臨近農曆新年,飯局不斷。一向喜歡吃海鮮、亦愛大排檔風味的我,選擇了鵝頸橋街市的明記。先來一個我至愛的蟶子皇,用清蒸的方法來烹調,最能感受到食物的鮮味。蟶子很肥美,蘸上加入日本芥辣的醬油來吃,小小攻鼻的刺激,既能增加食慾,又能感受到食物的鮮甜。再來一個酥炸桶蠔。愛吃桶蠔,貪它較肥美而不老,不會吃到整張嘴巴都是咬不掉的食物渣滓。用酥炸方法烹調,外脆內軟,加入金蒜,蘸上酸甜醬汁,又美味又香口。巨型瀨尿蝦,用椒鹽來炸,然後切件上碟,睇見都已經流口水,不怕辣的朋友,加入辣椒一起吃,更加好吃到不得了。老公 order 了今天的主角--阿拉斯加蟹,蟹很大隻,可惜到達之前,已經被送入廚房解體了,無緣一見廬山真貌。蟹腳及蟹鉗清蒸,然後蘸醬油來吃,格外吃到蟹的鮮、蟹的甜,超正半截蟹腳足足有一隻手指長,擦開後啖啖肉,美味滿足!人生一樂。蟹肉用了避風塘方法來烹調,調味料味太濃,搶去了蟹的鮮味,浪費了蟹的新鮮。最後來一個清蒸青衣,用清淡鮮甜的魚肉沖洗一下口腔內濃濃的味道,魚肉軟滑鮮甜且不帶腥味,為這一頓年夜飯畫上一個完美的句號。
Last night I was drinking with a group of HKU people in Wan Chai and one of them, a local Hong Konger, suggested this place. I will say straight-up that the food here was fantastic. There was a significant wait time to get a table (~45 minutes) BUT this was mitigated by the fact that they gave us seats and free beer (!!!) for the wait and also we were a party of 10. They don't take reservations, so if you come, be prepared to wait, cuz it's popular.Ming Kee does have English menus, but I didn't
Last night I was drinking with a group of HKU people in Wan Chai and one of them, a local Hong Konger, suggested this place. I will say straight-up that the food here was fantastic. There was a significant wait time to get a table (~45 minutes) BUT this was mitigated by the fact that they gave us seats and free beer (!!!) for the wait and also we were a party of 10. They don't take reservations, so if you come, be prepared to wait, cuz it's popular.
Ming Kee does have English menus, but I didn't do any of the ordering so I don't know the exact names of the dishes below.
The first dish that came was the fish cake. This was so good that we ordered it again. As you can tell from the picture, I had trouble getting a picture without someone grabbing more. It was just a fishcake, but the texture was perfect, it was really crispy on the outside, and the chili sauce it came with had some respectable heat. A+
I also highly recommend the spicy snails. First of all, they're pretty meaty. But I actually don't recommend the snails for the snails. They come in this chili and black bean sauce that is delicious and intensely spicy. I put it on rice and it was great. A+
We had several fried things, all of which were pretty good. I think this was taro, though I can't say for sure (it was like taro, at least). Like the other fried things it came with a spicy (but not too spicy) and sweet dipping sauce. I liked this one reasonably well. B+
Again, I'm not absolutely sure about all the dishes, but I think this was fish maw (the swim bladder-- it's homologous to human lungs). This was my first fish maw, but I thought it was great-- nice and meaty and fried till crispy but not greasy. B+
Also my first chicken soft bone. Is it really bones? How do they do that? Mostly the texture was as of tendons or gristle. I can't really imagine why this is a thing, but hey, there was nothing bad about it. C
Also my first mantis shrimp. These aren't actually shrimp, but a related crustacean. The ones here were small in comparison to many I've seen, and they were pretty difficult to eat, and kind of unrewarding given the size. The meat's alright-- closer to lobster than shrimp, and the sauce it was put in was, as is par for this place, pretty tasty. B-
We had three other dishes as well. The two not pictured were some plain noodles (nothing exciting) and fried pork in thousand island sauce (kind of gross if you ask me). The one here is some sort of vegetable, I don't know what it's name is. It was cooked until it was very wilty, but I sort of liked it that way. The broth it was cooked in seemed more flavorful than the standard corn-starch-and-chicken-broth thing they do at Cantonese places. I like it. B+
As I said, the food here is fantastic. The dishes are small-ish (we had 13 for 10 people), but that's good-- you can order more things. The price is reasonable (we paid $120 or so a head, and we drank a fair amount of beer). It's probably a bit difficult to navigate with no Cantonese, but they do have an English menu. I loved the place. A