港铁太古站 E1 出口, 步行约1分钟 继续阅读
主打法式闪电泡芙,推介创办人Christophe Adam最爱的咸焦糖牛油味,以马斯卡邦奶油配搭咸牛油及焦糖,味道浓郁丰富。 继续阅读
11:30 - 20:30
Visa Master 现金 八达通 美国运通 银联 易辦事
食记 (32)
等级4 2017-10-05
376 浏览
早前出席了 L'Éclair de Génie HK 的中秋節系列發佈會 , 品嚐了數款節日泡芙 , 還可以一睹創辦人,這位曾被評為年度最佳廚師 Christophe Adam 的風采 ~會上由 Christophe Adam 示範他最新的 , 以秋天當造的栗子為題的閃電泡芙 --- No286 香栗梅子 , 並介紹以「分享」為靈感 , 將傳統月餅與朱古力結合 , 配上手工製作的法式水果軟糖的 --- 中秋節朱古力月餅 ~中秋節朱古力月餅 是一盒有四件各具繽紛色彩的朱古力月餅 , 月餅外層是朱古力 , 只要把朱古力月餅的面層掀開 , 內層放有數粒以水果、糖及法國天然果膠煮製而成的水果軟糖 , 口味有椰子斑蘭軟糖、檸檬柚子香茅軟糖 , 另有焦糖杏仁粒及焦糖榛子粒 ~No286 香栗梅子閃電泡芙 : 法國栗子碰上日本酸梅果茸啫喱 , 味道是抽象得難以形容 , 要想像一下栗香濃甜的栗子茸與微鹹的酸梅啫喱 , 再加上灌在泡芙內的雲呢嗱軟忌廉 , 只可說一句「獨特」~No287 紅豆黑芝麻閃電泡芙 : 鬆軟的閃電泡芙裏是灌入香甜的紅豆軟忌廉 , 軟忌廉更混入黑芝麻脆脆 , 圖增加果仁的香口口味 ~本篇完 ~ 继续阅读
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等级4 2017-09-11
124 浏览
L'Eclair de Genie喺太古嘅分店環境舒適,空間感足,提供座位供客人可以即場享用泡芙,所以都算係此店嘅常客。今年中秋節,佢地除左推出應節又有創意嘅朱古力月餅之外,都一併推出左兩款限定嘅主題泡芙,供應到10月4日架咋。我地都趁住新鮮熱辣推出冇耐,即時試試味道,我同朋友另外再揀左兩款N°286 Chestnut Umeboshi (香栗梅子) $48泡芙即時食用,比起我之前拎番屋企雪過再食更加柔軟,面頭唧上層層栗子忌廉,加入左蛋奶醬製成,栗蓉香而軟滑,適合唔喜歡太甜嘅朋友。為增添口感,加埋法國栗子同酸梅果茸啫喱,多一份微鹹,整體以栗子味最突出。夾層係雲呢拿軟忌廉,食落輕盈不膩話明係中秋限定,仲加上兔仔造型嘅金朱古力應下節。個人幾鐘意栗子呢款,唔知會否成為恆常款式。N°287 Red Bean Sesame (紅豆黑芝麻) $45泡芙依然鬆軟,夾層係紅豆忌廉,入口綿滑,而最好食係裡面嘅黑芝麻脆脆,令泡芙口感冇咁單調,啱哂最近好沉迷芝麻甜品嘅我。為應節,呢款泡芙仲印有蓮花同玉兔嘅圖案,既有賣相又有內涵N°3 Vanilla Pecan Nut (雲呢拿焦糖核桃) $45每次黎到都選擇困難症發作,款款都想試,但最爭扎嘅都係到底選N°1海鹽焦糖定係N°3雲呢拿核桃,因為兩款都係我好鐘意嘅口味。雲呢拿忌廉、雲呢拿籽面頭加上烘焙過嘅焦糖合桃果仁,基本上係零失敗嘅配搭N°258 Vanilla Framboise (雲呢拿紅桑子) $45上次試過熱情果、黑加侖子口味,個人而言係冇咁偏好果味泡芙,喺酸同甜之間,我係毫不猶疑揀甜。不過考慮到影相會靚啲關係,我仍然係配上一條較顏色較鮮豔嘅雲呢拿紅桑子。入口很重紅桑子嘅味道,忌廉依然係細滑,最重要係唔酸 (笑),加有紅桑子脆脆、白朱古力,估唔到幾好食呢 继续阅读
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等级4 2017-09-03
99 浏览
Mid Autumn Festival is coming up and like many other shops in Hong Kong, L'eclair de Genie has a selection of new Mid Autumn Festival treats. In celebration of their new items for the festival, the creator, Christophe Adam, arrived to demonstrate how he decorates the latest eclairs. I was invited to this fun afternoon event. Many thanks to Monsieur Adam for flying in despite the typhoon to show us his craft.He starts out by peeling away the tops and removing the filling. Different than what is usually done where the whole thing is filled without removing the tops. This is due to the fact that the eclairs are layered with several ingredients and not just one pastry cream.The eclairs are then filled with a vanilla marscapone cream.Hazelnuts are added.It was then filled with umeboshi cream.Topped with a chestnut cream.And finally decorated with cute little gold rabbits and other bits of decoration.To present the current eclairs for Mid Autumn.Pretty  isn't it?There are two new eclairs for the festive season. The Chestnut Umeboshi (on the left and right) and Red Bean Sesame (in the middle).Chestnut Umeboshi costs $48. Topped with a light tasting chestnut cream that wasn't too heavy. The gold rabbit was a piece of thin chocolate.Inside had a layer of vanilla marscapone and tart umeboshi to balance the heaviness of the cream filling. It was a good combination.The red bean sesame eclair cost $42. It had a layer of almond glaze on top with a pretty flower design.Inside was filled with a red bean cream and a surprising black sesame crisp to give it a bit of crunch. I think I liked this one more as the sesame was intense in flavor and the red bean was not too strong.Of course, what is Mid Autumn Festival without mooncakes? This is this shop's offering. A box of four chocolate mooncakes.  