒豬仔骨煮得很入味,肉質軟嫩多汁,入口即化。醬汁味道濃郁,調味恰到好處,帶出豬肋骨的香味,又唔會太過鹹,配埋脆卜卜嘅薯條。老闆特別送上鎮店小食垃圾八爪魚😊,新鮮的八爪魚酥🐙炸得非常香脆乾身,八爪魚質感軟滑彈牙,清新又有層次,香口惹味,外脆內軟,令人驚喜。舒緩經痛玫瑰花茶,這款玫瑰花茶色澤淡粉,大大壼清澈的茶水中漂浮著多片柔嫩的玫瑰花瓣,倒進杯裡,濃郁的玫瑰香氣撲鼻而來,既清新又令人感到心情愉快。暖暖的花茶口感柔和,淡淡的花香味感覺輕盈,還添加了蜂蜜,帶著絲絲甜美,讓茶的味道更加豐富。環境舒服,而且食物質素亦能保持到水準,這餐廳環境、抑或食物質素都非常好,每碟食物見到師傅的用心製作。When I was studying at St. Mary, I often came to the restaurant on Hillwood Road for lunch. This time, I came to this restaurant to have dinner. It specializes in seafood dishes, and the decor is quite comfortable and elegant. The seating is spacious and comfortable, with a unique and atmospheric arrangement. The whole place is filled with neon movie-themed signs, which is very thoughtful. Beef and Pork Chicken vs. Shrimp Soldiers and Crab GeneralsThe lobster has a delicious flavor, with delicate meat that carries a subtle taste of the ocean. The soft-shell crab is quite large, fried to be crispy on the outside and soft on the inside, with a plump and flavorful body. The taste is rich and savory, crispy in texture, and incredibly fresh without being too heavy, making a delightful crunch when bitten into.The chicken is substantial, hot and fragrant. The roasted chicken has a uniform layer of herbs on the skin, which is thin and crispy, while the meat is sweet and tender, maintaining a juicy texture inside.The roast pig ribs are very flavorful, with tender and juicy meat that melts in your mouth. The sauce is rich and well-seasoned, enhancing the aroma of the pork ribs without being overly salty, paired perfectly with crispy fries.The boss specially served the house snack, crispy octopus 😊. The fresh octopus is fried to be very fragrant and crispy, with a soft and bouncy texture that is refreshing and layered in flavor. It’s crispy on the outside and soft inside, leaving a delightful surprise. Rose TeaThis rose tea has a light pink color, with several tender rose petals floating in a large, clear pot of tea. When poured into a cup, the rich aroma of roses wafts through the air, feeling both refreshing and uplifting. The warm floral tea has a gentle taste, with a faint floral fragrance that feels light. Honey is added, bringing a touch of sweetness that enriches the flavor of the tea.The environment is comfortable, and the quality of the food is consistently high. Both the ambiance of the restaurant and the quality of the food are excellent, with each dish reflecting the chef's dedication to their craft.
JUST’er Bar & Restaurant🍴位於山林道,好耐無黎食,仍然保留玩味既霓虹燈牌,好靚好有氣氛💟主打西餐,海鮮、牛等都出名,仲有好幾款既Riesling白酒,天氣太熱飲枝手工啤降降溫,St Bernardus Wit小麥啤,花香麥味濃🌼爽DEEP FRIED BABY OCTOPUS 垃圾八爪魚🐙賣相特別,炸得脆而唔厚粉,八爪魚炸左口感特別,送酒唔錯👍🏻蘑菇忌廉意大利飯,賣相好靚,味道相當唔錯,非常入味而唔會好膩,因為有啲甜甜地既洋蔥🧅推介燒和牛 WAGYU BEEF🥓粒粒⼀口size,入口牛味爆發,好多肉汁好好味,驚喜🥰BBQ RIBS AND FRIES 焗多汁豬仔骨配香脆薯條,好大份,豬仔骨燒得好有焦香,配埋BBQ汁正,好惹味,薯條個調味都正✨叫多枝白酒,Carl Reh Riesling,超香甜,最特別係個酸味好果味,感覺非常fresh🫶🏻做西餐但充滿港味同玩味,做到自己既特色😎店員超friendly,食野飲野都幾唔錯既地方🤞🏻
秘魯沙律 ($138)沙律菜新鮮,海鮮豐富,起碼有四種海鮮🤩顏色色彩繽紛,醬汁酸酸甜甜,好開胃☺️法式龍蝦湯 ($88)好濃郁嘅龍蝦湯!龍蝦肉真材實料,應該有半隻龍蝦有多,龍蝦肉彈牙爽口,好鮮味,好滿足😚醬油風白汁三文魚扁意 ($141)呢度菜好有驚喜!係店員推介,佢哋話呢度菜係跟日本師傅學,全港得佢哋先有🙊 咁的確冇介紹錯嘅😆 醬油風係日本菜會食到既味道,配搭埋白汁,原來可以咁match!!😍 三文魚煮得恰到好處,整體口感順滑,唔膩,值得一試!焗多汁豬仔骨配薯條 ($168)焗豬仔骨外焦內嫩,肉質多汁,醬汁充滿美國風但唔膩;薯條幼幼一條,但酥脆可口,同m記薯條冇得比🤤洋甘菊蜜糖茶檸檬(熱) ($43)好香洋甘菊味,好暖胃之餘,檸檬嘅酸同蜜糖嘅甜好match,整體口感和諧。一大jar, 以為兩個人會飲唔晒,點知佢好香又足料,最後都飲晒🤓結論🫰味道好唔錯好味度:8.5/10CP值:8.5/10🎡餐廳資料餐廳名稱:JUST'er Bar & Restaurant餐廳地址:尖沙咀山林道13號地下A1-A2號舖營業時間:星期一至日12:00-23:00
位於山林道, 餐廳牆身用霓虹燈作裝飾帶d懷舊同玩味嘅感覺💡🔅🔶門西淋牛豬仁雞 VS 蝦兵蟹將 $490 ✨焗多汁豬仔骨🐷豬仔骨好腍,好夠蜜汁味🍯 ✨多汁淫蝦🦞龍蝦新鮮彈牙,好易起殼 ✨慢煮蒜香春雞(半隻)🐥 肉質嫩滑多汁,充滿住蒜香同孜然味🧄 ✨炸軟殼蟹🦀外酥內嫩. ✨奇脆薯條🍟凍咗都仲脆卜卜👍🏻🔶 牛油果奶昔 $47淡淡嘅果香,口感順滑🔶 真•士多啤梨奶昔 $51士多啤梨同奶真係好夾🍓酸酸甜甜