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食評 (67)
等級1 2015-05-03
1868 瀏覽
唔錯 咁多間大排檔算係好好味既一間 蝦仁炒蛋d蝦仁好新鮮好大舊 海鮮都整得幾好味 蒸元貝必叫 雞煲翅湯好好飲 湯料好味 炒鮮奶好滑 可以試下 炭燒豬頸肉好足料 環境也是大排檔裡比較乾淨的 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2014-07-22
1668 瀏覽
貪新忘舊乃是人之常情,筆者其實也是其一份子。 曾幾何時不停在跑馬地內打滾,總是覺得所有店吃不完吃不厭的。但是間一久,人大了,見識多了就抱著往外走心態,不停在外闖盪用餐,就像很多打工一族一樣不愛回家。今天難得回到跑馬地,市政大樓感覺非常陌生,因為除了早午餐還會偶爾光顧外,基本上晚市都不曾上來。 不過今天既然來到就姑且試試手勢有否退步。秘制風沙雞: 意想不到上的第一道菜,炸蒜蓋滿了面一點都不慳皮,雞身脆口而且雞內已經盡入味,所以跟本不用沾送來的甜醬。 另外雞身脆口同時雞皮什少肥膏,而雞胸肉也沒有平常的硬相對更易入口。白飯魚煎蛋: 其實看圖的魚相信其實是銀魚而不是白飯魚,正式的白飯魚應該是奶白色而且幼小而無骨的,而相反銀魚呈透明色而且粗長而帶骨。 不過2者煮熟後都會白色所以平常人不什留意, 不過即使用銀魚煎蛋其實味道也不差,同樣香口時蛋身要留意要帶少少煎烤色又不能太老,這兒做得算是很不錯。生炒藕片:賣相沒什睇頭,如果加點蔥花相信顏色會較搶,不過味道反而不錯,帶少少茨汁的爽甜香脆藕片比起來更像小食多於主菜。沙薑雞腳: 小食竟然最後上,而且是最失色的,雞腳味首先不重乃其一,雞腳時間蒸得不夠以致太黏不離骨乃其二,全晚就因為這道菜而扣了分。縱使一道菜失色但不致於全軍盡墨,今天整體來說小菜沒有太大退步。 不過四周環境卻相對於當年冷清了,希望倒是星期一傳統冷清的關係吧! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2013-11-03
1297 瀏覽
是日入跑馬地尋找食物不喝酒的情況下,要在此區找餐廳還真的有點難度最後還是去了熟食市場電梯門一打開就是兩家的熱情拉客,看來店舖數量並不是店舖競爭的大小呢於是先來了嫦記,下次再嚐另一家吧先來看看菜式再選一下雞湯翅真的有翅有雞,味道是真的,絕無欺場,價格卻絕不算貴。以這個湯作開始,感覺不錯。風沙雞一個十分美味的菜式,炸得香滑,雞的味道被充分釋放。本人甚好雞肉,此雞應會列入本人記錄呢,一定會再來品嚐。竹笙西蘭花這是考店家的菜,店家似乎有點失準呢。整道菜沒有了味道,是沒下鹽了。。。這個真的猜不到,莫非此店處理蔬菜方面較差?就此吃飽了,但還真是不錯的中菜選擇。在吃太多西菜的時候,來一頓好吃的中菜還真是一個好選擇。 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2012-07-19
968 瀏覽
嫦記/銖記..嫦記/銖記..相信去過此處吃晚飯的朋友一定會記得..一出升降機門就會比積極的姐姐們落力的問..今日..一出升降機門異常的寧靜..心想..還好..今次可以慢慢吃一餐!一早訂咗..雖然魚翅不是大排大排的那種..但有這麼多..這個價錢..真的不錯了..值得一讚係個雞湯好清甜..一D雞油都無..讚!今日..是否我味蕾有些少問題..總覺得隻雞淡mou mou..即係雞無雞味嗰隻..初初以為個煲用到變咗形..原來之後發現所有嘅煲都係咁樣..佢個通菜煲..係"成條"通菜上..唔知係咪無"粗"通菜呢呢個煲..上菜後..我都唔記得係咩煲..因為比D豆腐"遮"住晒 係魚雲煲嚟嘅..不俗..呢個炸蠔餅..因為炸到咁勁..我怕熱氣..友人話唔得..我更加無試..呢個保持到水準..炒鮮奶..甜甜地..配西蘭花..有點格格不入..正常..沒有驚喜!點解呢? 點解呢? 之前去完嫦記都好滿足地回家..今日味蕾得不到預期的暢快..是我今日味蕾有事? 還是食物味道差了? 不過..我不會因一次的不滿意而放棄一家之前令我回味嘅食肆..希望下次重來時..能找回味蕾的滿足感! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2012-07-14
1035 瀏覽
First of all, don't expect nice decor in this place- this is like a hawker style food centre, so what you see is what you get. But what you get are live seafood tank full of fresh seafood- prawns, pipis, mantis prawns etc. We arrived at about 10:00pm so all the shouting and yelling had disappeared, which was good cos we can truly enjoy our food.First came the scrambled eggs with prawns. The eggs were quite light and fluffy and the prawns were fresh. The only downfall was that it was a bit salty, but that was probably Esky’s fault as he did dump all the soy sauce that was provided for the eggs into the dish. Next came the razor clam. Steamed with garlic and vermicelli,the dish was finished with heated up oil and soy. It was sensational. The vermicelli absorbs all the soy, garlic and seafood flavours. The razor clam was fresh and have a nice bite to it. Yum.The scallops are actually cooked the same way as the razor clam. The scallops in HK don’t usually have roe which is sometimes a bit sad cos I am a roe kinda gal. Either way this is also very delicious but perhaps a tad overcooked. But hey, better safe than sorry in HK.By this time our table is full of food but out came the Mantis Shrimp with all its deep fried glory. Mantis shrimp is also strangely known as peeing prawns in HK due to fact that it release a stream of water when they get picked up. Maybe the shrimps thought that this would deter us from eating it, but not a chance!The friendly waiter cut the shrimp up for us, exposing the delicious meat that you eat with the deep fried confetti of shallots, chilli and garlic. Nommers!!! The shrimp itself has quite a firm texture and the flesh is sweet.By that time it was quite late and I was in a food coma, but that was when the waiters started bringing out huge plates of seafood for their staff dinner, and my oh my I had a bad case of the food envy then! I was too polite to take a photo of their food, but the plates of fresh pipis, the steamed fish etc forces my tummy make enough room just to rumble. My eyes glazed over but thankfully a gentle push from my hubby saved me from drooling over their food. My original post with more pictures is on my website, which apparently this website won't let me put a link here. Oh well, hope you like my review and my pics anyway 繼續閱讀
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