港鐵黃埔站 A 出口, 步行約2分鐘
12:00 - 21:00
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
如果講到嫩雞煨麵 喺紅磡黃埔區 我諗大家第一間諗起嘅一定係滄浪亭 今日試下新口味 試下另外一間小店三毛麵館我夜晚八點鐘左右去到 店入面只係見到兩張枱 四張凳 原本諗住堂食 點知抄牌 即刻轉咗做外賣 嗌咗兩樣嘢: 嫩雞煨麵 炸大排 嫩雞煨麵好大碗 好多料 啲雞唔算鞋 雞同菜嘅比例係啱啱好 個面軟硬適中 重點嘅湯好重奶味 食完唔算口乾 最後我係連啲湯都飲曬😆 整體同滄浪亭嗰個嫩雞煨麵可以話係一樣味道 係好食嘅 值得推介炸大排厚度適中 味道略甜嘅 口感唔算嚡唔算干 還可以嘅 舊豬扒有肥有瘦 炸得幾香脆76蚊埋單 仲送咗支豆漿 整喺cp值超高
隱藏喺紅磡小巷嘅上海麵店,應該係兩公婆經營,一個樓面一個廚房。舖頭位置唔多,十個位都冇,坐得迫啲,又有少少貨喺附近,但勝在夠平夠快。*嫩雞煨麵 $49 (午餐送樽裝豆漿)上菜時熱辣辣出晒煙,小棠菜份量好多,唔會切到細粒碎碎,又甜又脆口,雞肉係急凍貨,大粒但冇肉味,勝在夠嫩唔嚡。湯底雞湯呈奶白色,香濃但飲到有少少味精。麵條滑溜又索湯,而且唔會太綿太腍,非常合我口味。食lunch有樽裝豆漿飲,仲要唔洗50蚊就食飽飽。
Order and waiting timeOrdering was simple, and there was no queue around 6pm. There are I think at most 4 seats inside the shop so this is more of a take-away oriented food place. It only took 8 minutes for the lady to prepare my order from getting the chicken from the fridge and cooking the shanghai style noodle.The pricing is acceptable and good valued, highly competitive compared to others nearby.The food (香酥雞麵)Although the food stop is in the same secluded lane along with Zeppelin, hainan chicken and bubble tea, etc. the food in this one definitely beats the others in value. For $45, I got soya milk that comes with the noodle as a meal and the package looks nice for the chicken. Unfortunately, they didn't come with chopsticks, don't know if they provide it and I just didn't get it myself or they just don't provide it. But anyhow, since I took 'em home for dinner, I have my own chopsticks and stuff, so it is ok.The food unpacked! I actually got 5 pcs of chicken which is 1 more than the photo they displayed at the shopfront (see bottom right).The chicken is tender and not Overcooked! like the Switch game. Though it taste sweeter than I would usually like, I personally prefer salty ones like 鹽酥 ones, but that would be a different foodstyle. I guess this sweeter version has its own market. As the texture and taste are above average.The quantity of noodles were just... sooooo muchhhhhh!!! It was difficult for me to finish the whole bundle, my chopstick almost yielded and break when I tried to hold up all of them, at the end I could probably only pick up 60% of it without breaking my wooden chopstick (non-reusable). The noodle and soup were in the bowl together so you better live near the shop if you want to takeaway. But the noodles were fine when I got home (even after 5 mins journey back home + 5 mins more to wash hands, change clothes, and wash hands again to take photos of the food). The soya milk tastes sweet, but not over the edge, it has genuine soybean taste. I didn't know the noodle comes with it until the man put the bottle in the bag with the noodles I ordered. It was a small surprise for me for $45.Did I get a stomach-ache after this?Since you can see the kitchen at the shop front, it looks clean from there with stainless steel cladding on the wall. I am fine at the time of writing this review and it is almost 3 hours. So it's safe to say it's ok!Date of writing this review: 15 April 2021
喺openrice 揾到呢間小店,見冇負評又想食菜飯就去左食。入到去就明點解大家叫佢做小店。坐喺度會望到廚房,但非常乾淨企理兼乾爽,食都食得安心啲。今次叫左大排菜飯同紅燒肉菜飯。大排係炸豬排,但唔會有好厚嘅炸粉,食落脆口兼熱辣辣。紅燒肉肥瘦適中,非常入味,但略嫌鹹左啲。菜飯係用珍珠米!好食!今晚堂食嘅得我地一枱,但都有唔少人買外賣。紅磡好多野食,但少有咁滿意值得推介嘅小店。下次有機會想試下煨麵同醉雞翼。