Price? $328 ($208 if you pre-order). But the surprising thing about these mooncakes is that they aren't solid chocolate. Instead they are hollow. Lift the lid and you get  surprise inside.Used more like a container where you can eat it, too, are a few items inside. Chocolate covered peanuts and almonds that have been caramelized and colored in a pretty bronze color, coconut jelly candies and yuzu jelly candies.  The nuts were delicious. A crunchy salty and sweet combination. But the best was the jelly candies. They are wrapped in rice paper so it's completely edible so don't attempt to peel them away. The coconut one stood out for it's strong intense fragant flavor. The yuzu was not as strong but it had a nice fruity taste. They were soft and just plain juicy. A great idea that is different than the usual mooncake selections out there.A photo of the jelly candies. Coconut on the left. Yuzu on the right.Always creative, this year's Mid Autumn selections are even more inventive than last years. Especially the mooncakes are definitely different and worth a try. 继续阅读
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Since the opening L'Eclair de Genie at Pacific Place and Prince’s Building in autumn 2015, there are now branches in Kwun Tong, Olympic and Tai Koo.For Mid Autumn festival, they have launched two festive eclairs and limited edition Mid-Autumn festival mooncakes. The man himself Christophe Adam was in Hong Kong to showcase the new collection.No 286 Chestnut Umeboshi is filled with vanilla mascarpone cream and chestnuts from France, following a layer of umeboshi confit which gives it a salty kick to complement the chestnut.It is garnished with a white chocolate golden rabbit, golden leaves and chestnut cream to give it that Autumn festive character. No 287 Red bean sesame is very buttery and a popular pick because it is infused with smooth red bean cream and sesame crisp garnished with a rabbit and lotus pattern on pink. La Lune Mooncake gift box are 4 colourful milk or dark chocolate shells filled with goodies. Two contain fruit jellies (lemon yuzu lemongrass, coconut pandan) and the other two are caramelized nuts (caramelized hazelnuts, almonds). The jellies which appear to be wrapped in plastic are 100% edible because the wrapping is just rice paper. Fruit jellies (pate de fruit) are a traditional French sweet treats that are made with natural fruit juice. 继续阅读
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年年都有中秋節,商戶各出其招,真是想得出吃得落肚都可以叫做月餅!今日路過 L'Eclair de Gene 的舖,被色彩鮮豔的佈置吸引而內進,見有朱古力月餅發售。 朱古力月餅本來已經不是新鮮事,但呢款月餅真有創意兼美味。 表面看來是白朱古力做的四色月餅,外型似足傳統月餅,壓有中式暗花圖案,相當精緻,本來估計餡料必然是泡芙的忌廉,見到旁邊的菓糖展示亦不以為然。 原來每件月餅皆只是個錦盒,實際內有乾坤,四款不同顏色的月餅盒內配上不一様法式菓子或朱古力。 最有驚喜的是橙色月餅盒內、手工製作的法式水果軟糖,檸檬柚子香茅軟糖口味,酸香醒神,非常討好,原來以天然果膠煮製而成,怪不得如此水凝,入口即化,果香自然,外面層米紙是可以吃的。 青綠色盒內的同樣是水果軟糖,相比之下,椰子班蘭口味較為失色。 粉紅及朱古力色的各自儲藏兩款果仁朱古力,橙色的焦糖杏仁及金色的焦糖榛子,榛子朱古力較大粒香口得我心。 四個朱古力盒當然可以吃,全部是牛奶朱古力製造,朱古力味濃,甜度適中,非常美味。 包裝精美,絕不失禮。 菓子朱古力仲可以分開買。 若然對傳統款式有些厭倦,尤其送禮送到自己都買唔落手,這款 La Lune 月餅禮盒的確可以考慮,現售$208/盒。 继续阅读
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