港鐵尖沙咀/尖東站 P2 出口, 步行約5分鐘 繼續閱讀
所有分店 (3)
11:00 - 22:45
11:00 - 22:45
AlipayHK 支付寶 現金 八達通
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食評 (41)
等級4 2024-09-11
677 瀏覽
【油尖旺區】【新大光燈】一直以來我做呢個 foodie 都係為咗女同事而做,但係慢慢覺得自己其實都享受個過程,為別人而做不如為自己而做。然而,女同事幾年前話想我講多少少紅館附近嘅餐廳,我都永銘於心。雖然近年因為種種原因而少咗講,但係只要我可以做,我就會去做。嚟到尖東噴水池附近嘅呢間「新大光燈馳名巷仔雲吞麵」,見佢唔係嗰啲好 heavy 嘅嘢,就自費食吓佢啦。我見佢哋個 $58 嘅「柱候牛筋腩撈伊麵」幾吸引,仲免費配罐「可樂」,就叫咗個嚟食。食落只能夠講係可以,同埋份量都夠,唔算好差咁囉。咁我知道呢間始終都係食雲吞麵嘅,咁就叫碗 $42 嘅「正吞交」嚟食,即係「淨雲吞水餃」呀,哈哈。估唔到佢哋啲水餃仲好食過雲吞,係真係好食嗰隻,個餡口感幾好,可能係咁就搞到啲雲吞黯然失色啦。係啲水餃救返餐飯,令到呢 $100 好似冇咁唔抵。。。(地址:尖沙咀麽地道67號半島中心地下G36號舖)#1amfoodie #foodie #hkfoodie #thatfoodiething #hkfood #food #instafood #yummy #foodlover #delicious #foodies #tasty #globaleats #tastyfood #dessert #foodpics #followforfollowback #love #eat #1am油尖旺區 #紅磡 #尖東 #尖沙咀 #1am紅館 #新大光燈 #柱候牛筋腩撈伊麵 #可樂 #正吞交 #淨雲吞水餃#雲吞 #水餃 #1am1505 #1ambackup 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2025-01-01
174 瀏覽
#新大光燈this place name is not about food. its about a big light. i dunno why. after google, their boss used to be a hawker in street.congee about 37$ its expensive, i order minced beef + black egg 7$. total 44$ for congee is not enuf to feed me. but taste were good. they used real beef instead of fried noodle beef. portion is a bit small i order chasiu intestine powder.the skin is thin and transparent. inside with so many chasiu. very good but cost me 33$.my overall lunch is expensive 77$. but taste good.will be back.ig: thunder5dicks#food #hkfood #hongkongfood #台灣美食 #ukfood #ausfood #馬保國 #香港美食 #thunder5dicks #閃電五連鞭 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2024-06-07
685 瀏覽
今日來食個早午飯成個飯餐餐牌,除咗豬手同牛腩之外,大部分都係薑蔥肉片湯飯之類,可是我唔食薑蔥的,又想食下菜,於是我揀咗「生菜鯪魚球湯飯」。可是,明明餐牌係寫「生菜鯪魚球湯飯」,而且點菜單據都係打「生菜鯪魚球湯飯」,但我點餐時佢又唔講明冇生菜,直接幫我將生菜轉咗做薑蔥,直至碗鯪魚球來到檯面我先知。我食飯途中,聽到坐我後面檯嘅一名熟客向侍應再三表示「今日嘅豬手唔夠腍」。個侍應就回應話「下次夾啲腍啲嘅俾你」。「生菜鯪魚球湯飯餐」(根本冇生菜)$56 (豆漿+$6)味道一般,賣相一般。諗起自己身處喺一間疑似違反商品說明條例嘅餐廳,已經冇晒胃口。有5粒鯪魚球,我食到第4粒食到餿味吐返出來。我怕係自己搞錯,於是食埋剩低嗰粒比較一下味道,確認了第4粒果然係餿咗,即使我嘗試加胡椒粉也蓋不了那餿味。當時係接近午飯時間,陸續有客人入來食午飯。我向其中一名侍應表示我吐出來嗰舊鯪魚球餿咗,佢拿拿臨講咗句「食完喇嘛」,就收走我碗野毀屍滅跡了。食物有問題,食客向餐廳反映,係希望餐廳跟進及作出改善。但係睇住呢度嘅人咁嘅態度,真係唔駛再來。我去收銀處俾完錢後,便向老闆娘反映返我食物嘅問題同佢員工嘅態度問題。不過我趕時間走,不知道佢地有冇去check返啲食物我就走咗了。#中伏 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2024-03-15
859 瀏覽
I had a strong craving for pork liver and decided to search for a place to satisfy my craving. That's when I came across a restaurant called 新大光燈 in TST through Google search. To my delight, it turned out to be a great find! The lady boss or perhaps the manager of the restaurant kindly recommended that I try their mixed pork soup noodles.What caught my attention was the fact that they didn't use beef soup base, unlike many other famous local restaurants that serve pork liver. This was a relief for me because, for religious reasons, I don't consume beef or anything cooked with beef stock. It was reassuring to know that I could enjoy my meal without any concerns.Upon entering the restaurant, I noticed how busy it was. The place was packed, and everyone had to squeeze in and share tables. It was a bustling and lively atmosphere, which added to the overall experience. Despite the crowded space, I was pleasantly surprised by the exceptional service provided by the servers. Unlike some other local restaurants in Hong Kong, the servers at 新大光燈 were extremely friendly and attentive. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2023-11-16
1017 瀏覽
午飯跟同事叫粥食,我點了個 艇仔粥同一個炸兩,同事點了 一碗碎牛粥。外賣🥡拎走回公司吃。粥夠熱,所以材料應該熟透了。不過我們也覺得兩碗粥雖然足料,不過就好少米,好稀,好似飲粥水;另外食完大家好口乾,未知是不是落了太多味精。食完一吐水,仲要不停咁飲水,所以我哋要不停去廁所。炸兩好少少,不過腸粉唔夠多,只得1塊腸粉包住油炸鬼,如果腸粉可以厚啲就好⋯之前喺入邊堂食,不過因為環境太迫,太熱,所以先今次轉左外賣⋯ 繼續閱讀
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