玩完獨木舟,有住赤柱既同學就帶我地去食呢間係地洞入面既 Cafe,環境好特別!到左 Tea 既時間,我地每人叫左一杯咖啡同一件 Danish。Cappuccino 咖啡味濃,Peach Danish 香口酥脆得黎又唔膩(唔油)😆😋 食完冇咩罪惡感!
Love the interior design of the place but it is a little bit too warm because there is a bakery inside which they bake freshly everyday so I assume the heat is generated by the big oven. I have ordered the egg Benedict and the size was bigger than I expected. Love that it has asparagus and mushroom on the side! For the chicken quesadilla, it is very tasty and filling too! Coffee is average (consider to be weak for me as I am a coffeeholic). My friends ordered the pastries and they said it is super yummy! It’s freshly made and it tastes so good!
I had the Salmon eggs Benedict and a pear tart. The benedicts was a big portion, though the dish lacked flavor. It's more of a home cooked quality than restaurant quality. The pear Danish was the highlight, much better than other bakeries, the pastry was crispy and the fruit was fresh.The location is kind of dark and hidden away in the basement with limited natural light.
🤪見到外面咁特別,就已經俾佢吸引左,入到去,冷氣略厭唔夠涼(大熱天時嘛)入面裝修好似外國啲樓上或者地下cafe, 以木同石床主調,好有風格!all day breakfast, 整體都不過不失,無咩驚喜,亦都偏硬啲,唯獨個croissant !!!!始終佢都係主打包,真係好脆,亦好香,下次一定會再試埋其他麵包或者蛋糕呀🤪carbonara 嘅醬都好濃,已經份量好夠,食完已經好飽喇🤣差啲食唔哂,好在可以慢慢坐慢慢傾
今日同另一伴黎赤柱行下街,過一個無咁多人既週末。揀左呢間食lunch。呢間餐廳環境好的色,營造到好似一個山窿咁樣。有門口行樓梯落去已經開始有呢種感覺。餐廳入面牆身都係用仿歐洲古堡用既大石頭做,幾有風味。我哋兩個人叫左一份 all-day breakfast,份量超足,多到食唔曬,質素就一般,真係做得好外國風味,連塊煙肉都炸到硬到似係外國食,唔知點解係外國食都係仲意炸到咁乾身。另到份叫左呢個牛油果🥑加煎蛋,呢份相對就好味啲,蛋做得剛剛好,唔係流心 但又不會太熟。係good ge! 不過間餐廳整體環境係幾舒服。