Not only because I live just about half an hour away from Kwun Tong, my family love to come to Kwun Tong for a meal because there are always free parking spaces on the street. We seldom get any parking fines, but only if you know where to park. Few days back, my friend told me there is a western restaurant called Dreamix and she had her best tea set ever at that place and I have found that they actually have another Chinese restaurant just one floor up! It's not quite common for my family to go
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Not only because I live just about half an hour away from Kwun Tong, my family love to come to Kwun Tong for a meal because there are always free parking spaces on the street. We seldom get any parking fines, but only if you know where to park. 
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Few days back, my friend told me there is a western restaurant called Dreamix and she had her best tea set ever at that place and I have found that they actually have another Chinese restaurant just one floor up! It's not quite common for my family to go to industrial buildings but I guess this is a nice experience and I am glad that they liked it. 
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Despite the fact that the buildings are old and somewhat smelly from the corridors and lifts, the interior of this restaurant is exceptionally clean and comfortable. 
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There are only 4 tables in the very spacious area and they are all in different sizes to cater for different groups of customers. 
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I also liked how they hang the photos of their customers on the wall but I didn't find anyone I know there, haha. 
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There are a few seasonal dinner menus available daily at different price range and we have chosen their latest spring dinner set for $488 per head. The menu is for 4 people minimum but one of our friends got sick so we had to enjoy the meal between just 3 of us. 

Before we start our meal, we were served with some Mahogany fruit water and they are actually refillable. It's pretty light and not too sweet, a lot lighter than the one my mum prepared but I am still liking it because it's very good for you. 
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Drunken South African Abalone

These abalone are a bit on the tough side but the housemade marinate tasted absolutely amazing because they used hua diao alcohol, and salted plum. The whole big abalone had absorbed the alcoholic taste and it has became a lot sweeter than normal. 
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We were told that we can drink the alcohol on its own so we were given some small cups to drink! 
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Yam ,Goji Berry, Sea Whelks, Chicken Soup

Next, Cantonese cuisine is all about fresh ingredients and soup is not to be missed on the menu. The ingredients of the soup was first served for us. We didn't have too much because we know we have a big meal ahead of us. Some of the chicken meat was still quite tender but the flavours had gone into the soup. 
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The soup is very clear and they have already skimmed out the oil. It's not salty at all and you can definitely taste the sweetness from the chicken as well as the goji berries. 

I must say, this is a very comforting home cooking meal that is even better than my mum's. (please don't tell her)
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It is a giant pot of soup and we finished every drop of it because it is that good! 
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Minced Shrimp paste chicken

It's not just any normal steamed chicken, but it's actually minced shrimp taste at the bottom, with a piece of chicken skin on top, plus some flower pedals and more nice big fat goji berries. 

We were told that this dish takes literally 2 days to prepare because there is no squid paste but pure shrimp paste and they will need 2 days to get that soft but still fresh texture from the meat. 
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This is my first time having this dish and it actually came from one of the most famous restaurants in Guangchow. Having a private kitchen is to be bold and recreate dishes that we can't find anywhere else. This dish is simply stunning and eye opening.
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Braised pork knuckle

The restaurant have been famous for their very fatty pork dishes. I have seen other tables ordering something like pork bun but we have chosen the even fattier braised pork knuckle this time. The whole piece has been steamed for 10 hours so the skin is not really that greasy and it is not just a mouthful of fat but some gelatine-y chewy bites. 

Besides,  it's not salty again because it is in home cooking style. So, we were then served with rice for us to go with the thick sauce in the pot. 
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I must say that the meat is not the tenderest meat I have tasted but I somehow liked it because it has a texture to it, instead of just soft and almost falling apart. 
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Lotus leaf rice

There are big steamed lotus leaf rice served in bamboo container. The rice is prepared with chicken, mushroom, and fresh fungus, and Chinese herbs. 
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The rice is moist after being steamed and the lotus leaves is flavourful and enjoyable. I like the subtle sweetness from the red dates as well as the earthy taste from the black fungus. 
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Vegetables with Chinese herbs in clear broth

The veggie dish is probably the least interesting dish on the menu. One thing I do like is that they never ever overcook their veggies, keeping them crunchy, green, and fresh. 
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Deep fried eel with floral honey
Coming next, this is my favourite dish so far. The eel is from Taiwan and we were told that they have been buying their eel from the exact same shop because of its stable good quality. The eels are very big as you can see from the big pieces. 
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The technique to prepare these eels is not as easy as it seems. Chef needs to control the fire between high and low. And then only drizzle a bit of floral honey when frying them in the heated wok. 
The batter is very very thin and super crunchy. The sweetness is not too overwhelming but rather subtle. The balance is very good which makes it almost addictive. 
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Tofu with crab sauce 
Lastly, we wonder why they put this dish on the menu as the last dish though as I was expecting tofu would come with veggies. Anyway, the tofu is very smooth and the sauce is thick with a savoury crab paste. We were very full at this stage and were already satisfied with all the other amazing dishes like the eel, pork knuckle, and minced shrimp, so we were a bit underwhelmed by this dish but that's okay. 
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Afterward, we were given a pot of hot floral tea just to ease our digestion, as a Chinese tradition. 
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Panna cotta
In no time, we were given dessert which is surprising because dessert is not included in the menu. We were told that they don't have dessert all the time because it really depends on how busy they are on that day. And it is only given n a limited supply. 
These panna cotta is different from the normal ones because they use low GI sugar from Cambodia. As expected, it it not as sweet with a very thick consistency. 
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Let's sum it up, I think the condition and cleanliness is probably the best among all KT industrial restaurants. It's also one of the most comfortable places. Food wise, expect yourself trying some dishes that you have never seen before, and the taste is tender to be less salty / sweet, which I personally prefer. 
My mum liked this place so which and she said she is going to recommend her group of dancing friends to come here. Let's see how committed she is! 
(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
$488 (晚餐)