港鐵香港站 E1 出口, 步行約6分鐘 繼續閱讀
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11:30 - 23:00
11:30 - 23:00
12:00 - 23:00
12:00 - 21:00
*星期一至六最後落單時間: 22:30 星期日最後落單時間: 20:30
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食評 (147)
等級3 2025-02-07
206 瀏覽
健康食品拉麵係真正日本人開嘅拉麵店!入到去係充滿日本人居酒屋嘅風格!而全部店員都係日本人,講日文嘅!好有feel今日食左節骨拉麵加蛋,湯底濃郁偏鹹;麵身夠爽,質地緊實,能很好地吸附湯汁,口感極佳;豚肉有三塊,脂肪分布平均,好味;麵上邊放咗啲味粉幾好味,口味獨特。隻蛋唔算太糖心,然後死碗麵勁多菜!可能就係因為咁樣叫健康拉麵?食完成碗麵充滿日本風味,感覺好似去咗日本鄉下食嘅拉麵咁,好味!不過返到公司要飲勁多水 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2025-02-06
243 瀏覽
好幾年前去過一次,今日星期五晚去座無虛席,要等十幾分鐘先有位。這裡的氛圍熱鬧非常好,甘岩前後枱都係日本人,估計應該都好地道串燒,不過有d 太乾鹽味牛腸鍋湯底清淡鮮美,鹽味岩岩好,搭配嫩滑豆腐和新鮮韭菜。但牛腸的比例相對較少,不過油脂感十足明太子玉子燒這絕對係居酒屋必點。外層金黃內裡柔滑玉子燒,搭配上香濃的明太子,咸香咸香 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2025-01-19
458 瀏覽
估唔到Friday late dinner健康拉麵要排隊排到第四枱,而出面大排檔唔使排🙆🏻‍♀️之前中環返工lunch會嚟食拉麵,但唔知夜晚居酒屋原來仲受歡迎!lucky us🍀 等咗10分鐘就有兩人枱可先入座左右兩枱客講日語、後面大枱講英文,氣氛熱鬧到呢~ 似身處响新宿思い出橫丁咁😀 例牌叫咗生啤先!Suntory隻凍杯堅冰👍🏻 好嘢!見bar枱有兩樣我好耐冇食同飲嘅🤩🤩即刻order:✅梅酒:自家浸,鍾意佢唔太甜,然後空肚咬兩啖梅差啲暈低🤣✅關東煮:大根入味但唔算好淋,湯底清甜仲有食依d。。。。🌟炸牛腸:好少食到,非常惹味香口,夾配洋蔥菜絲解膩好正🌟檸檬雞:少少驚喜,檸檬汁好醒胃🌟幾串串燒:最出色推雞三角軟骨,其他普通係咪奇怪點解冇叫拉麵呢?因為想落單時已經後知後覺人哋last order咗🫠🤣服務方面,店員上菜前有留意碗筷是否乾淨等;另因我哋坐中島位置枱底冇勾冇籃,食到中後段忽然有店員把儲物籃遞給我放袋,如果可以早於入座時提供就更好 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2025-01-07
559 瀏覽
🇯🇵健康食品拉麵 (威利大廈) (中環)中環威靈頓街97號威利大廈地下B,C,D號舖香港中環石板街附近由日本人主理的隱世拉麵🍜店!目測多本地人光顧, 但聽到左右旁的食客日文講得流利🤣 原來這麼多香港人有學日文!😂🌼下單時懂得講日文可以大派用場😆 或是用英語下單都可以! Menu 圖文並茂,大可以不用擔心😙🌼裝修好簡單, 好像日本小巷內的店舖般,有一刻令你感覺置身在東京🤣湯底除了有豬骨味,都好像混合了魚,可以隨心選擇要偏蒜味或是走青!所以湯底有點點黏性,有別一般重味精的口感😏 不過叉燒略嫌有點肥, 如果很喜歡食瘦叉燒的朋友或者要選其他款式啦! 🌼唐揚炸雞不過不失, 如果可以點檸檬汁會更清新啦😚😋整體評分:7.5/10 🫶🏻✍🏻 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2024-08-07
1707 瀏覽
Used to be a regular spot we visited but forgotten lately. Came here on a weekday night, we ordered the healthy ramen which tasted similar to previously but slightly saltier this time yet still acceptable.However the skewer quality dropped quite a bit, the chicken heart was barely cooked which the waiter insisted can be eaten raw as these were good quality sourced chicken. The other skewers were quite a miss, the chicken breast with miso plum was too heavily sauced making it too salty. Chicken soft bone we had 2 pieces which didn’t have any soft bone.Next we ordered the beef intestines skew, however as it was summer they turned on quite a few fans which even after over 30mins our skew couldn’t bring to a boil, we first informed the waiter of the situation and they said it’s ready to eat which obviously isn’t cause the intestines we raw to begin with. We then asked the waiter if we could move to another table cause the wind was blowing too strong she replied at the table suggested there was more fan surrounding. Another 10mins passed we ask if they could helped us bring it into the kitchen to bring it to a boil they said the kitchen had many orders to handle at the moment. After another 10mins still unable to boil, we asked again and they finally brought it into the kitchen but when brought it back out the intestine was still barely cooked. At that point we gave up and just asked the waiter if we could get a takeout box but they said the food is too hot and the box won’t be able to withstand it. Excuse after excuse they obviously had no intention of finding any resolution we left with a bitter taste in our mouths. 繼續閱讀
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