2022-05-29 655 浏览
最近喺钻石山开左一间以汤种为主嘅面包店🍞 大部分嘅烘焙食品因为揉合左汤种嘅元素所以口感同埋味道比普遍嘅更有口感😚 重点系价钱非常亲民,老板希望人人都可以「无忧」无虑咁享受佢哋个美食❤️This recently opened bakery specialised in sourdough, and incorporates it in most of their bake which gives them a unique taste and texture. Despite the efforts and time needed to activate sourdough starters, the shop owner insists on keeping their prices reasonable so that more people could afford to taste the delicacies. 汤种竹炭芝士吐司 $14Sourdough Charcoal Cheese Toast加左竹炭粉唔单止好睇,仲健康啲添🥳 佢嘅质感绵密柔软,加埋一粒粒嘅车打芝士就有两种
最近喺钻石山开左一间以汤种为主嘅面包店🍞 大部分嘅烘焙食品因为揉合左汤种嘅元素所以口感同埋味道比普遍嘅更有口感😚 重点系价钱非常亲民,老板希望人人都可以「无忧」无虑咁享受佢哋个美食❤️
This recently opened bakery specialised in sourdough, and incorporates it in most of their bake which gives them a unique taste and texture. Despite the efforts and time needed to activate sourdough starters, the shop owner insists on keeping their prices reasonable so that more people could afford to taste the delicacies.
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汤种竹炭芝士吐司 $14
Sourdough Charcoal Cheese Toast
加左竹炭粉唔单止好睇,仲健康啲添🥳 佢嘅质感绵密柔软,加埋一粒粒嘅车打芝士就有两种唔同嘅口感😎 芝士嘅咸香味好出,每块都有1x粒左右,非常足料🥰
Not only does adding charcoal powder make it looks more aesthetic, it also brings health benefits. They also added a generous amount of cheddar bits, which carries an aromatic cheese flavour and adds a chew factor to the fluffy bread.
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汤种芝麻甜薯方包 $15
Sourdough Sesame Sweet Potato Bread
呢款比吐司更扎实,有返啲咬口😗 食落去有浓郁嘅黑芝麻味,同软熟嘅甜薯粒非常配💓
This has a denser texture than the toast, providing a firmer bite. Strong sesame aroma has been weaved into it, which is a perfect match with the mellow sweet potato bits.
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汤种芝士条 $15
Sourdough Cheese Sticks
呢个就好似一条长形嘅麻糬波波,老板建议焗返热先食🫡 焗完之后会食到更香浓嘅芝士味,口感变得外脆内软,非常烟韧😝
The dough has a texture similar texture to mochi balls, which after you’ve reheated it becomes crunchy on the outside, chewy on the inside, and the cheese flavour will be more pronounced.
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牛油曲奇 $25
Butter Cookies
老板话呢只曲奇系自己喺工场到制作,十分有诚意👍🏼 入口松化可口,表面嘅立体花纹将口感提升😍 曲奇呈现出浓重牛油嘅醇香,同微妙的甜味之间达到完美嘅平衡😇
The cookie was soft and crumbly, and you could tell it was freshly made in the factory not long ago. They are super buttery with just the right amount of sweetness.
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