LQV是一間法式餐廳,為你帶來正宗的傳統法國美食和蛋糕。此分店部分座位可以眺望赤柱海景,是假日的悠閒好去處! 继续阅读
09:00 - 22:00
08:00 - 22:00
08:00 - 21:00
Visa Master 现金 银联
Beef Tartar au Conteau Stan Cafe Duck Fat Potatos Duck Breast Foie Gras Heirloom Tomato, Pan Con Tomato, Basil Lamb Rack Rib Eye
食记 (13)
等级3 2021-08-22
2186 浏览
今日去開依頭做野,揾間野好野食下。點知中大伏。食左個burger同egg benedict。諗住見個賣相幾好景又幾靚。應該都唔差。點知係惡夢既開始。首先個burger啲包係唔熱,個內部求其煎下,脆都唔脆。連中間舊肉都唔熱。我要medium rare, 唔係要medium cold。味道普通都不得了。食唔到落去,淨返一半。得啲薯條係正常。因為就咁炸。冇技巧可言。另外果個benedict同樣恐怖,我係叫smoke salmon benedict, 個三文魚又腥,啲包就淋哂。啲菜又唔新鮮。對不起,真係好差。浪費左咁靚既景。 继续阅读
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等级4 2020-02-16
3730 浏览
Went to Stanley Plaza today for their display. I wanted to dine in but it was surprisingly full given the current outbreak so I ordered the 2 Macrons for takeaway.  Both macrons were beautifully crafted and visually appealing. Both Macrons have a lovely soft texture and the fillings were not too sweet.  However the base was stuck quite firmly and I couldn't separate it so I kinda have to eat the top part with the fillings and finish the bottom part separately. The Red Raspberries were surprisingly sweet. However, it was the Green Apple filling at the central that was much more sour that I thought. I guessed if I ate it together with the cream and macron shell it would have been just right but as I mentioned, since it stuck to firmly with bottom, attempting to separate nearly broke the whole macron, making us having to eat the components separately. Overall, it was still great. 继续阅读
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等级4 2018-03-25
4397 浏览
今日約左一班朋友行山,由鰂魚涌行去大潭三個幾鐘。到左大潭緊係即刻飛去赤柱醫肚啦。Stan Cafe門面有好多唔同款色蛋糕選擇,就係咁我地被吸引去食個Brunch。Brunch Menu對於有小朋友一齊食就覺得選擇唔算太多。法式麵包同鹽味牛油就真心要比幾個讃👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻芒果帶子紅菜頭沙律,正!好清新,帶子又新鮮,係一款好開胃嘅小食。homemade蕃茄醬意大利麵又係冇得彈。蕃茄好香麵質感亦都好好。橄欖油芝士松子長通粉都好出色,香口又唔漏。腸仔薯條。咪睇佢好似好寡,真心講兩條法式香腸比預期中好味。呢餐雖然比較貴,但勝在好味道,有機會會再泥食! 继续阅读
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As recommended by a gourmet friend, we celebrated our 43rd wedding anniversary at Stan Cafe. We were seated by the window with a fantastic view of Stanley bay. While one of our favorite dish, Bouchot Mussels Meuniere, was not available today, we ordered Burgogne Snails and Steak Tartar as Starters, and Slow-cooked Black Cod on risotto and Duck Confit as Main. Of them, the steak tartar was the best beef I had in years - both the taste and texture were excellent. The snails had strong flavor of garlic and Parsley butter and were very good too. The fish and risotto were also done right and good but unfortunately, the Duck Confit albeit tasty was a bit too dry. The dessert - Chocholate Fondant - was rich but excellent and the Ginger Cafe au Lait was made just right. Overall, a most memorable dinner with excellent food and service. Thankyou, Stan Cafe! 继续阅读
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11月30日, 呀菲成為媽媽的第一個快樂生日! 今日呀比神神秘秘帶咗我同B豬去赤柱~ 其實平時d大日子呀菲都想食d正野慶祝下, 但當呀比介紹呢間名叫cafe既餐廳時, 實在係估唔到究竟呢個葫蘆賣咩藥... 原來, 呀比一早已經book定窗口望海既大卡位, 原來, 呢度係食法國菜架!::: 法式麵包籃 :::麵包籃同以前喺Chez Patrick Deli食過既有d似, d法包都係細細粒偏硬既一種. 搽上牛油唔錯, 但缺點都係太硬.::: Foie Gras Hi-Cuit Au Sel ::: $189鵝肝切片伴巴馬火腿沙律, 塊鵝肝切片都幾厚身, 上面灑上少少香料同細蔥, 口感油潤味道回香~ 巴馬火腿食得出係風乾月齡較長既種類, 食落夠晒鹹香惹味. 野菜沙律新鮮, 而且野菜種類幾特別, 除咗平時常見既baby spinach、romaine lettuce、紫椰菜、火箭菜等外, 仲有番茄乾、長豆、醃青瓜等~ 同酸酸地既醬汁幾夾幾開胃, 亦正好中和到鵝肝既滯膩.::: Steak Tartar with Stan Cafe Fries ::: $258據聞呢份牛肉他他係呢度既名物~ 一場黎到我地亦當然叫埋試下啦! 呢份牛肉他他仲伴有火箭菜同埋Stan Cafe薯條~ 牛肉他他輕輕用醬汁伴勻, 味道微微酸甜但唔會蓋過生牛肉既味道. 生牛肉十分鮮嫩, 食落一d都唔腥, 好味! 平時我地都麻麻地火箭菜陣草青味, 但夾埋牛肉他他食又ok~ 而薯條亦非常香脆, 好惹味~ 整碟菜式都好出色!::: Bouchot Mussel Meuniere, Fries ::: $250藍貝亦係我地其中一款最鐘意既食物~ 可惜唔係度度都有得食, 有時仲要配合季節同時間先食得到, 咁難得見到呢度有, 亦二話不說就叫咗! 呢款藍貝係最愛既法式細細隻品種肉質最鮮嫩, 加上最基本既牛油烹調方法, 簡簡單單加埋天然海水鹹味已經好好味! 連埋炸得香脆兼灑上香料既薯條, 點唔點汁食都好好味! 呢個藍貝令我地食得又飽又滿足~ 超讚!就在呀菲去完琳琅滿目既甜品櫃揀飯後甜品之後, 侍應就將呀比一早預訂好既生日蛋糕拎出黎~ 個蛋糕上面d生日字眼都幾佔位, 但又有d潦草, 仲好似將"Mami"寫錯咗做"Mahi"... 哈哈哈, 不過呢個blueberry cheesecake都幾好味! blueberry味係新鮮唔似藥水的, 芝士味濃而不膩, 配埋塊大大曲奇餅底都好好味~ 不過我地實在太飽食唔晒, 店員都好好幫我地包走.呢一餐赤柱法國生日餐真係充滿驚喜又好滿足! 法式菜式正宗又好味, 難得佢食物質素高但環境就型格優閒路線, 唔洗著到懶斯文去高級餐廳都食到地道法國菜~ 餐廳仲居高臨下可以飽覽赤柱海景~ 今次真係要比個叻字呀比喇! 继续阅读
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