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经杜生一介绍,呢间以前无咩生意嘅东欧餐厅即时旺过旺角。正宗乌克兰罗宋汤饮落真系同港式罗宋汤好唔同,非常之清。基辅炸鸡扒 虽然无流心,但系都食得出牛油香。不过香烧猪肋骨同芝士焗牛脷盅 就麻麻哋。绝对唔质疑间系一间良心黄店,不过可能真系太多人帮衬,所以食物质素都有少少失望,不过试吓都无妨。This is a very special restaurant in Hong Kong specializing in Ukrainian food. The Chicken Kiev was nice; however, other items and the service could be improved a bit!
This is a very special restaurant in Hong Kong specializing in Ukrainian food. The Chicken Kiev was nice; however, other items and the service could be improved a bit!
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