港铁西营盘站 B2 出口, 步行约3分钟 继续阅读
以砖墙为设计主轴、风格简约的西式扒房,菜式新鲜足料,供应各式意大利风味肉类菜肴,另亦不定期转换菜式,带给食客新鲜感。 继续阅读
11:30 - 22:00
Visa Master 现金 美国运通 银联
Fresh mozzarella and Burrata Lobster linguine Italian Pizza Parma Tenderloin steak Ribeye Steak
食记 (20)
等级1 2023-06-04
212 浏览
Been to the restaurant a few times already and the quality of the food is consistently good. I am not a salad person but I always enjoy their salad cos the ingredients including burrata cheese and cherry tomatoes are fresh. For main course, I usually choose between lamb chops and steak and both are great. Dessert is included and it’s simply a small piece of raisin cake and vanilla ice cream but just enough to round off a good lunch. Water is free. Service is attentive without being overbearing. 继续阅读
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等级1 2023-05-15
149 浏览
I went to the steak mozzarella for dinner with some friends last week, this restaurant gave us a big surprise ,None of us expected to eat authentic Italian food in this small restaurant, We chatted with the Italian manager there, knowing that this restaurant is run by Italians, their ingredients are very fresh, and they are airlifted from Italy to Hong Kong every week, no wonder we can eat such delicious and authentic Italian dishes there, we highly recommend it. 继续阅读
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等级1 2023-03-17
302 浏览
Used to come here more often coz it was one of the better ones on the street for lunch. Came again today after a while, everything has gone downhill. Menu changed and steak was so salty and have zero beef taste with just a lump of marsh potato on the side. Sure it is written on the menu but if this is the type of fine dine quality dont u suppose to ask the customers if he wants to add sides? Old customer will just sit down and order instead of re-reading everything on the menu.Even lemon tea tastes and smells like lemon detergent instead. Whats wrong? Pls go back to your original edible standard, stop cutting cost and corner else u just another high street grill. But probably wont ever come again.also just read other google reviews clearly those with good photos nicely stacked food are the fake ones. If u rather pay marketers or friends to post fake comments why dont u just improve your food and chef? They also used to have this tall guy that was absolutely rude as hell, give u the bill before u even finish. Only walked in today coz he wasnt there, what a mistake it was.Avoid at all cost. 继续阅读
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等级3 2022-11-29
652 浏览
港島西區有不少steak house和cafe,今天到西營盤品嘗一家bookmark了好一陣子的餐廳。這家Steak Mozzarella & Co的假日午市套餐有牛扒、魚柳、羊架、烤雞等不同選擇,附送餐湯或沙拉,加上「Daily Dessert」,價格由$118至$198不等。🔺 Lamb Chop ($138)羊架煎得很香,沒有任何羶味,加上肉質鮮嫩,即使沒有配上任何醬汁,也不會感覺很乾。旁邊的薯條不油膩,沙律菜入口清新,整體非常滿意。回頭率:🌕🌕🌕🌕🌑🔺 Rib Eye Steak ($138)肉眼扒比羊架味道更加濃郁,肉質鮮嫩多汁,份量合理。配菜同樣是薯條和沙拉菜,整體更勝羊架一籌。回頭率:🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕🔺 Set Salad餐前沙律有小番茄、沙拉菜、青瓜等不同材料,配上橄欖油、醋、蜜糖,分量十足且味道清新,為小編帶來驚喜。回頭率:🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕🔺 Set Soup跟沙拉一樣,餐湯食材十分豐富,有腰豆、蘿蔔粒、薯粒、西芹和香草,但如照片所示,餐湯非常油膩,餐廳應盡量減低餐湯的油膩感。回頭率:🌕🌕🌑🌑🌑🔺 Daily Dessert這道Chocolate Brownies with Vanilla Ice Cream可說是一場災難,布朗尼蛋糕質感非常濕潤,全無口感可言,跟泡水的雪芳蛋糕無異。小編跟朋友一致同意,我們只要雪糕便可,請餐廳別再給食客送上那件所謂的brownies了。回頭率:🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑 继续阅读
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等级2 2022-11-20
479 浏览
哩間店前身係銅鑼灣,當時賣點就係自家製Burrata cheese。當年食過,一試難忘!但佢搬左去高街實在太唔方便,就冇再食過了。今次終於去開附近,可以再戰!😍叫左個set dinner…先黎個餐前包,唔記得左影,但係烘到又熱又脆!好味!然後到我朝思暮想嘅主角: Burrata cheese!叫左個set,頭盤有Burrata salad真係離曬大譜😭💕個burrata咁香奶味!啲沙律菜全部勁新鮮,蕃茄都好甜。個沙律咁有誠意得唔得嫁😭(據說佢地Burrata 仍然係自家製)⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️之後到main嘅Argentina rib eye佢唔係好厚嘅扒,但個五成熟真係燒得好靚!薄身其實好難控制個火候!外面層香草牛油包得好好,香到🥹💕 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️另外仲叫左個羊肉千層麵同pizza (唔記得名了,主要唔係我食)羊肉千層麵印象中有啲羶,我就唔係好頂得順,但朋友大愛😂Pizza餅低個質感好好,不過下次我會㨂番burrata pizza🤣 我太愛果粒白色波波了🤓當晚閒日夜晚去,竟然冇乜人🥹我真係好驚佢做唔住會執,所以誠意推介俾大家!食唔番咁好味嘅burrata cheese都唔知點算🥹 继续阅读
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