港鐵油麻地站 A1 出口, 步行約4分鐘 繼續閱讀
所有分店 (4)
12:00 - 22:00
12:00 - 22:00
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食評 (67)
[ 餃子園 | 旺角 ]Back in a week to try their other vegetarian dumpling as they are often overlooked by restaurants and not given enough effort and attention to. Again, I came at 12 pm sharp when they opened and not even a few minutes later, there were people coming in; most were solo diners but there was a table of mainland tourists this time around. —— —— 碧綠素菜餃麵 $47Their assorted mushroom and fungus dumplings last time were uber delicious and perfect in terms of flavours and textures so I had high expectations for this one too despite being priced less. The dumplings are filled with a type of green vegetable, tasted like choy sum or bok choy with a slight mustard taste. There are also a few pieces of mushroom in there for some additional chew. However, unlike the other dumplings, this one lacked quite a lot in flavour and texture. It merely tasted like diced vegetables in a dumpling wrapper. The dumpling wrapper also broke on a few of my dumplings because they were too thin which was not appealing. As for noodles, I forgot to change to their mixian which I really enjoyed so I am trying their Shanghai wheat noodles today. They are thinner than I expected and not doughy at all which I liked, they did however lack flavour as they don’t absorb the pork bone broth (delicious as always) as well. I also added $3 (not inclusive in $47) for extra vegetables to make the price a smooth 50 and they gave a but more than the usual amount. —— —— 推介 🙆🏻‍♀️💬 Overall, not the worse homemade vegetarian dumpling I’ve had but I definitely prefer their mushroom one that’s at a higher price. Their mixian is also better than their wheat noodles for a variety of reasons which you can read about in my last review for them. The atmosphere is nice and familiar but there is a young child there every week which I know may not appeal to a few patrons. 🗓 Revisit? ✅⭕️ / ❎ 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2023-07-03
514 瀏覽
又來到旺角搵食,通常六點幾鐘個人都未肚餓,就想冇咁Heavy食吓餃子旺角區好食嘅餃子唔太多,餃子源係其中一間比較常食嘅兩個人唔係好肚餓,叫咗三款餃子,一款粟米豬肉餃,莤香牛肉餃,木耳香菇素菜餃,我同朋友都比較喜歡豬肉餃。我覺得呢度嘅豬肉餃調味幾好,加埋粟米爽嘅口感,呢個配搭好好其餘兩款,牛肉我就覺得正常發揮,素菜餃亦都合理地好食,又可以呃自己健康咗另外叫咗個醉豬手,有五隻,呢度食咗兩隻😂不過呢個豬手就唔算太特別,冇酒味,可以唔使特別去試最後發現唔係好夠飽,叫多咗個茄子,雖然個冷盤最後先食有啲怪,但整體都係好食嘅,又再一次可以呃自己有食菜😂 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2023-04-10
741 瀏覽
剛好1個人想找點東西吃, 就直接進店內。無論店內或店外都是很有中國特式的裝修, 門前掛了兩個羊皮燈籠, 店內牆壁則掛著金色的龍。當我看到menu時才覺得自己應該試過此店, 一查之下發現之前試的正是灣仔的分店, 這間店的餃子暫時是我吃過最好的。灣仔的店比較大, 但空間感卻是旺角這間比較寛躺韭菜豬肉餃麵 Leek and pork dumpling noodle湯是用豬骨煲的, 一般同類的店大多用魚湯煲的, 各有各好。湯底沒有加味精, 嘗到濃濃的豬骨味, 很鮮甜。至於餃子, 雖然賣的是北方餃子, 餃子皮倒不是很厚。 韭菜與豬肉比例很適中, 豬肉很新鮮, 沒有肥豬肉, 也沒有吃到筋。(附加: 這裡不設雙併餃子, 而5隻淨餃子跟10隻淨餃子的價錢都有一段距離, 所以建議吃10隻, 或者叫碗麵比較化算)看看這餃子內是滿滿的餡料, 相當滿足! 酸辣湯 Spicy and sour soup這個湯倒是有點貴, 份量偏少, 但售$22。 幸好的是材料很多, 相對出面的味道是更辣更酸, 所以更惹味😋無論是灣仔還是旺角的質素都沒有令我失望, 由於灣仔的餃子皮是比較厚身, 所以我會更喜歡旺角的分店。只是旺角這邊就算是堂食都用膠碗木筷子, 實在不太環保 🙄 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2023-03-16
441 瀏覽
黎到旺角,一個人唔知想食乜,見到呢間舖,入去食個set lunch先。但我冇食到餃子,我食左一個豬扒麵,個set有跟小食,叫左個拍青瓜,又跟一杯飲品,我叫左豆漿。估唔到餃子店內既豬扒原來都甘好味,有我中意既有骨豬扒,脆脆地又熱辣辣,好夠味添喎,個拍青瓜食得出,好新鮮,唔係出面梅哂果d, 個汁同佢放係面頭,d蒜蓉放係側面,自己撈,好新鮮好正,又唔太辣。58蚊勁抵有回頭有回頭下次會試下佢既餃子,聽講仲出色又多一個中午既飯堂喇,值得推介 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2023-03-12
366 瀏覽
好鐘意呢間既餃子,隻隻脹卜卜肥嘟嘟,餡又足料,好食👍🏻 今次叫左鮮蝦豬肉餃,隻隻餃子入面都有成隻蝦,真材實料😋 餃子皮煎得好香脆,一咬開啲汁就滴落黎,好好味🤤 點小小辣醬同醋,更加滋味👅豬扒擔擔麵就一般,味道無咩特別😂 豬扒好細好少,吾抵食🚫吾鐘意呢度無論係筷子、杯杯碗碗全部都用外賣既形式即用即棄,好吾環保❌ 繼續閱讀
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