港铁西营盘站 A1 出口, 步行约8分钟
08:30 - 18:00
10:00 - 18:00
身為一個文青 雖然喺偽個隻 但骨子裡都喺流住蒲cafe 嘅血💉 所以平時收埋收埋一堆cafe 每到星期六日 就內敷咖啡 外敷靚cafe 裝修 -今次就喺慕Nosh 個Signature Lemon Tart 之名 而來一嚟到就緊喺嗌咗個lemon tart 先 之後先慢慢吓叫咩飲啦-Lemon Tart ($62)淨喺睇過賣相都已經流哂口水 個火焰蛋白燒得好靚 食落喺有陣焦糖化咗嘅香味 之後食到Lemon Mousse 就有陣陣清香嘅酸味走出嚟 你會食到甜味同酸味嘅和諧 實在喺非筆墨能形容到😭 如果鍾意食Lemon Tart 嘅朋友 呢個真喺一個不能錯過的Lemon Tart-Flat White ($45)食完Lemon Tart 至好就喺配返杯Flat White 咖啡味香濃 拉花都幾靚 而且佢地個奶泡做得幾好 擺得耐咗唔會太易有frothing
上環一向是小店和café的集中地,雖然街道清靜,但是每間café都滿座,要找一間舒適座位坐坐不是易事。當中Nosh是一家較出名的café,非常多外國棒場客,由於店外環境清靜,又可以看見路上經過的小動物---貓貓狗狗,所以露天的bar table實長期座滿人的。而我今天就坐近門口bar table 的位置,對著水吧。眼前是rose cake, 相當吸睛,不過我不是太肚餓,口渴比較多,所以沒有買來吃。夏日炎炎非常口渴,點了一杯apple buds watermelon smoothie,是special smoothie of the day,喝下去果味很淡;首先不看menu都不知道原來有apple bud成份,另外西瓜汁不夠味,像是泡了很久冰的西瓜汁,一點都不吸引。總括來說這杯是一杯普通不過的西瓜冰,不值40大元。
Quick service. Euro brunch has filling portion of eggs and bacon. Daily special is large chicken thigh.
🏃🏼走上環太平山街,總覺得這裡有種🌤休閒假日的感覺,就像一個外國小社區,跟大坑也有著同樣異曲同弓之妙。🍽走進這餐廳,當天一半以上都是外國人,而且店內坐冇虛席,要等一會才可入坐。叫了Nosh Brunch,薯粒用香草及牛油炒香,🍅番茄飽滿多汁,Egg Benedict 反而有點失望,蛋不夠溜心。🍋檸檬撻,賣相一流但太甜Cappuccino 泡沫細緻不錯不能出國只好望梅止渴。
The POHO community is definitely one of the rising stars in Hong Kong, becoming increasingly popular amongst locals and expatriates. A small neighbourhood embracing new and old alike, chic cafés, cozy restaurants and colourful art galleries are dotted amidst old tong laus, temples and historical landmarks. NOSH Tai Ping Shan is one of the few minimalistic, contemporary cafés nestled in the heart of this heritage neighbourhood. Focusing their attention on simple European-inspired cuisine and quality coffee, this little café is quickly becoming one of the most popular dining locations in the area.We arrived on a sunny Sunday morning for their weekend brunch. We were lucky to be able to snatch up one of the few remaining seats. The staff were friendly and quickly took our order with plenty of smiles and little fuss.Lovely fluffy scrambed eggs on two slices of buttered sourdough toast with crispy bacon, roasted vine tomatoes and greens. The scrambled eggs deserve a special mention as they were rich and eggy, not like the bland, diluted stuff you sometimes get at other restaurants. The bacon was also cooked perfectly, being crispy but not burnt and dry.Brunch is never complete without a cup of coffee, and coffee at NOSH was pretty decent. Smooth and creamy but still able to taste the espresso within. Sipping on coffee while looking out onto the beautiful street outside is surely a great way to spend the mornings.I would definitely recommend trying out NOSH Tai Ping Shan if you haven’t already, but definitely come early as it fills up quite quickly.