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食評 (6)
喺大阪食過大阪王將嘅餃子太掛住正宗嘅日本餃子🤩記得香港之前喺旺角有一間分店但而家淨係得返尖沙咀崇光但係質素冇差咗👍🏻食餃子🥟一定要去大阪王將 坐得舒服 價錢又唔貴最緊要係好好味😋👍🏻肉質鮮甜 多汁😍🥟餡料係豬肉同菜 普通嘅餡料已經咁好味 皮煎得脆身 外脆內軟既感覺太正有2款汁既 一款係餃子汁 另一款係沙茶醬啲friend 餃子汁甜甜地 另一款醬汁係酸酸地但因為餃子餡料嘅肉質已經好鮮甜即使唔點餃子汁 都已經好好味真係食唔停🤩可惜香港得返一間分店😢 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2018-08-04
1567 瀏覽
同朋友係尖沙咀行街,行到Sogo有d肚餓又想坐下,見到大阪王將就試下。我地點左和風雞扒醬油拉麵、元祖手製煎餃子同明太子餃子。首先試嘅係和風雞扒醬油拉麵,雞扒炸得啱啱好,可以鎖住d雞汁,唔會太乾,好juicy。醬油拉麵湯底一般,但麵質ok,唔會太淋。然後試嘅係元祖手製煎餃子,餃子煎到金黃色,又唔會太油,配合酸酸地嘅餃子汁,味道唔錯。至於明太子餃子就更加好食,因為明太子味道更濃,可以比較突出肉質嘅鮮香。 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2018-07-31
893 瀏覽
尖沙咀話大唔大,話細唔細,今日去到尖東海旁果邊,已經餓到無力氣再行過去the one/k11果邊,所以決定打鐵趁熱,去sogo果邊搵野食,呢間日本野食幾好,估唔到我叫吉列豬扒飯既同時,又可以揀埋煎餃子,因為通常煎餃都係同拉麵一齊吉列豬扒都幾厚,厚得黎炸粉唔算多,唔同平時果d有d冰鮮既肉味,加分👍🏻配埋咖哩汁蛋包飯幾惹味,以煎餃就唔會煎得太濃,有肉汁👍🏻有好多餐廳因為想慳功夫而選炸炸物,其實炸物比我感覺一定係唔新鮮既素材,見到佢係煎餃已經好開心😊 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2017-02-04
2501 瀏覽
All the way I have heard Osaka Ohsho 's sesame chicken wings are famous But never know there's a shop inside So go tstit's a brand new experience To enter that Japan big department store Famed and well organised Like every Japan store Very good Neat Clean Very bright and with a great inexpensive super market if you want to buy some good tasty quick noodles You have to visit a Japan 🇯🇵 store when I sit down There are few people But after the wings ready Too many people finishing my delicious hot chicken Immediately I don't like crowds But the most important thing Their chicken fried are Great 👍 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2015-11-08
2643 瀏覽
After the one in Mong Kok close down, I've been looking everywhere to eat this dumpling. Finally, I was walking pass TST and my friend told me they still have this dumpling shop in SOGO. So I suggested to eat there, we walked in and saw that there were not a lot of seats. Anyway, we went to order a ramen with dumpling and rice dish.We got the marinated pork ramen in soya soup, the pork was a bit chewy and not soft enough like before. The noodles was alright, it was quite stretchy. There were lots of bean sprout but the soup was quite salty. On the other hand, I love the rice with egg and fried chicken. The egg was cooked nicely and I love the mayo on the egg and fried chicken. The chicken was cripsy and tender. I love the sauce very much, it was quite thick and tasted like miso. The dumpling was my favourite like always, they were crispy and cooked nicely. I love the ingredients which are the minced pork with vegetables. You must dip them in the sauce. 繼續閱讀
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