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蓝田是以公屋和居屋为主的住宅区, 周边就是街市, 社区中心以及学校等公共设施, 和文青以至是Coffee Shop也不太沾得上边. 连Starbucks也败走蓝田的情况下, 这Coffee Shop就成了这区的异数. 在商场的一个小角落, 其文青及充满猫摆设的装修, 却非常抢眼.这里的青酱螺丝粉在之前点其外卖的品尝过, 做法并不复杂, 但味道和口感可喜, 青酱香甜带微酸, 螺丝粉挂汁力强而口感依然维持爽弹. 配上慢煮口感粉嫩的鸡胸, 上面的蜜糖芥末酱的微甜微辛, 和青酱味道相当夹. 整体味道层次丰富, 但吃起来相当健康.培茶蛋卷也品尝到这小店的诚意. 蛋卷口感湿润, 培茶甘香同时也吃到其蛋香. 内里的培茶忌廉味道较轻盈, 而上面的酱汁则较浓重而浓稠, 一啖可以吃出三种味道和口感层次之余, 又不会太腻, 被不少同类的做得出色.Healman Coffee is a unique coffee shop in Lam Tin. When Starbucks had closed her branch in Lam Tin, it becomes the only coffee shop a
这里的青酱螺丝粉在之前点其外卖的品尝过, 做法并不复杂, 但味道和口感可喜, 青酱香甜带微酸, 螺丝粉挂汁力强而口感依然维持爽弹. 配上慢煮口感粉嫩的鸡胸, 上面的蜜糖芥末酱的微甜微辛, 和青酱味道相当夹. 整体味道层次丰富, 但吃起来相当健康.
培茶蛋卷也品尝到这小店的诚意. 蛋卷口感湿润, 培茶甘香同时也吃到其蛋香. 内里的培茶忌廉味道较轻盈, 而上面的酱汁则较浓重而浓稠, 一啖可以吃出三种味道和口感层次之余, 又不会太腻, 被不少同类的做得出色.
Healman Coffee is a unique coffee shop in Lam Tin. When Starbucks had closed her branch in Lam Tin, it becomes the only coffee shop at such residential district. The green sauce fusilli with slow cooked chicken breast is excellent in texture and the taste of sauce. You can taste the refreshing taste from green sauce in the same time the honey mustard sauce of chicken breast enrich the overall tasting experience. The Hojicha egg roll is a must try as well. The declaration is so cutie and you should visit it if you are cat lovers.