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大川沪喺一年进驻中港城,由几个年资唔少嘅师傅为你带来传统上海菜👨🏻🍳餐厅嘅座位好宽敞,而且落地玻璃嘅透光度十足,感觉好舒适😚 佢地仲有中餐少见嘅户外座位,前几日中秋节有唔少人喺出面赏月架🌛This restaurant provides traditional flavours of Shanghai, cooked by some professional local chefs. The interior environment was very well lit and comfy, and they even had outdoor seats which is a rare find in Chinese places. 蜜汁火方 $165Yunnan Ham in honey sauce with steamed bread火腿方丁经过长时间炖煮至肉嫩软滑🍖 桂花糖嘅蜜味同火腿嘅咸鲜发挥互补作用,咸甜交融🤩 配菜有即炸豆腐皮、莲子同埋青瓜,将佢地同埋火方放喺松软嘅夹包里面口感变得好丰富🤤The Yunnan Ham was braised and flavoured wi
This restaurant provides traditional flavours of Shanghai, cooked by some professional local chefs. The interior environment was very well lit and comfy, and they even had outdoor seats which is a rare find in Chinese places.
蜜汁火方 $165
Yunnan Ham in honey sauce with steamed bread
火腿方丁经过长时间炖煮至肉嫩软滑🍖 桂花糖嘅蜜味同火腿嘅咸鲜发挥互补作用,咸甜交融🤩 配菜有即炸豆腐皮、莲子同埋青瓜,将佢地同埋火方放喺松软嘅夹包里面口感变得好丰富🤤
The Yunnan Ham was braised and flavoured with honey to balance out the savouriness. By adding fried tofu, lotus seeds and cucumbers, the textures created were impeccable.
滋味小茄子 $55
Fried Baby Egg Plant with dressing
小茄子嘅质感非常绵密,唔会食到一丝丝嘅纤维🍆 酱汁用左台湾嘅金不换同酱油,香辣味十足而且已经渗晒入茄子里面,可以话系呢道菜嘅灵魂😉
The baby egg plants were very soft and has absorbed all the sauce, therefore they were filled with umami.
小笼包 $55
Steamed Pork Dumplings
师傅自己整嘅小笼包果然有料到🤓 面皮嘅薄到透光,咬开之后热辣辣嘅汤汁即刻流出💧馅料肉味香浓,点落姜醋一齐食就更有风味👏🏼
The outer skin was very thin and delicate, and the juice bursted out after you once you bit into it. The filling was very aromatic, and the vinegar made it even better.
蒸素饺 $58
Steamed Veggie Dumplings
饺子皮厚薄适中,口感烟韧🥟 平时嘅素饺通常只有青菜、木耳、韭菜等等,草青味较重🌿 但呢款因为加左香菇,所以令味道更有层次😇
The chewy shell was wrapped around a large amounts of veggie shreds and diced mushrooms which elevated the flavours.
羊肉抢汤面 $130
Noodle in Mutton Broth
汤底用左羊肉同羊骨慢烩,每条面条都被浓稠嘅汤汁覆盖著,所以啖啖都充满香浓嘅羊骚味🐑 羊肉片嘅份量亦唔少,质感鲜嫩而且带少少脂肪,食完成碗个胃即刻暖晒🤰🏻
The viscous broth was made from hours of brewing mutton meat and bones, so it was packed with gaminess. The meat slices were very tender and smooth.
胜瓜云耳炒淮山 $118
Fried Sponge Gourd with Fungus and Chinese Yam
呢道菜有软腍嘅胜瓜、滑顺嘅云耳同埋爽脆嘅淮山,一次过可以食到三种口感😏 酱汁味道清淡,只带著微微嘅咸香味,喺咁多重口味嘅菜色之后食就最适合🥬
You could get all three textures in one dish, and the sauce was quite mild and refreshing.