港鐵黃竹坑站B出口, 步行約2分鐘 繼續閱讀
07:30 - 23:00
07:30 - 23:00
AlipayHK 支付寶 現金
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
食評 (26)
等級1 2024-10-04
1121 瀏覽
超級垃圾酒樓,叫了一壺普洱茶。查到後倒出來的水不熱,沖出來的茶亦淡淡的。在圖中可以看到,這是第二次沖泡出來的茶,習慣上第一次沖的茶都不要。打開茶壺看,茶包是下沉的。表示已浸了很久,亦即是說;負責的夥記根本沒有更換茶包!這種服務態度,這種質素的酒樓不能接受。最後要求換過一壺茶,衝出來後的茶在第二次沖泡的時候;茶的顏色及味道有很大的分別。請看圖中的比較。叫來的油炸鬼,是番炸的。硬硬的一條,似一顆柴枝!從來沒有見過這種質素的酒樓,真正是“留港超貴”。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
一行6人北上回來,總要留港消費一下,選擇了這間新商場的餐廳吃晚飯。餐廳沒有很大,不過都不算坐得侷促,我們點了一些點心/炒粉麵飯/甜品。廈門炒米炒得乾爽,五柳爽脆,酸甜酸甜的,相當開胃。福建炒飯配料相當多,瑤柱/蝦仁/雞肉及不同的蔬菜粒,非常豐富。日式咸水角跟普通咸水角沒有分別,只是最尾有一丁點的日式芥末,我吃不太出,我朋友說的。菜苗餃也是普通的菜苗餃,蝦爽脆,多皮煙韌。叉燒包蠻好吃的,叉燒好脆。小籠包爆汁小籠包,好吃。鵪鶉蛋燒賣我沒吃到,朋友都蠻喜歡這款古老的點心。叉燒腸(忘記拍)也不錯,他們的叉燒都脆脆的。紅棗糕軟糯香甜。楊枝甘露香甜中夾雜柚子一點苦澀,口感特別。順德燉雙皮奶好熱,要小心吃,我燙到嘴了,不過蠻香滑的。食物不錯的。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2024-09-05
1673 瀏覽
點咗1粥1㷆兩,碗粥3分鐘到,個炸兩差不多30分鐘先到,碗粥都已經食完! 同阿姐講,佢重話"咁嘛好好囉! 啱啱倉完喇!" 重有另1位阿姐同我話"我哋啲炸兩係要耐啲㗎!" 我唔知佢明唔明白粥同炸兩呀,炒麵之類係一種配套,係互相平衡既食物! 如果炸兩要用長啲時間,咁個粥可唔可以遲啲煮!我真係好失望,做飲食應該有翻啲飲食既常識同態度! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2024-08-19
2053 瀏覽
🔹️與家人到黃竹坑 The Southside食晚餐🥢媽媽選了 “有名堂” 這店, 店內燈光明亮🌟 設有多坐位, 十分寬敞👍 食物有水準👌 服務稱心👨‍💼👩🏻‍💼 價錢合理💰🔹️我們8:50pm到達, 入座後才知道9pm入座可享宵夜優惠價🧐 哈哈😅下次練完功先來食夜粥啦😆😆🔸️我們點了:泥鯭粥🐟🥣 蔥花蝦米炸両腸粉🌯 薑蔥魚雲煲🐟🥘腩汁通菜🥬紅燒乳鴿🐣鮮蝦荷葉飯🦐楊枝甘露🍵順德燉雙皮奶🥛 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2024-08-07
1765 瀏覽
I was born in Hong Kong, but left when I was 16. I went to Hong Kong to visit friends and relatives, and visited this restaurant. Food was OK if you didn't expect a lot. What I wanted to write about was their service. I don't think that I have ever been to any restaurant that customers got yelled at. I thought we were lucky because the servers didn't yell at us, until we checked out. This is the type of restaurant where you paid at the front desk. I used my Octopus card and realized when I got my receipt that it went into negative balance. I was concerned that they wouldn't get pay, so I asked her if the payment got through. She started screaming at me, saying "IT'S PAID! WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO?" She was deranged. I never met any receptionist/cashier like that in my life. I found out later from my relatives that the Octopus card has a $50 deposit. As long as the overdrawn amount is less than $50, it would be OK. If it didn't go through, I would know. This restaurant made me uncomfortable: tables and chairs got dragged from one place to another, making the place even more noisy. Tables weren't cleared promptly. One server dripped sauces from a finished plate all over the floor and didn't bother to clean up. One server wore a pair of shoes that were so worn out that one of its toe caps were opened, showing his dirty toe nails.   I would not go there again and do not recommend this restaurant.  繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)