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pasta pizza 三文治
食记 (10)
今次要介紹的Fresh Bar & Cafe 位於中環蘭桂芳,它們的三明治sandwiches非常好吃噢,光是想起我已經很想回去再買來吃了… pizza 亦是極度好吃,絕對是驚艷又滿足。此店很小,open window, high chair, 坐到店內也只有一點點冷氣,感覺非常的外國。裝潢比較陳舊但還算乾淨。只是夏天濕度比較高的日子可能會有一點點粘粘的… 絕大多數的客人都是來買sandwiches外帶,坐下吃的人很少,而且一般很快就吃完離開,所以在這裡要找位置吃午餐可謂輕而易舉。- * - * - * -打開menu 大概大家都會傻眼:這麼長的menu, 那麼多的配搭! 怎麼挑? 其實也不難。我們只要挑麵包、內餡、醬汁三大類就可以。麵包:(Rye) baguette法式長包 /Ciabatta意大利軟包 / Panini / bagel / Focaccia / Sliced他們的麵包都是店裡烘製。收到order 才從焗爐夾出來! 所以都是皮脆又鬆軟,十級好吃。Nothing could possibly gone wrong with a freshly baked bread! 而版主自己比較喜歡Ciabatta, 比起Baguette 更要軟身一點, 比較容易咬嘛!醬汁:不同的mustard / French dressing / Italian dressing / Mayonnaise / Lemon Olive Oil試過french和italian dressing, 老實說分不出有甚麼分別。不過它們都是清淡派,蠻refreshing 的。餡料方面本來就包括了大量蔬菜像生菜青瓜蕃茄,不喜歡的話還可以請店家不加入三文治里。然後當然挑自己喜歡的主角啦! 魚類可以挑吞拿魚或煙燻三文魚;愛吃牛的當然是beef;家禽類的可以要chicken, confit duck, turkey;肉食就是不同的腸,cold cut 和火腿! 如果再高一級你還可以加入芝司cheese, 像brie, emmental… 不過小妹怕真太膩啦所以沒試過哈哈哈。啊對啦還可以另外加pickles!! 吃三文治最好的是配料一般都可以自由搭配。既然挑的都是自己喜歡的材料,那這個三文治一定可以讓你大為滿足!對愛豐富口感的你, 我很推薦加入牛油果。牛油果香和麵包一向都很搭,fresh bar & cafe 的牛油果質素很好,質地滑膩豐腴,非常棒!- * - * - * -三明治吃過好幾款我都覺得很滿意, 沒有要挑剔的地方,就放個圖片讓大家參考一下搭配囉(牛油果出現的頻率不好意思真的是超高的)...- # - # - # -一個人來吃三明治當然好,不過若同行的朋友覺得三明治不算正餐那怎樣辦? Fresh Cafe 還有pasta吃。長通粉/扁意粉 + 吞拿魚/ham/bacon/salami/雞胸肉/辣肉腸 + 忌廉汁/蕃茄汁 HK$76蕃茄味好香噢。因為沒甚麼人會在這裡吃pasta, 所以一定是即叫即做,吃的時侯燙口燙口的味道也很對版, 不過沒有sandwiches 驚艷啦。- # - # - # -第二次再來就捉了另外5位朋友一起來, 為的就是想要試試他們的pizza! 價錢由HK$90-HK$145都有, 就看你想要吃甚麼餡囉!本來純粹是想吃Pizza, 也沒甚麼太期待的。但pizza上桌時真的是再次傻眼啊!! 這麼滿滿又豐富的慷慨份量!! 雞肉、雞蛋& chesse 堆得厚厚的令人垂涎三尺!! 拍好照片就迫不及待地拿了一塊, 超燙手! 批底是薄脆派, 就算上面有這麼多的餡你還是可以嚐到那啪啪的脆口感!所以我可是整整吃了兩大片pizza... =w=- # - # - # -Fresh Bar & Cafe 還有appetizers的部份。本來很想試一下 Quesadilla of 3 cheese, 但店方恰好無法提供就建議我們吃Burrito。沒想到又是chicken with Avocado 啊... =-= 一天之內吃那麼多的肉食, 即使是食肉獸如我也覺得有點...太撐了。這個Burrito of Chicken & Avocado with Tomato HK$68 調味比較重, 是印度式的咖哩味。有那麼一點點的辣, 頗惹味的。外皮很薄, 不會太乾, 其實也是很好吃的。只是如果要挑, 我還是會揀吃三文治啦!!!~ 继续阅读
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等级4 2012-05-14
213 浏览
I stopped by La Baguette the other day after reading around online for good sandwich places in HK. I was there a little past the normal lunch rush, which was lucky. While there are a fair number of seats, they do get filled and you have to seat yourself. Since most seating is counter seating, you're unlikely to fit a group here.I was momentarily overwhelmed by the size of the menu and just ordered one of their "most popular sandwiches" from the blackboard: chicken, bacon & avocado on a baguette. Some thoughts:The sandwich is pretty large, but slightly on the expensive side for sandwiches-- mine cost $102 with iced tea. The baguette was warm, much softer than I expected, and unobtrusive rather than being