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叫咗个味噌味嘅亲子乌冬唔特别,口感偏硬同淡味,汤底都可以。本身食完个乌冬,觉得都几一般,同埋越坐越热,然后觉得唔明点解有人排队,跟住发现佢个食法系可以另外追加一个饭捞落去食,张枱嘅右上角有写呢个食法,话系名古屋嘅食法。试完之后,好感度大增!佢个饭系免费嘅,个饭好香米味,加完饭落味噌汤之后,好食好多倍!!!!!以后都会叫小乌冬多饭 😋其他汤底暂时都未试过,有机会会再去试买鲣鱼同咖喱汤底服务嚟讲都可以嘅,但要提醒店员唔好收走个乌冬汤底,同埋追加个饭PS. Interestingly, It is found that title have to including udon even I pay for my dinner and the restaurant provide the rice for free. To OpenRice: For the rice, you can see there is a sticker mention it on the table. And it totally doesn’t make any sense to say the udon is
佢个饭系免费嘅,个饭好香米味,加完饭落味噌汤之后,好食好多倍!!!!!以后都会叫小乌冬多饭 😋
PS. Interestingly, It is found that title have to including udon even I pay for my dinner and the restaurant provide the rice for free. To OpenRice: For the rice, you can see there is a sticker mention it on the table. And it totally doesn’t make any sense to say the udon is not that good for me if I got paid or any benefit from the restaurant lol.
As I found that the photo that I saved cannot upload to the platform, so I just take the my phone’s photos and you might see the green box for reference. The 追加 means free rice.