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坡式拉茶 鬆鬆(麵包)
食評 (42)
等級3 2015-09-13
678 瀏覽
返工要覓食,已經食得太多茶記米線快餐店,轉一轉口味去吃過星馬泰的土司工坊。餐蛋面可以去茶記食,椰漿飯我又唔喜歡,最後就點了一個比較少吃到的咖哩雞薄餅。 咖哩雞薄餅+凍檸茶 (53元)薄餅即叫即製,要稍等10分鐘,不過熱辣辣卻不太油,頗乾身配合咖哩汁也是不錯的選擇。(雖然薄餅本身無味)咖哩不辣亦不太香,很普通的咖哩。薯仔煮得好諗,我鐘意,雞無味,但肉質煮得還是爽口不會太諗,還好。自助形式,沒有服務可言。相對來說,如果食茶記食得悶,轉換口味這也算是一個選擇。總結評分味道:6/10 價錢:6/10 (53)環境:6/10服務:N/A 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2015-09-07
255 瀏覽
一向對這連鎖色的店印象不太好。但今次一掃在我心中的污名。 位子也比我預期的舒服, 或許是假日的午餐關係。星洲叻沙餐 $50香噴噴的椰奶香, 加上叻沙辣醬, 味度更濃更香, 很開胃。 有魚片, 豆卜, 蝦, 菜料不多, 但份量對於女孩子剛好, 而且並不至於辣得我滿頭大汗。 對於連鎖店的質素, 很滿意也滿足~~~跟餐南洋奶茶普通奶茶一杯, 不知推介位在那?! 哈哈… 也不熱… 只是微暖 茶味只屬一般巴東黃肉黃薑飯 $48每一口也有充分的薑味, 配合咖哩汁可說是一絕~! 咖哩汁也濃味~~ 令人開胃的一餐, 牛肉不難咬開, 可惜只有5-6塊… 量真的不夠, 只可汁撈飯。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2015-07-15
363 瀏覽
午飯時間排長龍, 站了十分鐘才到柜台點餐。買了東巴牛肉黃薑飯+凍檸檬薏米水共$58元。結果再等十分鐘, 催單後自己去取。飯是又凍又硬的冷飯, 但不是黃薑飯只剩白飯, 收錢時沒說明; 可是已經沒時間再等! 只有三片丁小牛肉根本不夠送飯!!! 檸檬薏米淡而無味。整體食物質數差, 貨不對版, 物非所值, 服務更沒有 ! 無下次囉 ..... 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2015-03-11
463 瀏覽
Toast Box is nothing special, it is a Singapore chain store with several outlets across Hong Kong but I really enjoy their freshly toasted bread with kaya and a strong & sweet tea, coffee or both (yuanyang).Toast Box specialises in Singaporean/Malaysian fare such as beef rendang, laksa, pandan cake and Nanyang coffee. There are several Toast Box Cafes across Hong Kong, and I’ve been a regular to the one in the basement of Times Square – but recently I tried the one in Tai Koo (that’s where the photos were taken).It mirrors a typical cafe from the 60s-70s, with its design and menu. It is cheap and cheerful, a lunch menu of soup and a drink will set you back around 45 HKD – and if you are still hungry, you can add on a slice of pandan or banana cake.Would I go there again? Yes, for a quick snack and a strong/sweet drink. It is nothing fancy and not a place where I would spend lots of time, but the food is solid, the service is quick, it is good value for money – and it reminds me of all the good times and kaya toasts I’ve had in Singapore! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2014-11-18
517 瀏覽
very awful, this is very bad singaporean food! the toast serve is cold, the teh is diluted, the laksa serve was warm and noodles undercooked. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)