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同老公继续庆祝相识拍拖周年环节,老公放工后就话带我去居酒屋食饭。老公早过我放工,早过我到就帮我点餐,佢顺便嗌埋牛肉比佢自己自肥。我到左无耐之后野食就到左 (感觉职员既服务超有效率)。虽然同老公share 刺身拼盘,个带子同海胆fresh 到我真心唔够喉,所以再嗌多个自己食生蚝!食到个又creamy, 又厚肉又大只既生蚝真系超满意既一次自肥!First time visit with my husband one day after work - My husband took opportunity to place order while waiting for my arrival. I was impressed with the sashimi platter my husband ordered, especially loved the scallop and urchin.
虽然同老公share 刺身拼盘,个带子同海胆fresh 到我真心唔够喉,所以再嗌多个自己食生蚝!食到个又creamy, 又厚肉又大只既生蚝真系超满意既一次自肥!
First time visit with my husband one day after work - My husband took opportunity to place order while waiting for my arrival. I was impressed with the sashimi platter my husband ordered, especially loved the scallop and urchin.