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睇到下面D review, 都有D担心去到会有不礼貌对待, 不过去到就知唔系o个回事.我哋大慨Sunday 嘅12点几去到, 原本都系坐里面, 不过佢一知道我哋 D袋有狗, 就有礼貌咁比我哋坐番出面. (Yes, this is our fault at first, but at least they were nice about it )我哋4个人, 点咗以下:Chili Wings - 唔太够spicy, 钟意食spicy嘅应该叫buffalo wings, but one thing though, 鸡翼煮得好juicy, 好有味 Salmon Marinara Pasta - 汁同pasta 做得恰到好处, 够味得o黎唔会太greasy, 不过好大碟ar!!!!Linguine Vongolle - 我钟意white wine sauce充满蒜味, 同D clams 好夹, 同埋好多好多clams Half and Half Large Pizza (Beefy & Seafood Marinara) - 簿批, crispy, tomato 同 cheese 够 bala
我哋大慨Sunday 嘅12点几去到, 原本都系坐里面, 不过佢一知道我哋 D袋有狗, 就有礼貌咁比我哋坐番出面. (Yes, this is our fault at first, but at least they were nice about it )
我哋4个人, 点咗以下:
Chili Wings - 唔太够spicy, 钟意食spicy嘅应该叫buffalo wings, but one thing though, 鸡翼煮得好juicy, 好有味
Salmon Marinara Pasta - 汁同pasta 做得恰到好处, 够味得o黎唔会太greasy, 不过好大碟ar!!!!
Linguine Vongolle - 我钟意white wine sauce充满蒜味, 同D clams 好夹, 同埋好多好多clams
Half and Half Large Pizza (Beefy & Seafood Marinara) - 簿批, crispy, tomato 同 cheese 够 balance, 料都好多下, recommended!
Service 方面, 其实真系唔错, 见佢哋对其他客人都系好有礼貌的, serve 我哋又真系几周到 ge.
最紧要系finally揾到一间有好pasta同pizza 食嘅restaurant啦