港鐵天后站 A2 出口, 步行約4分鐘 繼續閱讀
6402 6976
11:00 - 21:00
11:00 - 19:00
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
肉鬆蛋餅 黃金蝦排 蔥抓餅 總裁牛肉蛋漢堡
食評 (50)
等級4 2016-07-30
2685 瀏覽
香港人最鐘意台灣小食,食幾多都唔厭,但香港租咁貴,又好少做得正宗,唯有呢間,價錢貴過台灣,不過這是常識啦!蛋餅!塊皮即煎,粉漿係自己開,有葱花,夾住芝士同ham,上面淋左少少醬,即食夠新鮮,一咬落去,又係種種台灣嘅回憶浮上心頭~絕對正宗!台灣早餐店都有得食嘅burger,又係即整材料唔係最直接覺得台灣味,而係d醬!醬先係精華所在!一定要係台灣買嘅先做到!個包都幾大,有菜,煎蛋,一塊肉。一咬落去就覺得好滿足 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2016-06-12
1627 瀏覽
響台灣我最中意食嘅早餐就係蛋餅,偏偏香港好小地方食到,好彩有小倆口!個包裝好懷舊,用一個小紙盒加橡筋就完成!簡單直接好有台灣風!我揀咗肉鬆粟米芝士蛋餅,蛋餅即叫即整拎到返屋企仲熱熱地,一開盒見餡料份量好多直情爆左出嚟!外皮沒台灣的煙韌,蛋味不夠,入邊粟米香甜,肉鬆都好味,芝士雖然半熔但味道不夠。。。綜合小小失望。。。雖然小倆口味道一般,但都能一解我單思台灣蛋餅之苦,幫手止一止心癮。 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2016-06-05
1100 瀏覽
I wandered past this on my way home midweek after previously having dismissed it as another not-for-vegetarians snack shop but this time I read the menu properly and found that they do indeed cater to vegetarians. As well as a couple of pancake items (which I would like to return to try later), there is a vegetarian BBQ pork burger. Given that this is a Taiwanese snack shop it makes sense, that they have veggie options, Taiwan is amazingly vegetarian-friendly, it seems that you can find a vegetarian restaurant in almost every neighbourhood there, (although you might find that most of your fellow diners are in the over-50 age range).I wasn't too hungry so I only ordered the burger and decided to stay to eat. The rating area is just on the street so it's a bit warm in the summer but that's just normal in Hong Kong. The server was really friendly, he indicated for me to be seated first and didn't take my money until after the meal (somehow this feels like a friendly gesture in a fast food shop). It was only him working so he prepared the food whilst I waited and in five minutes it was brought out to me along with a glass of water. The bun was not a plain white bun, maybe not wholewheat either but a little brown and with oats on top. Sprinkled on the base of the bun was pumpkin floss, (I've only had this in Taiwan before), which added a nice crunch. Then came the 'pork' part. It was of the fake meat variety, like a couple of slices of fake pork. I'm afraid I can't tell you if it actually tastes like pork, I don't know what the real think tastes like. But I can tell you that it tasted meaty and BBQ-y which was really nice. It was topped with some crisp lettuce and salad dressing. I liked the combination of the meaty BBQ flavour with the freshness of the lettuce, also the dressing added a nice sharp sweetness. I really appreciate it when places like this provide clearly advertised vegetarian options, it was a nice little snack and I hope I can go back to try the sweet potato pancake soon. 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2016-05-12
709 瀏覽
清風街除左糖水店,其實仲有其他小食店架~ 就好似呢間主力賣台式蛋餅既小店,佢地有8款口味($20-28),$30 仲可以有"倆款口味蛋餅"添! 今次我就試左(豬肉鬆+粟米)呢倆款口咪勒~~~ --即整熱滕滕好香蛋味,感覺好幸福哦~~~ --蛋皮唔厚, 都算薄, 唔會滯同肥膩--切成一小口一小口甘,容易食~--蛋皮配豬肉鬆味道好夾注意: 門前有小長枱坐得2-3個人. 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2016-05-08
2069 瀏覽
一想起台灣,就會想到數之不盡的平民地道街頭小食,牛肉麵、蛋餅、魯肉飯、台灣腸、珍珠奶茶,多不勝數,這天經過天后清風街,留意到一間外貌平凡又不顯眼的餐廳,供應所提及到的煎蛋餅,勾起小妹去年在台灣中尋找到陳根找茶和阜杭豆漿出品蛋餅的思念。餐廳門外只放有一張長板枱和六張椅子,設計有點簡陋,冬天食住風又過冷,夏天悶焗天氣又會太熱,也會被蚊咬,所以一句講曬,還是「外賣」最好。透過半身玻璃牆,可以直望餐廳內部廚房的規模和廚師在內煮食的模樣。餐牌就是掛在長板枱上面,主力售賣煎蛋餅,有自選單款($25)或兩款($30)配搭,例如有肉鬆、火腿、芝士、蛋、煙肉、但鮪魚另要加+$3。另外,還有供應少量漢堡、三文治、薯角、雞塊和特色飲品。肉鬆芝士蛋餅($30)筆者在蛋餅中揀了肉鬆和芝士,靜待十分鐘,員工煎好後會自動端上。賣相跟筆者在台灣吃到的有些微出入,在台灣吃到的蛋餅,所有配料都會包在批餅之中,相反這裡的芝士則舖在蛋餅之上。據說蛋餅餅面由台灣空運到港,質素有一定保證。新鮮滾熱辣嚐一嚐,蛋餅餅面米香煙韌,煎時油份不多,所以蛋餅表面未算煎得油光滿面,襯上半溶芝士,咸香較淡但不覺膩,內饀塞入滿滿的肉鬆,再塗上廚師自製的蒜蓉豉油蜜汁,令咸惹黏口的肉鬆,帶來清新的香甜,是豐厚、簡單、美味。不過,筆者還是較喜歡吃台灣那種被煎至薄身又帶點脆口的餅面,內裡才是塞港厚厚的饀料。蕃薯煎餅($25)清淡一點,再來個蕃薯煎餅來試試。煎餅外層有點似印度酥餅,酥而不油,撕起來有種層層酥開的層次感。蕃薯饀比例不多,但起碼分怖平均,清甜軟腍。黑糖奶茶($14)最後買多一杯黑糖奶茶,悶焗的天氣下一飲解千愁,黑糖美味怡人,甜度不算高,未有蓋過奶茶香,奶滑茶濃,冰涼爽快。整體每款食物份量不多,材料也簡單,但看到員工由落單、收銀、製作、上碟、收碼、清潔都是一腳踏的時候,吃到的是令人重拾昔日在台灣旅行時感受到那裡台灣人的親和力。 繼續閱讀
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