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个柠檬芝士木糠布甸偏酸 (不过小编接受到🤪)有d似柠檬芝士夹心饼个味 可惜冇想像中咁有惊喜 个芒果布甸有大大旧芒果肉😍🥭足料!杨枝甘露配芒果雪糕正常水准 而椰汁紫米露小编会钟意上次个个多啲 因为杰身d~ 总括而言,呢度系一个好适合朋友吹水嘅地方😝-The lemon cheese pudding tastes sour (for me, it is acceptable) It tastes like the cream of the lemon biscuits. Honestly speaking, it is not very surprising... The mango pudding is good! It is served with large pieces of mango! The traditonal HK dessert Mango pomelo sago is up to standard. The glutinous rice with coconut milk is not bad, but I like the last one more as it i
个柠檬芝士木糠布甸偏酸 (不过小编接受到🤪)有d似柠檬芝士夹心饼个味 可惜冇想像中咁有惊喜 个芒果布甸有大大旧芒果肉😍🥭足料!杨枝甘露配芒果雪糕正常水准 而椰汁紫米露小编会钟意上次个个多啲 因为杰身d~ 总括而言,呢度系一个好适合朋友吹水嘅地方😝
The lemon cheese pudding tastes sour (for me, it is acceptable) It tastes like the cream of the lemon biscuits. Honestly speaking, it is not very surprising... The mango pudding is good! It is served with large pieces of mango! The traditonal HK dessert Mango pomelo sago is up to standard. The glutinous rice with coconut milk is not bad, but I like the last one more as it is more starchy and thicker. Overall, it is a good place for fds gathering.
地址:Chung Kee Dessert (荃湾 长沙湾 铜锣湾 慈云山 青衣HKU...都有分店 省略n字 太多啦😂)
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