所有分店 (17)
香港半島酒店一向以客人的健康及安全為先。因應政府最新公布的「疫苗通行證」及社交距離措施,客人必須於進入酒店、餐廳及其設施時使用「安心出行」流動應用程式掃描場所二維碼及出示已接種三劑或第二劑 (接種未滿五個月) 2019冠狀病毒疫苗紀錄、疫苗接種醫學豁免證明書或康復紀錄。 由即日起,五至十一歲兒童須出示已接種第二劑或第一劑 (接種未滿三個月) 2019冠狀病毒疫苗紀錄;由2022年11月30日起,則須出示已接種第二劑2019冠狀病毒疫苗紀錄。 酒店餐廳的每枱人數上限為十二位,而半島酒吧的每枱人數上限為六位。 所有進入半島酒吧的客人、於酒店餐廳或宴會場地參與十二人以上宴會活動的客人必須出示過去24小時內進行快速抗原測試所得的陰性結果證明。相片必須顯示陰性結果、客人姓名、測試日期和時間
10:00 - 19:00
10:00 - 19:00
10:00 - 18:00
10:00 - 18:00
食记 (9)
等级1 2025-03-06
0 浏览
What a delightful dining experience it is for me! There's nothing quite like enjoying a light and delicious lunch at Nood after a rejuvenating yoga class or a refreshing power nap session at Pure Yoga in the Peninsula Office Tower. The spectacular view of Victoria Harbour only enhances the experience. Nood offers a wonderful variety of tasty and healthy options, including yogurt, salads, sandwiches, and an assortment of flavorful ‘Siu Mai,’ along with a selection of refreshing drinks. Additionally, a wide range of healthy snacks is available, catering to diverse tastes. One of my personal favorites is the Avocado Yoghurt, which is both creamy and satisfying. I also can’t get enough of their smoothies; they are simply divine! Every visit to Nood feels like a treat, and I can hardly wait for my next meal there. It’s a perfect spot for anyone looking to indulge in a wholesome and enjoyable lunch. 继续阅读
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等级2 2024-08-26
111 浏览
每週來一次的瑜伽練習不知不覺已成為日常生活的一部分;除了優美的維港景色,這裏新鮮又健康的美食同樣吸引。今次的午餐選了這兩款至愛口味:三色彩椒雞胸沙律,吞拿魚雞蛋沙律三文治。三色彩椒雞胸沙律 ~ 除了原隻三色椒,還有沙律菜、薯仔、和鮮嫩的雞胸肉,配日式芝麻醬,好味😋吞拿魚雞蛋沙律三文治 ~ 選用麥包做三文治,配上大量菠菜,增加纖維,營養豐富又飽肚👍🏻海景+ 美食,怎不叫人悠然神往😍 继续阅读
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It was a nice sunny day and I booked to have 2 classes of yoga at Pure Peninsula Office Tower where there is a shop for nood food. This time, I ordered a cup of Peanut Butter Pow-Wow smoothies at nood food. It was so yummy that I could fully enjoy it, sitting next to a beautiful window view of the Victoria Harbour and the buildings in the front. I made a great decision to take this Peanut Butter Pow-wow smoothies as it provided 47g of protein for me to build and recover after the 2 classes of yoga.I shall surely come back again next time to pick and try other smoothies options at nood food as I could see there are the choices of "Fuel and Boost" category with many other ingredients (for example, the fruits options of berry, orange and veggies... etc) and they also offer you to tailor make your own smoothies. That is really fun and enjoyable.I tried many other different types of food at the nood shop. But the smoothies is my favorite item. Love it! 继续阅读
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這會所不僅景觀靚、環境舒適、-入門口見到維港景色已經感覺輕鬆愉快.還有美味多元化食物:沙律、三文治、燒賣點及飲品:果汁、熱湯提供⋯⋯兩堂瑜伽課之間、我選擇乳酪輕食、混合莓果醬、杏仁加入乳酪、材料豐富、-杯只有123kcal ,用湯匙舀出混合漿果和果醬及奇亞籽乳酪、這杯美味的食物餵養腸道、慢慢品嘗令我心情非常愉快👍🏻👍🏻不會太過heavy大大杯感覺飽肚好好味、有足夠營養補充練習完一堂所消耗的熱量. 继续阅读
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等级1 2024-05-10
146 浏览
放工后 開開心心 去PURE 做運動 小小疲倦 出了一身汗在PURE NOOD order了一杯 黑糖棗杞玫瑰花茶  補充體力玫瑰花 疏肝解郁  工作  壓力盡減杞子 明目養肝血  滋腎陰  黑糖棗 古書有云 其味甘  先走脾 養血 黑色入腎簡單的三味組合  簡直  簡直 是絕配呀!嘗了一口....Omm ! 哇!good excellent perfect fantastic.....淡香  淡香....的玫瑰花味  杞子 及 黑糖棗  甘甜 甘甜  超好味一試難忘  調理肝腎 M come都順暢了 good good good飲多幾次  眼疲勞都減輕曬  great! 继续阅读
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