港鐵銅鑼灣站 B 出口, 步行約2分鐘 繼續閱讀
10:30 - 22:30
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食評 (19)
等級2 2017-06-25
1494 瀏覽
it is inevitable that you are unable to avoid the drinks counter here.anyway got the lychee thing and asked for it not so sweet and she squeezed extra syrup in so it was sooooooo sweet.態度不太友善同埋叫小甜駁命落很多糖漿。the receipt was weird, i only ordered tea but other drinks were there too. 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2017-03-04
1231 瀏覽
I noticed a few stands have closed in this food court and new ones have cropped up. Walking around, this one peaked my interest. Serving fried squid patty. You can have it with rice, noodles or as a burger!The places is called Mugs. They had a lunch menu when I was there. I decided to choose the squid burger with fries. I chose a honey mustard sauce instead of truffle as I'm not a fan of it. Price was $65 and includes a drink.As it was made to order, I waited a while for it. Maybe about 5 to 10 minutes. The squid patty was ok. There were a few chunks of squid mixed with a lot of filler. I suspect bread crumbs and flour? So, they didn't really give an entire patty made of squid. That was a bit disappointing. The bun was pretty good as it was toasted and warm. The potato wedges were  crispy with a nice soft center.For $65, this was a bit pricey for a food court. However, the taste was ok though I wish the squid patty (something the staff claimed they were famous for) would have had more squid. I don't think I'd be back to try them again. 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2017-01-21
916 瀏覽
首先講左好食先!! 黎左food court入面ge上海美食 Shanghai cuisine 食,叫左擔擔面 我覺得幾好食,佢個麵好正! 個湯底好濃郁,好香花生味 d麵剛剛好,唔會太林,幾彈口 感覺靜系食個麵已經好滿足。 個豬肉都好唔錯! 炸得幾香脆 撈埋d麵真係好滿足 仲有杯野飲送! 健康就一定唔健康嫁啦,但偶爾一兩次都okay ge hehe 食得好開心好滿足 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2017-01-13
789 瀏覽
成日都要諗食咩其實係一件好難嘅時嘅咁今日你行到大食代啦咁就一於食佢啦,🤗🤗🤗因為佢係樓上嘅咁入到去啦簡簡單單得幾間餐廳可以揀嘅啫,😌😌😌總會有上映嘅八方雲集啊韓國野啊好多都喺度嘅咁我見到一間好特別啦😀😀😀咁就係嗰啲祝你嘅係啦咁見到之後就好想食粥啦,咁都好驚喜嘅就係呢呢個比我笑足呢啱啱落左單嘅時候呢就係即刻開爐煮喎用呢個沙鍋煮,😍😍😍咁雖然等得來有少少啦但係攞上手嘅你一個粥係熱辣辣嘅,係本人覺得呢個粥嘅口味幾啱我嘅一嚟你。熱辣辣啦👍🏻,😬😬😬咁跟住之後呢咁我就帶咗一個急抵觸啦急抵觸裏面呢有好多肉肉呢就唔老囉好 嫩滑啦同我粥底呢好夾嘅原本有味啦所以呢係好好食嘅😊😊👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2016-07-17
1675 瀏覽
今天晚上獨自吃晚飯,沒有任何主意,唯有頹食。第一次喺銅鑼灣大食代食飯,冇諗過美食廣場的運作係甘亂。買嘢食同拎野食有一個counter,但係水吧又係另一邊,搞到我好亂。最後係一間食上海菜的買了一份晚餐,酸菜魚湯配菜飯。呢個酸菜魚湯同我想像中嘅有好大出入,佢夠酸,但係味道怪怪的,魚的味道都係怪怪的,而且湯內的好雜亂,乜菜都有,我就prefer 菜款單一。而且個菜飯加五蚊,但係一啲菜味都無。呢餐都要差不多六十蚊,真係無下次。 繼續閱讀
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