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明明好想食中环holly brown炒雪糕,不知道是不是天气太热越行越不想食野,最后行到去呢度,一于入去试试平民版sevva。虽然服务员挂住听电话不理我,但是之后的态度都超好,对蛋糕认识又够,好!lady in red($50)得分: 73分呢件是由一块太厚硬的黑白间条巧克力片﹐ 无味pink and wet马卡龙﹐桑莓bubble jelly好好比想象中甜度底﹐雪到像cheese mousse的忌廉, pink berry chiffon下面是简单的whipped cream夹左荔枝肉﹐但口感干到好像椰子肉﹐底是pink berry chiffon。讲真的﹐ 她们的蛋糕本身质地真的做得非常非常出色﹐ 松软湿润﹐ 轻盈但味道不出﹐ 无蛋味又无果味。蛋糕底无茶custard或者巧克力酱﹐ 最后我件蛋糕wing wing下就跌左落地喇。better than sex($50)得分: 100分呢件是由不能食的红色lips﹐超痴牙的焦糖脆脆﹐ 硬身浓巧克力酱条﹐ 软身较甜牛奶巧克力酱﹐ 不甜的黑巧克力chiffon﹐超喜欢的salty拖肥脆碎层﹐ 黑巧克力fudge cake中间夹著好湿的巧克
行到去呢度,一于入去试试平民版sevva。 虽然 服务员挂住听电话不理我,但是之后的态度都超好,对蛋糕认识又够,好!
lady in red($50)
得分: 73分 呢件是由一块太厚硬的黑白间条巧克力片﹐ 无味pink and wet马卡龙﹐桑莓bubble
jelly好好比想象中甜度底﹐雪到像cheese mousse的忌廉, pink berry chiffon下
面是简单的whipped cream夹左荔枝肉﹐但口感干到好像椰子肉﹐底是pink berry
chiffon。讲真的﹐ 她们的蛋糕本身质地真的做得非常非常出色﹐ 松软湿润﹐ 轻
盈但味道不出﹐ 无蛋味又无果味。蛋糕底无茶custard或者巧克力酱﹐ 最后我件蛋
糕wing wing下就跌左落地喇。
better than sex($50)
得分: 100分 呢件是由不能食的红色lips﹐超痴牙的焦糖脆脆﹐ 硬身浓巧克力酱条﹐ 软身较甜
牛奶巧克力酱﹐ 不甜的黑巧克力chiffon﹐超喜欢的salty拖肥脆碎层﹐ 黑巧克力
fudge cake中间夹著好湿的巧克力酱加不痴牙的焦糖脆脆碎﹐底因为是更超湿的salty拖
肥脆碎层而可以黏住卡纸。呢件我给一百分﹐ 看上去甜漏非常﹐食完竟然还开胃肚
饿﹐不但满足了巧克力的心魔﹐而一点不令你战斗力降至零﹐厉害!! 三件都买呢件
madam butterfly($50)
得分: 87分 juicy right size dried apricot on round dark and white chocolate slice which was same as that on lady in red, the fruit was nice but the chocolate was again too thick and sweet. taste of both beetroot and pistachio chiffon was not strong, but the apricot compote between them was super nice, and the cream in the middle of the cake was frozen to a texture like mousse, very refreshing! love that chocolate chiffon again, moist enough and not too sweet, went sooooo well with that hazelnut crunch base which needed a fork to finish them all, not that kind of one piece base. love this shop super very much and they even tasted better than those pastries over $50 in la maison du chocolat! must try!