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焦糖咖啡 (Caramel Macchiato) 紅木花茶 特色公司三文治 (Club Supremo) 藍莓芝士蛋糕 (Blueberry Cheese Cake) 雞肉磨菇批 (Chicken and Mushroom Pie)
食評 (4)
等級3 2011-12-02
198 瀏覽
About 5:45pm this evening, I enjoyed a tea break with my best friend in Starbucks. There were lots of people, and we sat outdoor.We ordered1) Blueberry cheese cake ($30)(2) Blueberry Scone ($16)- Tastes are always good!- Especially the cheese cake, its texture is quite soft and the blueberries are juicy! (My friend said that last time when she tried it in one of the branches in Sha Tin, the texture was a bit hard.)- Also, the scone is good, and it is hot enough! Next time, I would try the cranberry scone!!!!!- The waitress was so funny. When I wanted to order the new snack 'Orange Panettone', I asked if its texture is similar to muffin, and she said 'its name is "bread", i think it is like bread'. But, it looks like a bigger muffin, yet, I decided not to go for it and only ordered blueberry scone for safe.- And, When she helped me to heat it up, she did not give me a fork to eat it, so I asked. And she said, 'it's too crunchy, when you use a fork, it will disperse. In fact, did she want me to use my hand to eat it? I think eating muffin or sandwiches by using hands is reasonable, but how can I eat a scone I was totally shocked! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2011-06-23
64 瀏覽
五月上旬‧晴有幾件事是特別可以引起人群起「圍插」的,一是提起地產商,二就是這個品牌。咁,唔使講都知這裡的咖啡很一般,又實在講,好少因為這裡的咖啡而來。是日要找個地方傾別人的行程,選了這裡。早上,可以輕易的找個疏化位。要了鮮奶咖啡,鮮泡一塌胡塗。咖啡味是一貫的淡淡的,就當是一杯飲料好了。個多小時後在Sabatini的特濃咖啡才是咖啡,我很清楚。但舒舒服服的坐了個多小時,又傾好所有的事,是不錯的。所以我,從來不會加入「圍插」行列,做人需要同仇敵愾的感覺才會信心大一點?從來知自己在做什麼的人就不用了。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2010-06-16
25 瀏覽
行到有d腳仔軟, 入去坐買杯咖啡坐下~ 要咗一杯黑芝麻抹茶星冰樂 & Lemon Lamington.先講杯飲品, 已經叫咗少甜, 但真係甜到有d'確'喉~ 黑芝麻味已經將抹茶味蓋過.Lemon Lamington: 外面佈滿椰絲, 人入口軟綿綿, 散發清新檸檬味 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2009-04-27
9 瀏覽
昨日到過Pacific Coffee,今日想再續前緣. 四周圍搵唔到Pacific Coffee,於是走咗去Starbuck. SB同PC賣的花茶都係差唔多,但大家入的牌子唔同. 我今日要了芙蓉花茶,而朋友要了Latte,還加了蛋沙律吞拿魚三文治. 芙蓉花茶係紫色既,味道同藍莓有d似,但有d酸,所以要落蜜糖. 愛清淡的我,還是記掛着昨天那杯Chamomile hertal tea,配上那套陶瓷杯碟,才有飲茶的味道. 個三文治有四件(蛋沙律同吞拿魚各兩件)勁多餡,個包重烘得勁脆,所以勁好味! 食早餐,以後又多個好選擇! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)