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嬲到我第一次写食评 第一次食放题系食唔饱 真系垃圾嚟 冇一样嘢系好食 士多啤梨味雪糕系药水味 大家想试伏可以去试试 牛无牛味 猪无猪味 鸡一咬就散 失败中既失败 最后想是但揾啲嘢塞爆自己个肚 但发觉冇一样嘢系可取劣劣劣劣劣 贴钱买难受 唯一可取之处系个热朱古力湿纸巾都无张..this is the first time to write a review for the OpenRice. This is unacceptable for the restaurant that everything is rubbish
劣劣劣劣劣 贴钱买难受 唯一可取之处系个热朱古力湿纸巾都无张..this is the first time to write a review for the OpenRice. This is unacceptable for the restaurant that everything is rubbish