the star. The chicken was on the dry and bland side, but this was ameliorated by the avocado and the dressing. I couldn't tell quite what the dressing was-- it sort of had the taste and texture of the white sauce at Greek places. Not as tangy as mayo. More 'cool and refreshing'. The bacon was crisp and flavorful, appropriately salted, and not overwhelming. I'm usually not a fan of bacon on my sandwiches, but this helped especially when the chicken was lacking. The avocado was ripe and creamy-- yum! A standard sandwich also comes with lettuce, cucumbers, and tomatoes. Something about my cucumbers was off a little (but only a little).Overall, I thought the sandwich was one of the better ones I've had in HK, but I did think it needed something. The tang of mayo? Some vinegar? Cheese? It's my own fault there wasn't cheese. I'll also say that the baguette was disappointing, though I cannot put my finger exactly on why that was so. Still, good sandwich, and I plan to return: 8/10 继续阅读
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等级2 2010-03-06
132 浏览
Went to La Baguette during the week and was not disappointed as usual. No matter how long between visits, I know that the quality of sandwiches here never disappoints. And its the only place I can get a decent focaccia in town. Too many things on the menu to recommend, but lets just say that you can't go wrong with anything containing advocado or duck (or both!) ... but that could just be me!Their baguettes are just crunchy enough without overpowering the sandwich, and the toasted panini's or focaccia's are toasted just right. And the ingredients are always fresh! 继续阅读
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等级3 2008-11-01
59 浏览
Halloween, 凑熱鬧,晚上七時許到達蘭桂坊,已經是人山人海。逛了一圈,找到這間店子,地方較淺窄,不過可以邊吃邊看出行人路,欣賞不時走過的「鬼怪」,也是賞心樂事。點了長條三文治配牛肉,以及煙肉雞胸pasta,兩者都很有水準:三文治包質地外脆內輭,牛肉切得很薄,但份量不少,肉質十分嫩滑,加上生菜、蛋醬,配合得宜。煙肉雞胸pasta,煙肉是炸得脆卜卜的那種,雞胸則不算太嫩,只屬合格。配以磨菇白汁的意粉,質感有彈性,味道也鮮甜。看到街上人歡樂的氣氛,冷不防身邊已經有個疑似「多啦A夢」的物體坐在一旁... 继续阅读
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等级4 2008-09-15
47 浏览
Flipping through the pages of a local dining wiki, knew this newly opened 'LTD' residing along the LKF.The bar tables and stools only allow a brief stay for a quite bite obviously. Got its avocado with duck confit in scandinavian rye baguette, the bread was lightly toasted and its crispiness was well accompanied by the fresh sliced avocado which blends well with the juicy duck confits. The sauce added was juz rite and won't give a sense of cholesterol loaded feeling.Reasonably priced like a usual fat-ladden burger, it's time to deft into a better diet after two-month food hunt in the area. 继续阅读
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