As a Starbucks "死忠 fans", I found no reason to visit PCC. At 9:45am, I went to this Starbucks shop for caffeine to support me for the upcoming 5 hours meeting. Specialty coffee, such as cappuccino/latte/mocha ..., never be my choice. Among americano, drip coffee, and espresso, I chose Double Espresso. I'm a simple coffee drink, only trust my own original feeling instead of what I learned from coffee seminar or "Coffee 101". This double espresso has strong coffee aroma with good looking color. Taste is quite subjective. At least, I am 85% accept the taste. For the next visit (if any), I will still return Starbucks.
Starbucks hea於午飯後@17/8我Starbucks成癮啦,每天午飯後總喜愛到Starbucks嘆一杯咖啡,hea掉餘下的午飯時間。若某日不來,總令我魂牽夢縈...今天我又來一杯我的至愛-Mocha。從前大家樂,美心快餐提供即磿咖啡,我覺得自己飲的咖啡變高級了。接著在我生命中出現了McCafe,我見異思遷了。怎也想不到,今天,只有Starbucks及DeliFrance可以滿足我。快餐店的,太過酸澀;McCafe,甜得太過份;就只有這裡的,恰如其份。從前的,已經很難再叫我下嚥,現在的,又能滿足我多久呢?我的天呀,真的不知道~
As I rarely drink coffee I was excited when these two drinks were launched.It was Red Bean and Green Tea Frappuccino and the other was Hojicha and Tea Jelly Frappuccino.I ordered both because I wanted to try both even though I do not like red beans, but I felt that the Red Bean and Green Tea Frappuccino would just taste the same as the usual green tea Frappuccino with red beans added.Apart from the drinks I found some other interesting snacks such as the edamame beans and lemon aloe jelly yoghurt cup.++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Red Bean and Green Tea FrappuccinoThe green tea frappuccino was nice and creamy and there was no grassy or bitter taste.As I left it for a while the slushed ice floated on top so I ended up drinking the milky part at the bottom.++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Hojicha and Tea Jelly FrappuccinoEarl grey itself is such an aromatic tea but it is usually served hot so the taste is slighty different when served hot. I feel that when earl grey is used in puddings and cold drinks the flavour comes out more.The drink was really nice especially because the earl grey was strong and the milk they used was not too milky and powdery.At the bottom there was some tea jelly which I had last and it was really nice.++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
由Starbucks推出新的Frappuccino便想著要試,終於找到了一個這個下午,吃過了阿拉伯三文治後與友人來到這一店.店內較舒適的坐位都被坐滿,反之門外有兩張枱是有sofa的.冰櫃沒有合心的甜點,只要了一杯Grande Coffee Jelly Frappuccino(No cream).Frappuccino 已喝慣了,味道亦不用再多介紹,反而是Coffee Jelly,沒有很重的咖啡味,感覺就似是啫喱狀的涼粉.起初還怕這麼少的一枝飲管喝不到jelly,但jelly很軟,而且一攪之下就會散,所以問題不大.至於環境,附近5分鐘的距離還有2間咖啡店,所以這間starbucks人流不會太多.加上樓上寫字樓沒有開,所以即使坐門口也不怕被騷擾,而且很安靜,比起合和那一家還更好.下一個目標就是新開的Starbucks冰室,希望等人少一點再試.