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浸满蛋汁同油嘅”pancake”,湿漉漉。睇落似煎蛋饼多过pancake。食落湿润嘅程度令人匪夷所思。咁创新嘅pancake,想食嘅人要有心理准备。佢会畀你一个pancake嘅崭新定义!I cannot rate this restaurant unless I have a 200-word review. So here comes the English version of it. A very horrible “pancake” stack soaked in oil and eggs. So very damp. The new definition of pancake has been set by this cafe. For those who love unconventional food, prepare your palate and money to have an adventure with this unforgettable fried egg-like “pancake”.
I cannot rate this restaurant unless I have a 200-word review. So here comes the English version of it. A very horrible “pancake” stack soaked in oil and eggs. So very damp. The new definition of pancake has been set by this cafe. For those who love unconventional food, prepare your palate and money to have an adventure with this unforgettable fried egg-like “pancake”.