餐厅: | QUE (希慎廣場) |
优惠: |
于此国泰伙伴餐厅用餐赚里 ! 国泰会员于伙伴餐厅消费可赚高达HKD4 = 2里数。受有关条款约束。 |
11:30 - 22:00
11:30 - 22:00
*最後下單時間: 21:00
餐厅: | QUE (希慎廣場) |
优惠: | 国泰会员于伙伴餐厅消费可赚高达HKD4 = 2里数。受有关条款约束。 |
最近去左一間高質出色嘅西日Fusion 餐廳🍽️就係位於希慎廣場地庫嘅Que。店舖裝修以木系清新風格配可愛貓咪🐱擺設,打卡一流📸第一次去唔知有咩招牌菜,同時見到好多枱都叫左意個兩人餐,價錢$498。包括前菜沙律、小食、主菜、甜品、飲品。牛油果角切魚生沙律🥗上層有分子料理泡泡🫧下層多款角切魚生好新鮮,加上牛油果🥑多一份creamy口感更豐富🍣壽司塔可🌮係一款好能好好表達演習到fusion菜式的特色。🦀軟殼蟹壽司塔可🌮🍣🥑香蔥拖羅蓉牛油果醬壽司塔可🌮外層香炸紫菜非常香脆,夾住魚生鮮甜食,又多左一份香脆惹味🥰估唔到咁有驚喜!😍必食🦪酥炸廣島蠔配檸檬醬(+$12/4件)炸得金黃香脆,咬落有聲嫁!🌙月見燒牛肉意大利飯丼🥩 +$28絕對必叫!幸福感爆燈☺️燒牛肉味香濃生熟程度拿捏得好好,用上黏性有咬牙意大利飯配上香濃醬汁燴成!味道香濃惹味!食完非常回味無窮!為咗佢我會番黎再食🍨柚子清酒提拉米蘇盒子配柚子麻糬(+$18)🍶甜品由屢獲殊榮嘅日藉甜品師傅Rin Horiuchi主理🧑🏻🍳又係必食超人氣甜品提拉米蘇盒子變奏版嘅提拉米蘇,用上柚子及清酒,味道厚身但很清新,加上麻糬煙煙韌韌,更有口感。🍏青蘋果泡泡綠茶梳打🍸原來青蘋果同綠茶估唔到可以咁夾嫁😍味道清甜酸爽,感覺清新解膩!有驚喜🥰🍑香桃富士梳打🍸香桃味道濃郁,香甜清爽,清新怡人。
A casual western Japanese restaurant that also has sashimis, dons, tacos and skewers, which is quite unusual. It has quite a number of branches throughout Hong Kong, with only 1 on HK island, at the basement level of Hysan Place in Causeway Bay, recently reopened after renovation.Had tried their $498 set for 2, with items that need to pay extra.Their tacos were really nice and crispy. Instead of seaweed as the base, they used deep-fried seaweed to enhance the crunchiness, which was great! While since the taco was basically open rather than wrapped, with lots of fillings, it’s messy to eat. In my first bite of the soft-shell crab inside the taco, the majority of the content has fallen off the taco. Their Hokkaido scallop kale salad with avocado, tomato, walnut, couscous was refreshing with the yogurt yuzu dressing, which was creative.The chicken cartilage skewers were alright, though they could be hotter, as they were lukewarm. I love the grilled caramelized pineapple. Grilled pineapples are always sweet, as the water inside has evaporated, leaving the fructose that has higher sweet intensity. Adding sugar on top to grill and make it into caramel had created another layer of taste.For the main, we’re only allowed to choose 1 out of 8, which I find limiting, as for a set for 2, it’s expected to be able to choose 2 mains as I want more variety. They can make the mains smaller if there’s cost issue. The soft-shell crab spaghetti with crab meat tomato cream sauce was nice. The restaurant also considered that as one of their signature items. I loved the crab meat thoroughly immersed in the cream sauce and you could taste the crab meat very frequently, apart from eating the deep-fried soft-shell crab. Good for crab lovers.For the dessert, the Uji matcha tiramisu with candied red beans was presented in a box. There was a small tube containing matcha sake for customer to add to the dessert. I didn’t think sake would match well with the tiramisu as it’s bitter as compared to sweet Baileys. The flow from the tube was also slow. We decided to put that aside.There’s only a limited number of specialty drinks that you could add extra to upgrade from the regular tea / coffee. So we picked the peach & Fuji apple soda, which was also one of their recommended items. That was pretty and very sweet, especially when the ice hasn’t fully melted.There’re hard cat dolls in the restaurant, with majority of them placed at the entrance, and none near our table. The food items that we’ve ordered had no cat element whatsoever. At the second-round dinner time on a Thursday night, the restaurant was about 80% filled, which was quite good. Majority of customers used coupon when they settled the bill. I guess the shopping mall coupon helped the business.
每次經過希慎廣場,見到 QUE 日式西餐廳成日都排哂,攪到心思思想試下!早幾日見到唔使排隊就即刻入去食個 early dinner 😝我哋就揀左佢哋嘅$498 二人餐,可以揀沙律、主食、壽司塔可二款、小食、甜品及飲品 !🥗 松葉蟹肉蟹籽沙律松葉蟹肉配青瓜絲及蟹柳絲,仲有大量蟹籽,清爽又開胃🦪 酥炸廣島蠔炸得金黃酥炸嘅廣島蠔,外脆內軟又多汁,配埋檸檬醬可以提鮮🍙 辣味三文魚壽司塔可墨西哥TACO 配燒過嘅辣味三文魚,香口又唔太辣!🍙 鰻魚玉子壽司塔可天婦羅式嘅紫菜,夾住鰻魚及玉子,咬落脆卜卜又唔容易淋哂,配搭不錯🍛香蔥拖羅蓉溫泉玉子軟滑嘅香蔥拖羅蓉,撈匀埋溫泉玉子一齊食,新鮮又美味,而且份量都不少🧁 抹茶提拉米蘇盒子配糖漬紅豆甜品喺抹茶味嘅 Tiramisu,口感幼滑,抹茶味濃郁QUE (希慎廣場)地址:銅鑼灣軒尼詩道500號希慎廣場URBANHOOD B1樓B111-112號舖#QUEhk #銅鑼灣美食 #日式西餐廳 #二人套餐