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中文评语系英文下面。Absolutely terrible service. I wouldn't come back even if you paid me to. Do not go to this restaurant at all cost.Service1. The waiter dripped quite a bit of oil from the tacos on one of our shirts and phone. We understand that accidents do happen some time, but the waiter then had the audacity to ask us if we needed any tissue. Like what?? What do you expect us to do? Lick the shirt and phone clean?2. The linen napkin given was extremely dirty to the touch, some of them was still wet
1. The waiter dripped quite a bit of oil from the tacos on one of our shirts and phone. We understand that accidents do happen some time, but the waiter then had the audacity to ask us if we needed any tissue. Like what?? What do you expect us to do? Lick the shirt and phone clean?
2. The linen napkin given was extremely dirty to the touch, some of them was still wet even. I could not dare to bring it close to my face.
3. Something as simple as a water cup was not even given to everyone of us. We had to request for the water cup for 2 of us halfway through the meal. Even then, they only gave us 1 water cup and we had to request for the 2nd one again.
4. The main door was basically open the entire time, and the aircon was weak af. None of the staff took initiative to close the door. I was eating my meal in sweat the entire time.
5. We went on a Taco Tuesday, and when we asked one of the waitress if the Tacos listed on the menu was half-priced already, she said yes. We had to ask another more senior waiter to confirm that the price listed on the menu was in fact not discounted yet.
6. We ordered 2 guacamole, salsa and chips. We only wanted to order 1, as we thought that the unlimited refill of chips for $15 would be enough for us all to share the salsa and gauac. The waitress then proceeded to tell us that we must order 2 portions even though nothing was stated on the menu that there was a maximum # of people that can share 1 GSC. The waitress didn't even say anything along the lines of "1 GSC may not be enough for all of you to share, so we suggest you to get 2", she just straight up said we must order 2 portions.
We went on a taco Tuesday, meaning tacos were half price, and even then we spent around $300 per person. This means that normally, this meal would cost around $550 per person after subtracting the non-discounted price of drinks and GSC. I am expecting much better service than this if I am supposed to pay $550per person.
The tacos served was average at best. Honestly some of the fillings were tasty, but the tortillas shells for most of the tacos were dry af. They were so dry to the point that it was crusty. How is this possible for a mexican restaurant?
The ambience in the restaurant was indeed not bad, but the opened main door was a deal breaker especially in the Hong Kong summer heat.
Final Verdict
In summary, do not come to this place. I would much rather pay around $150 per person and eat at calimex. At least I won't be eating in sweat first. The food quality 100% does not reflect the price, and the service was so horrible that even if you paid me to come again I wouldn't.
1. 有个侍应将Taco入边嘅油滴到我哋成身同埋电话都系。咁我哋明白有时意外真系无法避免发生,但系之后佢竟然问我哋需唔需要纸巾抹。咁都要问唔通我哋要舐干净件衫同电话?
2. 我哋大部份人嘅抹咀毛巾摸上手都觉得好污糟,我更加唔够胆将佢带近我块面或者嘴。有几块布污糟都仲系湿嘅。
3. 每个人一个水杯咁基本嘅嘢都俾唔齐。佢哋比少咗两个水杯我哋。食到一半我哋已经顶唔顺啦,所以问咗佢攞多两个水杯。佢哋竟然净系攞咗一个水杯过嚟我哋要问多次先俾埋第二个水杯我哋。
4. 餐厅嘅大门基本上系成程开住。冷气又唔够冻,我基本上成餐都系留住汗咁食。
5. 我哋星期二去嘅,咁应该Tacos系半价。我哋问咗一个侍应佢话Menu上面写嘅价钱已经系折咗。我哋要问一个更加高级嘅侍应先至发现原来Menu上写嘅价钱系未必嘅。
6. 我哋嗌咗两份 牛油果蕃茄薯片GSC,但系我哋本身只系想嗌一份,因为佢哋嘅薯片系可以无限次加$15任添,所以我哋觉得可以加多啲薯片share啲牛油果同埋蕃茄汁。但系个侍应就话我哋一定要嗌两份。餐牌上冇任何嘢写住最多可以几多个人share一份GSC。咁所以个侍应系唔系应该讲类似「一个GSC唔够你哋咁多个人share㖞,你哋会唔会带两份?」。佢完全冇讲过呢样嘢净系话我哋一定要系两份。